Abu Taymiyyah – PART2 Do I BOYCOTT people indulged in innovation and sin OR do I go to teach 2014
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The speakers discuss the history and importance of the Prophet servicing needs of Islam, including affirming the statement and boasting about actions or events. They also touch on the use of "has been" to indicate actions or events and provide examples of false accusations and bounties. The segment also touches on the use of "has been" to indicate actions or events and provides advice on how to handle people who speak the wrong way.
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When our son, Bobby Annika in
No Hey, lay him first hello. decreeing.
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim are Salatu was Salam ala Ashrafi MBI well
mursaleen Nabina Muhammad. While early he was so happy he was
telling him to slim in confusion about his your brother again abou
May Allah subhanho wa Taala keep me and the listener preserve
Allahabad upon is still karma until we reach Allah subhanho wa
Taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say
fie the artillery bedika Phitsanulok boldenone lega later
Mattoon, he would make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala by saying
if you want any fitna for your slave
then sees me while I am uncorrupted.
Later on if tune. So the feedback is something that is very very
important that we constantly ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala to show us
the help Allah marinelle Help will help us Hawk was talking to Teva O
Allah subhanaw taala show us the help and provide for us the etbr
For indeed the heart. Can we come deviate anytime, any moment? The
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say Allahumma
Yamaha liberal Kulu Femi tolovana Allah Denecke O Allah Tala attic,
karma Jaffa Riva,
O Allah O Turner of the hearts keep our house firm upon your
religion and you came in another ration upon your obedience. The
Sabbath is not in the hands of anyone lamella can rub hola Nabil
The angel cannot help you stay up on Sabbath, the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam company upon Sabbath, except if you follow his
For indeed Allah azza wa jal he did say well, I will answer but
NACA Laqad kita Turkana, William Shane kalila, for Tibet, from
Allah subhanho wa taala. Specifically, he said in the
Quran, had we not kept your firm you were inclined towards them to
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So it's upon us to always
do Munna some of the guidance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
And always act upon it to the best of our ability. carrying on from
Part Two from part one, where we talked about the issue of
boycotting, there's another few issues that are very, very tense
within our communities, likewise, within our brothers in our Salafi
in the West, that needs to be addressed and talked about.
Hopefully, this will be something that will be a benefit for the
people and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to benefit through it.
Two issues we'd like to talk about today
is this
Or the thing that we hear within a lot of people saying manlam You
bet they're unmotivated, for whom Octavia. Whoever doesn't declare
Octavia to be I'm Octavia,
or an innovator to be an innovator and this person becomes
automatically a innovator.
And the other issue is going to the massage will be there
to maybe give him a hammer or to maybe give Dawa or on the
intention of going to guide the people
or going to the massage of the awam do we stay with our brothers,
our selfie brothers only and carve the rest of the people, when they
ask us to give Dawa or when they ask us to give them how the right
what do we actually do? What do they really a man and Islam have
have to say regarding this particular issue. And hopefully
after this, I will try to the best of our ability to keep it merely
the column of the Obama so no one comes to me after I start saying
to me that you're now introducing principles that Al Islam hasn't
heard of. And it brings more problems to me. Rather we're going
to try to the best of our ability not to bring except the column of
the cinema. So you want to go blame the cinema. their respective
brothers and sisters in the cell and Sofia after this and you can
go do this. For indeed we see the cinema to be upon guidance for
national Nora home I'll help if you had a bap for you. Taborn be
Hamdulillahi insha Allah Allah Allah
Madame Okano
Martha on li Kitabi Rabina was sunnah Tina Bina as long as they
are in accordance to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his
teachings and Allah subhanho wa Taala as books
allow me to share. Milena Hardy, Aloha Jerry. May Allah subhanho wa
Taala have mercy upon him. The individual
Oh that founded the great the mage in which was destroyed by the
Rockford and the moody mean
where he left behind a llama to shelter your haven annual her
jewelry in his markers where
there was 100,000 students that have at least memorize the Quran
as some of the stats showed us
and like it was mentioned by some of the people that were there and
the place that so much hair came out of it you had people may be
one year two year that come out having benefited having done all
sorts of
hire and having done many things that a person might not be able to
do have you been outside the match for them and for the likes of
Hannover to Allah Allah you him while a nurse you well I can axon
Ursula Sharon, we ask Allah subhana wa Tala to have mercy upon
him and mock bill. Even though howdy Rahim Allah Jota Allah. He
was asked in a question.
alimta unelma Tatia
alimta unnatural Moqtada wajib on either Sarala Bugatti he
you know share
that boycotting the innovator is something that is compulsory
either our Salah Allah bid it if he carries on and is continuous in
doing his innovation
but is it correct now? Well I can hand your say hijama lamea Jerome
Optavia whoa Allah Yeah. Oh Allah Yeah, Mel behind me.
While I can you haul it home with me and your home? Is it correct
now? to boycott the one that doesn't boycott? The multimedia?
The innovator
so the share,
he said in allegedly better sadena FIFA Well, I think he does suffer.
Mia meow. Just I was sitting in his book and he was sadena fifita
will tell you the page number 169.
