Abu Taymiyyah – QA Saudi Goverment Will Kick You Out of Madinah Uni if You Speak Out Publicly Against Them

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the misunderstandings of the religion of al Islam and the need for people to not be associated with any specific religion. They argue that the Saudi government has failed to address these mistakes and that the right way to deal with them is to not defend mistakes made by the Saudi government or any other government. The speaker also discusses the importance of learning from the source of the book and the lack of knowledge in the public sector.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yeah. They pay me 800 riyals every month

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while I'm studying in the Medina University. That's

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The other thing is, guys, you know, I've

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messages on my Instagram,

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on Facebook,

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on YouTube.

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Every time I put a video up, there's

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always that guy who commenting,

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scholars for dollars.

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Scholars of postnatal bleeding and also menses.

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So the reality of the matter is guys,

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let me try and break this down from

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a very enemy perspective.

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1st and foremost, we need to understand that

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no one on this on the face of

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this earth

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can we say unrestrictedly

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the religion of al Islam is taken directly

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from the actions and the statements that he

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Except who? The messenger salallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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Nobody on the face of this earth represents

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al Islam like that.

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That every action that he does

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that we say, okay, this is how salafiya

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is, or this is how the sunnah is,

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or this is not how the sunnah is.

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There's nobody like that.

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Because that's the only the only person who

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should, the religion should be taken like that

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from is the messenger salallahu alaihi wa sallam

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and the companions collectively.

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So why do we not

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speak out against the Saudi government, or the

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Qatari government, or the Kuwaiti government, or all

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these other governments?

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Again, this is a question that is posed

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all the time. You're speaking about this, why

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don't you speak about that?

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Firstly, what is the correct methodology

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in dealing with the mistakes of the rulers?

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Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he told us

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wants to advise a ruler,

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then let him take him by the hand

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and let him seclude himself be with him.

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If he accepts his advice, then great.

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And if he doesn't accept his advice,

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then you have fulfilled the right eyes upon

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you. Do we defend their mistakes?

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when Donald Trump went to Saudi Arabia, people

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are messaging you, why don't you do something

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about it?

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Like I am in the,

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the government office and I have access to

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the king to go and advise him about

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what is going on. First, you have to

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understand guys,

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the Saudi government

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nobody said the

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nobody said the infallible.

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The khair they have done for the ummah,

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did you know you cannot fulfill

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the one of the pillars of your religion

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except firstly through Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and

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then secondly the Saudi government.

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The khair they have done for this Umma

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is no other than any other government.

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And on top of that we say everything

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they do, we don't go and defend their

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mistakes. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says to us

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in the Quran,

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Do not defend those who oppress themselves,

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this is generally speaking. So if the Saudi

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government makes a mistake,

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we're not going to go and

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defend the

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Someone said to me, you don't want to

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speak out against them because they're gonna kick

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you out of the Medina University.

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How many people have said that to me?

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And I've already explained to you the correct

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way to go about dealing with it.

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Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam also mentioned another

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Declares some of the things that are doing

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us to be from the truth, or he

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aids them in their oppression, and this person

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not from me and I'm not from them.

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And they're not gonna drink from my pond.

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With me brothers and sisters. And we have

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to understand,

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even if this ruler now is from the

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west of the west, again there's a methodology

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in dealing with it. For active

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hadith and wahid, I'm gonna bring one hadith

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even though there's so many narrations. Just open

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up Kitabul Imara,

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the chapter of leadership in Sahih Muslim.

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Tons of hadith you will find in how

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to go about dealing with it. You have

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the hadith of Hadayb

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where the prophet

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There will be leaders that come after me.

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They don't take my guidance as a guidance,

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and they don't take my sunnah as a

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It just didn't stop there. The worst example

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has been brought to you.

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Their hearts are like the hearts of the

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in the body of an a human being.

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Can a person, can a ruler get worse

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than that? Ask yourself that question.

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what should we do?

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For they'll ibn ayat, he said

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If I had one dua that is going

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to be accepted with a guarantee, I would

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have done the Amir.

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Because if the Amir it is a salah

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al amir, salah al ibadu will be that.

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Amir becomes rectified, the ruler, then the servants

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and the rest of the country becomes rectified

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as well.

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Sorry I'm going on here, but been wanting

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to answer this for quite some time.

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The amount of message I receive is because

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lack of knowledge, again, it goes back to

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And and and I struggle to understand.

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Sahih Muslim

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is the most authentic book after

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Buhari. Right?

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Why are the people not studying that?

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That just shows you guys how far away

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the people have gone away from what?

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The pure knowledge, the most authentic books, people

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don't turn to it.

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Rasad, wallahi rasad. He's busy taking around ayaat,

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someone is right off the Internet, or a

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guy fed him, he's jumping up and down

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with it.

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We are all kufar.

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