Abu Taymiyyah – part5 The four principals Qawaaid al ArbaaThe last and 4th principal

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The importance of obtaining blessings from a tree for one's image and becoming a god is emphasized. The Bible suggests that anyone who wants to be a god would be born from a tree, and anyone who wants to be a god would be born from a tree. The speakers also emphasize the need for individuals to be more careful with their behavior and avoid causing harm, and the importance of avoiding harm and rewarding for one's actions on social media. The segment ends with a promise to address mistakes and encourage post on Facebook.
AI: Transcript ©
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As Sufyanathoori said 'if a tafsir comes from

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wujahed then that is sufficient for you. He

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mentioned that there were trees

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that they used to worship.

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As for Manat

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there's some statements of the

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Arab that

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it was the daughter

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of Uzza

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and it was the sister of Lat.

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The daughter of Uzza and the sister of

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And they used to have this you know,

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these 3 were like the elites

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when it came to the statues that they

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And the hadith

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Also, it shows you that worshiping stones and

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things like that and what it could lead

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and the similarity the prophet brought.

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And I read out

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a beautiful statement of

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We left with the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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and we were

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new to Al Islam.

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we were people that just you know had

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left Kufr.

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And the Mushriks they had a tree

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that they used to sit around

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and they used to hang there they used

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to be devoted to it. Yeah. Tikaf like,

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you know, when a person sits around

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and and devours himself to a certain

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place or a certain, you know, thing.

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And they used to hang their

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their wettels on these trees.

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And these trees were called that and watin

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And we went past another siddhar,

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another tree.

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Make us

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a tree that they have

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like the one that they have.

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Make us a tree

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similar to the just like they have that

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one as well.

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And the prophet

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replied back in amazement SubhanAllah

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and he came in some narrations Allahu Akbar.

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And he said to them you have now

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said something similar to

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me just like the people of Musa

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said to

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Make us

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a God just like they have a God

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as all. So 2 things inshallah I want

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to point out

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and this is just like the

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which ends any argument when it comes to

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seeking blessings from

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whether it is graves,

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whether it is trees,

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whether it is any of these things that

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people today

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they're great and exalt.

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The first thing

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam similarized

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seeking blessings from a tree.

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Pay attention here, this is very very important.

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The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he likened

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and similarized.

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Seeking blessings from a tree

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to what?

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The statement of the people of Musa to

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make us a god just like they have

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a god as well.

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And that's very very important that a person

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He liken them seeking blessings from a tree,

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the same way the people of Musa said

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to Musa

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to make us a god just like they

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have a god as all.

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And that which the people of Musa said

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to him is that bida'a, is that fisk,

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is that kufr? What is it?

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This is a very major

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thing that one can ever fall into that

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will take him out of the fold of

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Islam. Disbelief

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and a shirk.

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And the second thing that I want to

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point out is the statement of

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If this is now, Ibn Khaim says,

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if this is now just

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hanging your weapons on a tree

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and sitting around it,

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spending time around it.

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The same way

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as taking a good besides Allah subhanahu wa

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These people that were

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sitting around that and what, they never used

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to worship it or make Dua to it.

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So, Ibn Alkaim is saying

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They weren't worshiping it, were they making Dua

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to it? No, all they did was they

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hung their asliha their weapons

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on the street

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and they never used to ask anything.

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They used to try and seek blessings in

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order to go into war

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for victory.

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So by them hanging the Asliha on this

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tree, they are gaining more blessings and there's

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more of a chance that they're gonna win

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and etcetera.

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So, Ibn al Khaim Moiz is pointing out

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these people that were sitting around they weren't

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worshiping it, they weren't asking

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these trees anything

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and at the same time Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala he quoted what?

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Sorry, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Similarized

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it with that which

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the people of Musa said to Musa Alaihi

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Salam, make us a god, a deity just

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like they have a god as well.

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he says

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So he then says that how about

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people sitting around, devoting

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around these graves

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and calling on to it

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and also making Duaa these places.

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What do we call this now?

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Zakaria, are you with me?

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Can you explain to me what I just

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Now before that, can you give me the

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exact point that Ibn al Khaim

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is mentioning here?

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I didn't get that point. Okay. I'll repeat

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That and what? So that Sheikh Rahim Allah

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book they've

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He's trying to point out here,

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these people

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that went past that and what?

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What were they doing?

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Simon, what were they doing? They

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were seeking blessing from their weapon?

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Towards the tree and not get blessing. Jamil.

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They used to hang their weapons on this

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tree in order to get what? Blessing. Barakah.

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And what did the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam liken this to?

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What the people of Musa said to Musa

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'make us a Lord

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Make us a God just like they have

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God as well.

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Is that clear?

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Make us a god just like they have

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a god as all. So, Ibn Al Khaim

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is saying

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these people they weren't even making dua to

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these trees

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nor were they asking anything. All they did

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was hang their weapons on this tree in

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order to seek blessings.

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So how about now?

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One coming and sitting around graves, stones

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and calling onto it.

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If that

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam likened it

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to what the people of Musa said to

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him, then how about now? People coming to

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and not just sitting around and seeking blessings,

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but they make dua to it.

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Isn't that even worse?

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Is that clear?

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The 4th and final principle.