The answer he mentioned was
oblah. The hydra Octavia can have a year can Anna and in the beast
of Allahu alayhi wa sallam. What was the ifI NAS que for Derek.
He said you find before this that boycotting the innovator was
something that was very narrow
or something restricted in the time of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, what was the ifI nurse and you find that people
have become very broad
or they have become a widened or they have widened this issue of
boycotting. So how is this for example, now an innovator will
enter Tara and Nikita drew illallah, or Obama Raja, and you
see that by you going to call him
to Allah subhanho wa Taala he might come back, or you see that,
if you was to leave him or boycott him, you would find him become
more dispersed
more deep
in his misguidance
or you might see
that, if he was to leave him off or boycott him, you find the other
groups will try to pull him towards them.
Want a tumbler Illa Muslim hat in Islam you will muslimin and you're
looking at the muscle of the interest of Islam and the Muslims.
This is the case now how many more?
How many people we see that come to ask us they come to ask maybe
their selfies to guide them. And what Shakaal Bernie was saying and
what we mentioned in the previous recording in part one of the issue
of boycotting, you find people get boycotted he leaves off him I go
to someone else. This is not what the shark is talking about. What
do you actually do? So they should have said, while at the hedgerow
mean edgy, nimasa hatin fcwc Do not boycott him, if it's due to
your own interests. For Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam your
own for any the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, How can
Muslim or non Muslim humps
the right of a Muslim upon his Muslim brother is five things
warming her either lucky to offer Salim Ali
and from India if you meet him, then
give him the thumbs.
Up May the Quinta Tara and Nikita hijo Sergio Allah subhanho wa
Taala tubal falaqa anti Jew
the shelf men said if you think that if he was to boycott him,
then he would return to Allah subhanho wa Taala via tubal falaqa
anti God when he can remove a yoke
and you will find by you boycotting he will return to Allah
subhanho wa Taala and make Toba then in this case is in boycott
him and like you heard this with the shelter saying like you heard
well here you can ask me what kind of Malaya and it used to be very
narrow and restricting the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
come on Hi Jon abuso Allahu alayhi wa sallam a fella De La Nina holy
for like when the prophets of Allah Allah you will send them
boycotted them the three that stayed away from going out to the
And you had this in the time of Imam Muhammad as all that we
mentioned from the column of shear Kirby heavy the whole load tile in
the previous
recording way Muhammad would probably say oh my say about Funan
or this person that he's done this is a move that everybody will
leave him off.
Here for example, now in America or Britain or in some of these
spaces now they have used the boycott of say foreigners moved
and you have absolutely no foundation Dawa. Who's going to
come listen
rather people are going to look at you in a very bad way
and it's going to be ascribed to diverse Salafi or this person is
boycotting as Muslims. This one is apparent to the people.
But if you are Subhan Allah Masha Allah, for example, now you had in
the mage, Sharia here 10,000 People under him.
Someone might deviate in the Americas in the share who would
say stay away from this person you'd find everybody will listen
to him.
And likewise in other places.
Or if someone had the status of shamisen or bird or chef Robbia
where people will listen
ask for an individual now in a place like this.
Where you have absolutely no foundation in Dawa
you have not backed yourself is of the Eve in a place that is already
you find in this case it's better you carry on calling your Muslim
whether they are multimedia.
As long as like chakra Alberni, Rahmatullah Allah He said, a
feels that he becomes contaminated and becomes affected by this
particular person who stays away from him. This restriction is very
You don't just jump into the issue headfirst like you would in a
swimming pool.
Rob is upon you to be very understanding of the issue.
Your Sabbath and your heater is macadam Allah Allah Karim for you
to be guided, is among them because you're going to be asking
Yamanaka Yama, regarding yourself first.
For one of the colonists, Elena management Americana Yama Loon,
you will be standing in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala mommy and
daddy de la say you call him hola les Sabino Amina Leiter Juma,
you'll be asked about everything you do about all the things that
you used to do.
And then will you die upon a VEDA sunnah? Other than stone or other
than Islam? Well, yeah, the villa, you will be asked on your mountain
Yama, so it's important that you care about yourself first.
And all the example that a chef he mentioned while hedgerow wa
journey say
well hydro Nisa II Sharon and when he boycotted his wife for a whole
so the Chevron and said from im Baba Ilana, and Natasa
Phil Hijri had Turman a corner suburban linear for the nurse and
is to no annual Heidi Buckley, a mother. So he said, he's not upon
us, and we shouldn't be very, very broad in boycotting that it
becomes a cause. That people they flee away, or they stay away from
the dollar. You find that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam he said, in the Hadith, which are narrated by Imam Bukhari
and Imam Buhari chapter in the Sai Baba de nuestra
while I'm in Edina, Yasser Wallen, you shared the Dean
the dean is easy,
and there is none that burden himselves in the religion except I
overturns him, Wallah. We've seen people going around saying falam
have fallen Moqtada Fernando Fernandez Fernando Fernandez he
has absolutely no knowledge regarding a particular issue. Wala
he inherited for work that I do. They deviated away from the deen
of Allah subhanho wa taala.
