Abu Taymiyyah – Would ImamHussein approve of lashing yourself & U Wahabis don’t love ImamHussain

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the controversial day of Ashura and warns of the consequences of not celebrating it. They also criticize the media and the media's actions. The speaker concludes that Islam has nothing to do with these things and asks for people to benefit from what they hear and do.
AI: Transcript ©
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The last thing I want to conclude is

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with, brothers and sisters,

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and this is the most controversial part

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of this day of Ashura.

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Do we whip ourselves and lash our backs

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and make ourselves bleed?

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What do we

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fast in a civilized way?

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You're going to find on WhatsApp videos going

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wrong. A

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bunch of people going to Karbala

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and other places, and they are whipping their

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and being upset

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over the death of Hussain Raniyah Muhammadu.

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Brothers and sisters from Aqidis,

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and people tend to accuse the people of

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the sunnah, you don't don't love Alevate.

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From whom Alevate is, that the Alevate, the

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family of the prophet

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him up. Hasan and Hussain and their descendants.

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We love them. We respect them. And we

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hold them in high esteem.

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So if you don't now go and celebrate

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this day, Aslamu lah, or some of these

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people they do,

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the Shia.

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They said to me, they accuse you of,

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you don't love the same. You don't know

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how to be. Why are you not celebrating?

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Why are you not taking place? Or why

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are you not participating

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in some of the gatherings that we have

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in our houses? We get together. We eat.

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We cry. We get upset.

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Brothers and sisters,

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you think if Hussein was

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here today,

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he would approve of damages taking place.

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Look what the prophet told

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us about that which is called

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does mean?

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Means brothers and say sisters.

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A woman withholding for beautifying herself.

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In a specific time, When does she not

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beautify herself?

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When someone dies.

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Her husband, he dies.

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The prophet

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It is not permissible

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for a woman

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who believes in Allah the last day to

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over a dead person for the 3 days.

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Except over husband,

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4 months and 10 days.

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What's taking place today, brothers and sisters?

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Every year of someone's life, he's celebrating.

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Not celebrating. They're mourning. They're getting upset. Crying

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over the death of Rasayna Radi Allah

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He used to

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respect the prophet in what in doing the

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actions that the prophet wanted him to do.

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Used to irritate him all the time.

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So here, people are holding this one hadith.

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Do you think he would be pleased with

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it? Without the brothers

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and sisters,

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we need a lot to say, Oliyahu Alaihi

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wa sallam said,

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and I'm in Hussain. What Hussain in me?

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Said, 'Anamin Hussain, what Hussain in me?' Hussein

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is from me, and I am from him.

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The prophet also told us,

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Hasan al Hussein, say he that.

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Hasan and Hussain are the leaders of the

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youth in the Jannah,

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and there's many virtues.

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Rather brothers and sisters,

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No one hates us.

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The Arabic

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except a person that will be entered into

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where? The fire. The prophet said.

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Brothers and sisters,

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look how they whip themselves

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and pay attention to this when you see

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these videos.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala he told us,

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Those who accused,

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they chase believing women,

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and they don't bring 4 witnesses,

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then they should be lashed 80 times.

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Today, we don't have anyone that

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applies this capital punishment.

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You know all of these people, brothers and

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sisters, have heard in Suma'unias.

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curse Aisha Tawdi

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They call Hazdaiya

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a fornicator, and they don't believe in the

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chapter that came down and so on to

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You know what someone one time said? And

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they wrote this on a picture and I

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was like,

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this person hit the nail on his head.

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accused Aisha of No

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one was there to apply a tablet of

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80 rashes.

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So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, he tried them

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with their own selves. He's whipping himself now.

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For he is an Aisha

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He's whipping himself. Nobody came and whipped him

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and applied the fact of punishment to that.

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He got the lashes and he lashed himself.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala traveled through this way

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among these people who you will find will

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be within themselves making themselves bleed.

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And Islam has nothing to do with this.

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You will hear a hadith

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On his eyes,

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this person's eyesight will not be affected.

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Another narration that they relied on.

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Forgot to mention that. He won't his eyes

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won't be affected that year. And this person

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who washes himself, he won't become sick that

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And then there's another narration that they have.

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When he's generous to his family on that

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the Tawla will be generous upon

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him. All of these narrations, brothers and sisters,

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prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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Rather than the day that which is required

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of us is to fast.

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And then break our fast at a time

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of sunset

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And then keep it moving. And a whole

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from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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that was

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he accepts our fast and he forgives

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the past tense for the previous year.

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I ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to benefit

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us from what we heard and to make

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us from those who follow the sunnah of

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. You

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