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That the Mushriks, those who committed shirk in

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our time,

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they are more

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in their shirk than the people before.

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Then he mentions why?

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Because the Mushriks in the past

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they used to associate partners of Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala

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when they didn't have any issues in the

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times of ease they would commit shirk

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and they would become sincere when it came

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times of hardship.

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As for the Mushiks in all time, the

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shirk is something that remains

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in the times of Araka, in the times

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of ease and the time of Shiddah, the

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time of hardship.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says in the Quran

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Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala is talking about the

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Mushriq's. Once they go into the ships, they

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start calling on to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala

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with sincerity.

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And once now,

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they hit the land, they hit safety,

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they start committing shirk again.

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And many times Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala he

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mentions this

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Allah mentions this.

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Also Allah Subhanahu wa

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Ta'ala says

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Subhanahu wa Ta'ala he says

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once you're

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with a

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while you're on the sea

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All your gods

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and your deities that you worship

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become false

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except Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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And once you hit safety and you hit

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the land, the you know the, what you

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call it, shore?

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You turn away from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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the insan,

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the person, the human is someone that is

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excessive in kufar. You know how we took

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earlier if anything is on the scale of

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also if it's on the scale fa'ul

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Here Allah said kafoor

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is also someone that is excessive in kafoor.

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Ibn Kathir

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he mentioned regarding the aija that I just

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that you used to worship besides Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala will leave your hearts

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Once you what? You are touched with the

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harm when you are on the seas. Just

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'Aklima ibn Abi Jahl' was a son of

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who? Abu Jahl.

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You know when the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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conquered Mecca,

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There were some people that started running away.

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Many people they entered into Islam

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When you see the people they will start

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entering into the religion of Islam in numbers.

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Him and his group they began to run

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because they thought Khlas the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam is going to but the reality

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was that the prophet

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he said

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He said to them

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that the same thing that Yusuf

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said to his brothers

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when they came to him

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and they realized they were mistaken

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he said to them there's no blame on

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you today inshaAllah Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will

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forgive you.

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So the Prophet said the exact same thing

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that's how soft

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and gentle the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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was with these people. He could have easily

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slaughtered them after they've caused so much oppression.

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When he conquered Makkah

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he came

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in and he said to the people there

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is no blame upon you today insha Allah

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you enter into Al Islam Allah will forgive

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And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the Most

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And then he came and he broke the

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'asna' that were around the Kaaba.

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So he ran away for the haba harib

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and Farakiba Fil Bahri.

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So what happened after that was he entered

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up on the sea

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trying to run away.

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He boarded a ship and he wanted to

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enter into Habasha.

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Habasha like Eric Trey Ethiopia.

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Fajat hoomrihun

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Asif saw a very strong dangerous wind came

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upon them

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So the people that were there they said

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to each other

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Nothing will come to your benefit today

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that you call on to Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala alone.

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So Ikrima said to himself the son of

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Abu Jahl

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If nothing is going to benefit me now

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I'm on the sea

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then nothing can come to my benefit

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when I'm upon the land

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except Yani Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Oh Allah, I make a promise.

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Oh Allah, if you were to now save

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from the situation that I'm in now, I'm

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going to go

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to prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and I'm

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going to place my hands

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between his hands.

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So, the point is

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the Qa'ida that we're trying to prove here

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that Ekrimah who was the son of Hu

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Abu Jahl

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the lying kadab,

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which is both the same meaning lying means

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kadab anyway.

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The Mushriks in the time of the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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once they hit

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the bar sorry once they hit the sea

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they would make dua to Allah Subhanahu wa

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ta'ala just like Ekri Meib Nabi Jahal. But

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once they hit the land again and they

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became safe they would go back to their

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shirk. As for the people today and the

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example I gave you before, Nam, you have

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people around the Kaaba even in times

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you know,

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of ease they would call on to Awadhan

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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and there was a video going around

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and some guy was recording it,

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and I think a bomb hit Syria,

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some place,

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where a lot of the Shia was. And

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you could hear them shouting what? You Ali,

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you Ali, you Ali save us.

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This is the time of Shiddah,

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The time you are going through hardship. The

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least you could do is what?

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Call on to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and

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come to the realization

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that what you're doing is totally wrong. Shirk

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Even in them times they are calling on

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other than Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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That brings us now to the end of

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the book.

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We ask

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Allah to benefit from what we heard.

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I ask Allah

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forgive my teachers and reward them, my parents,

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and everyone that helped me to study this

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and ask Allah

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to make this a Bujur and Jariyah.

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We hear a lot about sadaqah and Jariyah,

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Pujul and Jariyah is something that the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said.

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Whoever now calls the guidance, for him is

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the reward of everyone that follows him up

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upon that guidance that he taught them, and

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he won't take anything away from their reward.

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So every person that learns and teaches and

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things like that is something that even carries

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when a person is in his grave. And

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ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala if I did

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make a mistake to forgive me, my kanimin

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khatain for minyaminash shaitaan.

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And if anyone has heard any mistake or

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anyone that's watching it,

00:17:48 --> 00:17:50

found a mistake, then please post post it

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to us.

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I'm gonna try and rectify inshallah

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because no one here is free from mistake.

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We are always going to make mistakes.

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Bani Adam, the son of Adam, is

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