They came to a point that they boycotted everybody my man is
walking around. By himself thinking is oh
Only one upon Sabbath
so he restricted himself it's like he put himself into a cave
maybe the Messiah would come down or they be doing a tele link now
the share has got this
and in reality we look at the particular issue it is something
it's not something to be doing Hyderabad or to be calling us a
one a multimedia
file type dir what tech fellows route he has conditions just
brought to mind now and hopefully maybe at the end of the recording
I mentioned the show route of tech fear into deer
so you said that which is left from the question but the mother
and dad Euro lady let me
do we boycott the one that doesn't boycott them Octavia.
So the Sheldon said tower sacked about a colossal fake man in the
deli Illman name your hedger
Amen let me add your L Monteggia. Hi Jana Hatton masala do you call
Melania caffeine caffeine for caffeine or even let me stop him.
So he said you have proof
for what you say they have a personnel doesn't boycott them
after their his tenure as well.
And he said you have the other example. Whoever doesn't declare a
clear a Kaffir to be a cabinet. He's a Kaffir as all he said, This
is not something that is mystifying.
That is straight.
Raava has something to eat.
So the Shetland said Bellman lamb UK, feral calf Elmo terrific La
Mesilla and Nicole and Yahudi ma Kaffir. Our Nasrani ma Hua katha.
Miss Schneider you Kaffir Leon no Mackenzie Bernal Quran.
The chef said Raava the clear Principle. This principle bar by
the way is from the principles the chef Muhammad Abdul Wahab he
mentioned in the market and Islam. Whoever doesn't declare a cafe to
be a cafe is a cafe Oh, hey, the sheriff he brings a very important
restriction. He says the carfare that there is a de facto upon
clear agreement. For example, now the Masonic, the Jew or maybe the
Christian, these people are clear cut kuffaar
disbelievers own whoever says otherwise then this person has
lies against the Quran because the Quran clearly declares this person
or this group to be from the disbelievers.
Then he brought another example I can show son your call or Anna
Tarik, Sarah Lisa Be careful. whacker your call Tarik solid CAFR
for EMS Ellerton Estelle alpha v ha una una Raheem Muhammad Allah
as for an issue of a personnel that doesn't pray some of the
aroma. They've said this person has left the form of Islam, the
one that doesn't pray. And some of the element they've said this
person doesn't need the form of Islam. For example, now Imam
Muhammad said he's a Kaffir. The one that leaves of the prayer due
to laziness is a disbeliever as for other Imam like Imam Shafi
said otherwise, and you have at this time as well, for example,
now the elements are rudia like shocked to see me chef members
chef, mock will and even a hottie from Yemen Rahama Hola, Chef Leah
here, and many of the other scholars shackamaxon shock for
them, they see the person that has left over the salah to be a
disbeliever as for Shacklewell ban in other scholars, you find that
they say otherwise. And he has a whole book talking about the topic
decision to aroma have differed in Raava the top to eat, the
restriction should be the individual that doesn't see a
clear cut material to be a multimedia. Someone that has been
agreed upon. Then this person is to be declared the material and
shocked me happy the whole lotta Allah, he has a whole soul Tia
talking about some of the shadows some of the conditions of this
principle that has been brought about millennia Jerome have tenure
form of tenure or manlam. You bet the arm of tenure form of the
Hebrew are very good examples that he mentioned. And we do advise the
people to go and listen to that.
So going back to the issue that the chef movement was talking
about, here in this time,
what we see
someone might not see full learn to be a material due to a lack of
What do some what I said we are in some people who are very, very
quick in their speech
and have absolutely no to any
to any means to be careful your speech. Straight away will tell
you they're more than a year. Careful.
They will
On to the conclusion that this person is often men hedge. We hear
this a lot this guy's often men hedge lay Salinger, there is no
upon seriousness in his religion, or his MO Mejia is watered down
the religion.
Yeah, are you Hala Dina Armand otaku, Allah our own said either
oh you believe fear Allah subhanho wa Taala
and say good speech,
correct speech.
This issue like we said, unlike the chef, he said, people have
become very, very broad in the issue.
Being very quick in declaring a person to remove to their or to
boycott the person, somewhat might not have the exact knowledge to
see whether this person is offered. So you need to clarify to
You need to clarify to him why he needs to understand the particular
for you to go and throw something at him
a piece of speech hellos. If he doesn't accept for me, this guy's
off it had me
or for you to believe that your advice is like what he is like
revelation that you don't advise him or if you advise this person
who doesn't accept due to him seeing something in a particular
way or in another way from another angle for how other Kalika law
your alum and her is not something that is known enough.
So we advise the people to advise each other in a good way and to
handle it in a good manner. We almost improvise, and to work on
bringing the selfies together. How many how many people are there
now? You have people in Birmingham, who are scribing
ourselves and that will sell if you've got people in Manchester,
you've got people in London, South London, in a Leicester burning of
many places. And if you look at the reality Harlem a town Oh Ha ha
my town I followed ohada Might
you find this person doesn't cooperate with this person, this
person doesn't cooperate with that person due to differences that can
be sat down upon, be talked about
and people can come to an understanding. Rather as soon as
someone falls into a mistake PDFs get thrown around left right and
When the issue is so simple, you can call the person ask him make
the third would make the third boot of this column.
advise each other. Imam Buhari has a whole chapter regarding advice.
He chopped it in so I Bob Dean Nasi Halle La Jolla. Rasool Allah
Emerton Muslim in our ama team this hadith in Sahih Muslim by
Imam Al Bukhari he chaptered it in so here
then use as proof Allah subhanho wa Taala statement either and also
holy lie or only Rasul
if they advise for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala.
Then he used the hadith of Jarier
when he said by Anna Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
lsmw Eva da wa VAD Wyatt and Ally apama, Salah, etait zakat, one
nostril equally Muslim,
with sold our oath of allegiance to Allah to the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam that we listened and we obey
and to advise every Muslim
advise him yaki
don't jump on the bandwagon and start exposing him to the people
and you can easily advise him.
Advise this person, try and bring him closer let the objective be to
try and bring them closer not to push him away because maybe he's
from another camp of yours.
Or maybe because he's from Saudi or you're from Yemen, you're going
to try and push him away or the vice versa.
We are advising we are calling to Allah subhanho wa Taala faster to
Aluna and Kali Mata Kowloon and for everything that you say you
will be asked
this is Wallahi if they our brothers were to put this into
effect to advise each other
with lean with softness and gentleness and try and work on
bringing them closer, one Lila Hassanal higher or wallisch
Terminus people would have gathered and they would been have
they will have been a lot of hair. But people are more concerned
about a Scott trying to overthrow this person.
Like we see this every now and again. The objective of what is
apparently this guy is trying to be overthrown. Yeah they call him
advice they make the Sabbath of the kalam
have to unethical ohmic autonomy and Allah when I Gillette Amina
che upon
and look at the masala the turn you're having careful speeches
from Allah and
Nigella haziness from the shaytaan light it was Narrated by Abu Yala.
So I advise each other work on it.
Our objective is not to overthrow the people, call them try and
bring them close advise him work together
and the other important issue that has become a very local point or a
major topic in the last few years, and you find people that jumped
the bandwagon of attaching a person straight away to a deviant
is the issue of going
to another Masjid that might not be upon clear Salafi or pure Salah
what they do and what do they have to say regarding this issue?
And how has the Dawa of the Illuma
and the Dawa have and Asuna
become so widespread?
And Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed them with this particular
issue? How did it happen is something that we want to mention
now and bring the column of the dilemma because all of us we take
from the m&m out.
And like I said in the previous audio that if I was to maybe say
something, nobody would care, nobody would know and nobody would
absolutely even turn around to it. Because maybe they don't know me.
I'm no one to a lot of people. But the kalam of the Ulama is
something that people will take into consideration. That's why I
tried to make this whole recording
based upon the proofs and evidences and Qalam of those that
we take from
giving a lecture now I cannot tell if he Masjid
this question was posed to Imam in Albania Rahmatullah Ali.
What did imam in Albania Rahmatullah Allah He say, when he
was asked?
If some of the Salafi students of knowledge were invited to give a
lecture at the masjid of the people of his beer?
Can he answer the invite bearing in mind that he will not be able
to speak regarding issues which he opposes them in?
So may Allah subhanho wa Taala mercy upon him answered by saying,
he should oblige upon them conditions
and he should not be the one being obliged.
For example, now,
you can tell the masjid
that for instance, Don't record me
or you don't put the conditions on me, I'm gonna come I want the
Mohalla to be conditioned free.
So the question is Who says so if he comes to know that he will not
be able to utter words of truth, whether they are pleased with it
or not?
Can he still attend?
Imam Al Bundy replied by saying they could probably oblige upon
him or topic to speak about Yes, the question I said. So if it is
based upon their desires, this economic Shacklewell Bernie, then
he should not be pleased with it, nor should he attend. As for it,
they give him a choice and he should oblige upon the topic upon
them the topic, which he will be speaking about, and he should
likewise not surprise them with an unexpected topic. During the
course of the lecture. The questioner said yes, Sheldon said,
being the reason that come in with an unexpected topic can arouse our
They could probably become a barrier for him continuing this
but rather he should say to them, I am going to give a lecture, for
example, regarding to hate, for example,
or the verse of Allah subhanho wa Taala for internos atrophy, Shane,
for doing Allah Rasool.
And if they agree,
if you ever differ in anything amongst yourselves, then return it
back to Allah subhanho wa taala. And if they agree, then he can
embark upon them,
or else he should not this is what I intended on my statement, he
should oblige upon them conditions, and he should not be
the one being obliged.
Another question was posted a legend to Dima, the permanent
committee of Saudi Arabia, which consisted then
of Sheikh Abdul Aziz even bas Allama Abdul Reza Alavi Abdullah
what I am and I'm the live knee by root
and the head of it was the Allama chef members
Rahmatullahi Alaihe Ramadan wasa The question was in our town we
have a masjid for Allah sunnah, those adhering to the Sunnah.
Another one for Danny DeVito Sufi sect embracing strange beliefs far
from Islam, and another one for another year, a deviant sect that
claims that Allah has no power of His creation, and humans are
independent of him.
As well as other massage the unknown for superstitious
practices. We practice Dawa, calling to Allah in the message of
understood now. It will not be possible for us to reach these
people. Unless we go to the massage and offer Salat with them.
We can then practice the Dawa in the masjid with the intention that
if we do it in their massage it some of them might accept. Is it
permissible for us to offer salad with them for the purpose or for
this purpose? What advice can you give us? Can you give me when I
arrive in the town? And what are the ways that I can use to
confront these people.
When arriving in your town, you should adhere to Andrew Suniti
Well, Gemma are those adhering to the Sunnah and populate their
massage with a BA cooperate with them to study beneficial knowledge
and to deliver the lessons to hotbeds the sermons and
to guide people to the truth and inform them of the way of the
You can also attend the assemblies of ltj Ania iya, Alka Daria, and
other groups who introduced Bidda innovation in the region and go to
their public gatherings and invite them to the Kuranda seminar
whatever is reported from the Prophet with wisdom and good
exertions and argue against their bid in a way that is best in the
hope that Allah will guide them to the right path but do not perform
Salah behind them.
And this goes in accordance to Allah subhanho wa Taala he said
earlier Elijah sabyinyo robic Bill Hekmati, well more edital Hassan
our deen humility and call to them the
urn call to them to the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala with
wisdom and more editing has sunnah and in a good way, which I didn't
know miletti Asan and dispute them in a very good manner.
Because now if he was to go and start blasting the people go in
there massage and stop causing havoc, madness in the massage ik
you'd find that people will turn away from you and they will not
accept your data. Bayview was to now to stop me. You use Lean and
ref who the people call them to the guidance of Allah subhanho wa
Taala tagit Dalek, Accra, Bilal qubole You find that this is
closer to being accepted.
Look what Allah subhanho wa Taala says
to Musa and Harun alayhi wa Salatu was Salam.
When they were sent to the biggest party or to ever have touched on
upon this earth, this Talia is who is her own biggest DVM biggest
The one that says hon. Kamala Anna, I am your most highest Lord.
Allah subhanho wa Taala he said to them, but Oh Allah, Allahu Allah
ln Allah Allahu yatta yatta karo Yaksha and say to him,
words, and speech of gentleness
so that he may remember Allah Allah Who Yet Allah karo yo creo
so that he may
also that it may be a reminder to him and that he may fear Allah
subhanho wa Taala
sometimes we might find people doing haram in the middle of the
road. This thing was haram to us for many years. Or this kind of
bit. We know it is haram and we know it's a bit that
someone in the street might be doing it for you to go and attack
him and turbo Madamme Wallah in your hand. I mean, this is
ignorance on top of it.
Why this is only gonna cause no for you're gonna make him run away
from the religion of Allah subhanho wa Taala even further,
and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prohibited this. Yes,
you do well at 200 Allah to nephew,
he said, say easy words.
Or make it easy for the people. Do not make your heart give them glad
tidings and don't make them run away from the religion of Allah
subhanho wa taala. While
you could think or you might think that you're getting rewarded for
speaking to this guy in this way, because you're given a form of
Dawa, rather you're sinning. Why? Because you're making him run away
from the religion. You're making him flee away, because the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prohibited wala tuna funeral and
it's very well known in the element of soul that the
prohibition of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
that person if he was to fall into it he would be sending Melania con
Sarraf unless there was a Kareena another proof indicating
it is upon us to be very very good to the people in the state of
Dawa. Do not go chasing him with your shoe or Chuck something at
him rather this person will only not accept and you're gonna make
the dollar look mad. Michelle was confused
on our statement of chakra be happy Hello Tyler
why Hawaii urine ala Surat in was talking
with a better now a year
and also out in Mr. Clean.
Chef Robbie May Allah subhanaw taala grant him success said when
he was describing his trip to Sudan. Then we departed to her the
reef is a state of Sudan which is a small town there whereas we went
around to all the mosques there. But they said nothing remains
in this town except one mosque that belongs to ltj ninja
while we are not able to go there, so I said how they said they're in
our people who are strong fanatics. I said we will go to
them and seek their permission if they allow us to speak we will
then convey the speech of Allah subhanaw taala
and if they do not allow us then we have an excuse with Allah
will lie this is a great stream on the shelf he said.
And if they know if they do not allow us then we have an exclusive
Allah subhanho wa Taala because they share he knows that this is
they worship upon the necks of the Allama to convey the message of
Allah subhanho wa Taala
that brings a great fighter to mind of what chakra theming
Rahmatullah Ali you said under the statement of ALLAH SubhanA wa
Italia ya Rasool Bella, Ma, who's in a coma robic while I'm
terrified for my doctor is a letter
or messenger can wait.
While Allah subhanho wa Taala sent down upon you
while mtef Alpha lokta risulta and if you don't do this, then you
haven't conveyed the message.
So shall we say mean
Rahmatullah Allah He said in his explanation in all Buhari, because
he has an explanation we never ended up finishing off.
And I don't know the exact page. It was a fight I was reading while
I was intolerable.
And it was I was reading it from his
explanation of Buhari
and his book is back in Yemen. This is why I wasn't able to
mention the reference. But from why remember that he mentioned
this under the
statement of Imam Al Bukhari Rahmatullah Ali.
When He quoted the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam in Salalah, it was sent him
in an aroma home what Arthur told me via
the OMA they are the inheritors of the dilemma of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or the messengers. The prophets wa
Rahmatullah in
and they inherited the knowledge
and they never inherited lamjao through dinar and their Hummer and
they never inherited
dinos or their hams money.
So the Sheldon said, the Allah subhanho wa Taala made the
incumbent upon the Prophet SAW liars and to convey the message
and because the messenger is not here, now,
it is compulsory upon the Allah ma to convey this
for her then Mattoon
fee and force him and this is something that is upon their necks
and it will stay upon their necks.
So this is the must Gulia the responsibility of the retina
and Allah also said way the hub Allah homie thought Bolivian or to
look it up led to the Union holiness.
Another question that was posed our virtuous Sheikh Abdul Hamid Al
Hijri, who is from our teachers may Allah subhanho wa Taala
preserve him from those who has given Dawa in many parts of the
memorize the Quran memorize Sahih Muslim
and when he gives hotbars on Mahabharat Allah
It just amazing to see how he mentioned that a hadith Hadith of
the Hadith of the Hadith of the Hadith
preserve him and he's currently in Maldives giving Dawa.
The question that was posed to him if some of the non Salafi mosques
allow us to use the microphone to speak, for example, to give Dawa
without any conditions, while we are able to proclaim the truth
can we speak there?
Bearing in mind that there is no self emergency?
The answer Allah bats, there is nothing wrong with that in sha
Allah to Allah and us for proclaiming words of truth, then
the data is needs to look
to what is most important to begin with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said to Sahabi more I'd have no job and
you're going to a nation where the People of the Scripture, so let
the first thing to which you call them to be the Tawheed of ALLAH
SubhanA wa if they learned that the very fact until the very end
of the very famous Hadith,
the shahada and said, yes, the fact you speaking the truth is
something good however, it is appropriate upon the collar to
Allah to learn how does he proclaim the truth?
The chef then carried on saying, I mean the mosques, which there is
no harm upon the Dawa in asking them to allow you to go ahead, to
give a lecture there being the reason that a Prophet SAW Allah
and he was he used to present himself to the tribes in the
markets, teaching the religion of Allah subhanho wa taala.
The shell heavy the hello to Allah one time taught us in one of the
lessons of al Qaeda or to hate
when he was touching on the issue of giving Dawa
he said he one time went to a
frothy the masjid
and he
stood up after the mother to prayer and he said in sha Allah to
Allah, there will be a lecture or there'll be a reminder regarding
the virtues of alira the hola Juan
we all know that the Rafi they they love Anurag the Allahu Anhu
or they claim so
with the fake claims, and in reality they don't do what Allah
Radi Allahu Anhu does and said.
And he said after I paid my two seminars, what actually happened
was they came up and they wanted to hit me or they wanted to do
something to me. When I started mentioning the virtues of Anuradha
Allah, I know they will calm down.
So I started telling them what Ali Radi Allahu Anhu used to say one
of the statements that he mentioned of Ali min Jaya had the
hierophant Al Quran if I could cover
whoever negates
a letter from the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala especially as is
And he was saying that Allah Radi Allahu Anhu the virtue is only
used to say this. And you find some people
will do they do they take out I asked Cassia many I heard from
Surah Noor
and he carried on saying it Radi Allahu Anhu narrated the Hadith.
Leon olam and wor Allah. Whoever slaughtered for Ovid, Allah
subhanho wa Taala me the curse of Allah be upon him.
So he carried on carried on carried on like this. What do they
say didn't either kinda Alison naughty haka hey you Hala
Ivana sunnah are like this. Then Island wa sallam Welcome to them.
He went they gave the Dawa that was needed.
And Allah bestowed this hikma upon him.
And what actually happened? He was making in car. He was refuting the
doubts and their misguidance at the same time using wisdom in the
proper way, how they might be accepting the data. And likewise,
this was the case of Imam Muhammad Allah Allah when he first came
back to Yemen. The place was packed with shares.
He was packed out. He used to go to the massages because people
used to spread things about a sunnah. They used to spread things
about him until he came to a point that they said he even prohibits
eating bananas
and that he doesn't like Albay. So he used to go there. Give so much
data regarding the virtues of 100 bait.
So the people that realize what was being spread is an absolute
lie. So that's how people started accepting from him and his Dawa
Another question posed on the inner, to shift mobile even a
hottie? How do the students of knowledge deal with the
individuals from the groups that are referred to as being Islamic,
such as group of 100 Muslim Ian and Jim Jimmy Jim, Jim additively.
He deals with them by giving them Dawa to Allah as the chef speaking
to Allah while they are most deserving to be given Dawa, due to
them being deceived, whereas
They think that geometric appears upon the correct path. And they
think that any one muslimin or upon the straight path, so I
advise every brava to strive to clarify and convey the correct
Dawa. Whereas Allah the Almighty says in his noble book, walk along
with the unforeseen old unbeliever, speak to them with an
effective word
to reach their inner selves,
it is an important matter that you mix with them and give them data.
However, it is a master, you'll be totally aware of them using you as
a figure, to attract the people by they must say we want from you to
give a lecture at so and so, counsel, while they merely intend
to say to the people so and so with us, whereas they attract the
youth by you.
Or they may say we want you to give a lecture so, so as masjid
so, if you come to know that they do not accept X, expect to attract
the youth by you, then no, do not attend and devote yourself to
beneficial knowledge and teaching even if you only have two people
with you. Rather even you do not have no one with you. Whereas in
this case, you can memorize that which you are able from the Quran
and the Sunnah
for Laila to share her Haven and her duty was also from Alma Shyok.
He was asked a strong student of knowledge was invited to be an
imam of Masjid does Jana terminal there in? So does he agree bearing
in mind that they Giamatti who established the lectures in this
The shaman answered, the one who is capable of leading the people
in prayer. And he's able to establish the Sunnah and one from
innovations than the Hindu so according to his capability, and
as for the one who is merely an Imam, while someone else has
authority in giving sermons, lectures and giving Dawa and other
than that, then we advise him to search for himself another Masjid
in order that he does not see an act of evil, why he is not capable
of criticizing it or where he probably will begin to incline to
shall say the limit honey Rahmatullah Ali was also asked if
the innovators request for me to go to the mosque, to give them
admonitions, and to deliver sermons. Is it upon me to go or is
upon me to refuse? He said, No, you should not refuse. If the
people have innovation requests in their message that you deliver a
hug before them, or to give them admonition, or to establish a
conference or a lecture, however, it is upon you to target the
innovations which they are committing, you should target
Warren from it. And should you clarify its harms by mentioning
the proofs from the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, whereas perhaps Allah azza wa jal may guide by the
lecture and the admonition and the hotbar, who He wills from His
servants to be guided, whereas you get the reward of Allah subhanho
wa Taala knows best shall hear her one time was likewise asked and he
gave a very balanced view,
which I believe is efficient dimension. So people they don't
think that you go
and just hung around with the Muppet idea and just stay with
them, and don't have a lot with them. For example, you got a
deviant guy sitting next to you, and you're doing a lecture on the
other side, and there's a tuition and our confusion.
He said, As for a person, where the data is widespread will
enlighten him in the same town which he resides in, while the
mosques upon sunnah are calling for him, whereas Allatoona will
honor Him and request for him. However, he abandons those
mosques, or pretends to be heedless about them,
then goes to other mosques, where the people there are either
rejoicing against the other mosques of the sunnah or either
seeking by you to increase the numbers or either waiting for a
misfortune to be to be found to befall you.
Or either people or those who water down the truth, the likes of
this case, is not benefiting. And this is to be criticized and it
to be appropriate to be pleased with that, to abandon images of
the Sunnah of goodness where, as he goes to the likes of them, the
innovators to increase the numbers, also, they say to them,
which will perhaps pleased them or even that which will not be
pleasing to them. Whereas if he were to say,
which will not pleased them, then you are still not safe from the
harm of the fitna. And if he says something that will please them,
he has to resign to something which he does not say
of which he believes otherwise. And in all cases, the affair of
Tommy us being distinct, is that we just Dawa has been built upon.
And it's not appropriate for anyone to use this proof of
beginning of affair of a Chef Mark will, when he would probably go to
the mysteries of the shower wherein he would give them a talk
regarding the virtues of the family of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, and regarding the virtues of sending salata upon
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
That was when there was no capacity. There was no mosques for
Allah sunnah. There was no mosques for and Sunnah the Dhamma was
restricted. No one knew of it. While the widespread rumors was
that a Sheikh Mohammed and his students do not send Salawat upon
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
You find that this kind of case
is many in some of the cities of Britain
where there's no Dharma Salafi there and they need someone to
come down.
And it's in accordance to the action of the share, have you got
a long time as for some places where there's massage, they've had
a seminar, or calling you and they need you and you turn them away?
And you go to other people like the Sheikh was saying to increase
the numbers,
or they become happy and they start boasting against the other
massage I've understood not to say that you're with them for her
Daffy Navarre.
So hopefully inshallah to Allah without prolonging this any
further, we act upon the statements of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And Allah subhanho wa taala. He mentioned in the book, and some of
the things that the our dilemma, we're talking about anyone else
what our Allama have said and to have hits upon the hidayah the
guidance of the people For indeed,
Allah subhanho wa Taala described the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam in Sarita Toba, la caja ra Solomon and fusi comm as he is and
Allah humanitary sin Alikum he is something that was someone that
was Harris
someone that had great desire to guide the people.
Harry Sonali can be more meaning or Oh for Rahim
so is upon us to be like there's not to turn away the people or to
throw them over. Bihari is like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam was guiding the people and bringing them closer.
We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to benefit by this.
And Islam while Muslimeen
genuinely and our
Salafi brothers specifically
when we ask Allah subhanaw taala to keep us firm upon the religion
of Allah subhanho wa Taala and don't make us from those
who come on your Monica Yama haven't spoken about this
individual incorrectly. All we were quick in calling him Octavia
or we were quick in calling him Mumia or we were quick in calling
him MacArthur.
Just quickly, I would like to mention the five SROs of tech fair
and up there.
And a lot of people to have Batwoman actually
the first shot first condition
is the issue of ignorance. And I want the people to understand this
because a lot of people act thoroughness.
They are not short.
Except one of these things I'm going to mention now.
The first issue is gel.
We have to know most people in this world. Almost people in
Britain or in the West, lie on Amazon. They are not born upon
clarity. We can't expect them to know the Sunnah straightaway or to
be born upon the Sunnah.
You have to have that mentality that they do not know
the other bill Jehanne
what was the whole reason of the solution? Why did Allah subhanho
wa Taala send the messengers Allah He said also then mobile Shireen
or Mandarin li Allah konenny Nurse Allah Allah Huzzah, Bala Rasul
is giving them glad tidings call them so that
people will not have a plea after the dispersment of the messengers.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala wasn't from those who were torture people
until he sent a messenger worm I could no more IDB in a hotel and I
thought Rasulullah
a lot of people are ignorant.
So VPS aide may be doing something haram advise him. You can't No you
can't say some of terracotta
even if you also don't have to go for
you have to advise this person
Before you declare it to be a Caframo tidier
second thing Hapa
I mistake that person falls into
we have a clear example here and Hadith of the prophets Allah Allah
was sandwiched in the same Muslim Amanda losses come up.
All the stuff we're under imagine are walking in desert, all your
stuff on the back of a camera, and you lose that.
So this person he gave up he went and slept under a tree. When he
woke up, he saw the camera in front of him. What did he say?
Allah whom and to Abdi one or a book? Oh Allah, you're my slave.
And I'm your Lord.
The Prophet, what did he say didn't make that fear of him at
the end of the Hadith. Did he say is a careful why because he said
the worst thing that you could ever say. He said, Ah, but I
mentioned that in Farah
he heard or he fell into mistake because of severe happiness.
So it's important that when a person might say an act of go for,
or you might accidentally curse the Sahaba
without intent that you go and explain to him don't take the
audio stuff, spreading it to the people, this guy's cursing and put
this guy's question into doubt.
Or his Islam into doubt. It could be a slip of the tongue
is very, very rare that Sunni is gonna go speak badly about Sahabi.
Third thing and you see on
for example, now John, entered into Islam one week ago, he was
told that Zina is haram
he goes and find a case with a woman
or he says he's in his Halal this is an act of go for is the halal
these making something that's how I'm happy for you to jump the
bandwagon all guns blazing.
To go and take this and call him a Kaffir Hapa explained to him John.
I told you this one week ago is haram okay. How was he says this.
What happens after that?
He accepts it. Allah subhana wa gyrb Benalla to Linda in Siena.
wacana Oh Allah do not hold us to be accounted.
If we forget we fall into mistake.
And the Prophet sallahu wa sallam he said in Allah azza wa jal was
an almighty Allah Hatha, when you say I know Mr. Crowley, ALLAH
SubhanA wa Taala has given forgiven
my ummah, for what they have been compelled to do, and are forgotten
and also Erden.
And the other thing, the fourth thing, which is only Kra
which is being compelled to do something.
For example, if someone puts a gun to your head,
saying that Jesus is the Lord,
or that your God is this and that order your prophet was a
which is clear cut, Cofer. If a normal person would be saying it,
he is compelled.
Allah subhana wa Ohtani said mancha Farah Billa human body
Imani. Ilam, and okra were called Muhammad my normal Iman
whoever disbelieves
after having Iman
the people that are exempt or those who have been compelled and
they have Iman
in their hearts.
The last and final one is will.
For example, now Allah subhanaw taala he said in the Quran
Belia Tao map Soto tan
Allah subhanho wa Taala has to has the outstrip outstretched
some people they say the intended purpose of this Darla doesn't have
a hand rather is to bounties.
Allah Subhana Allah has only two bounties.
So you call this person over you tell him about ill This is
incorrect. You are contradicting in the Quran. Allah subhanho wa
Taala said we're in third do not align to Suha.
If you was to
count all the bounties of Allah subhanho wa taala, he wouldn't be
able to enumerate it. So he understands. You've raised the
Shubha this person has attacked we'll have a false interpretation
explained to him and if he accepts for how you Hello.
And before that you can declare this person to be a careful
and who's the individual that does the tuck fear is every dip Tom and
Harry the walks in the middle of the road. Cola Mirjam has
Hola Nan Xena
Saba co nurse, and every time something comes public Pharaoh
safety they jumped up bandwagon they proceed everyone.
La indena Ruler Mao not Giroux, la him. We have ruler murder we go
back to
in these crazy major affairs
and sahaya either Jo home Amman minute amnio well hopefully there
will be one over $1 rasuluh a little while while we're doing or
sold. While we let them remain home.
We ask Allah subhanaw taala to benefit by this all brothers,
whether you're selfie with your Sufi, whether you anyone,
and hopefully we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala that he makes
this heartless and sincerely for his sake. And because of these
people, they change the approach of how they deal with the people
because there's many people that speak to hack but because of the
approach people they disliked the religion they disliked the Salafi.
Like our Sheikh Abdul Hamid unhygenic he mentioned in his book
A Timmy fitna tell us, something that really really stood out. For
Kamala here. You probably Tamia advising you Subhan Allah will be
Hindi so don't lie Lila and stop Furukawa to boo La
Vina de was Zobo
the corollary to Vayner in SEMA and Xena na him? Well, I love him.
Yadava Come on.