Abu Taymiyyah – Part 3 10 Etiquettes Sh Saleh Osaimi Exp
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The speakers discuss various etiquette and manners related to obtaining permission to enter a home, including clapping, clapping, and clapping. They emphasize the importance of being aware of behavior and clapping, as well as the importance of not clapping and being mindful of etiquette rules. The speakers also emphasize the importance of practice and not clapping, and provide examples of practices and lessons from the prophet's teachings. They stress the need to be mindful of one's behavior and not interrupting others, and emphasize the importance of patience and understanding.
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So the second point is if you want
to enter
upon a gathering,
then you seek permission.
That you stay on the right hand side
of the door. Gathering?
If you wanna enter into his home or
enter upon him.
So you stand on the right or left
hand side of the door.
So if he gives you permission then you
And if you are told to return
then do not come in and return.
Okay. The Mu'ali Ibrahim Allahu Ta'ala now has
moved on to the second point and this
is now Ishara.
This is an indication towards the statement of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
which talks to us about
seek permission when wanting to enter is an
individual's home.
Allah says in the
all you who believe.
All you who believe, do not enter a
home that is not from your homes.
you seek permission.
you also send your greetings of salaam upon
his people.
This is better for you,
perhaps that you may take heed.
If it is said to you, go back,
then go back.
This is more pure for you.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is all knowing
what you do.
So there's a number of etiquettes and
elements of manners that we, insha'Allah,
learn from this is, one of them is
When you're going past somebody's home, you don't
look inside the home.
Companion, he said,
A man walked past
the house of the prophet
and started looking in one of the rooms.
And while this man, he started looking inside
one of the rooms of the house of
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
at that time the Prophet was combing his
hair with a midra. Midra is more like
a metal type of comb.
Had I known that you were staring inside
my home,
I would have got this and I would
have stabbed you in your eye with this
The permission, seeking permission was only put in
of the sight of an individual,
because of him looking. The novar, the looks
that a person glances inside a person's home.
You know one thing, brothers and sisters, you
have to be aware of a matter
that a lot of our,
you know,
know, married brothers and sisters will be very
well aware of.
But before that, can I ask the brothers
to come forward as much as possible?
Zakumullah Kayran,
also my friend.
So he's the guy who turns around, you
know, it's him. Come forward.
By the way, he went to Umrah with
me. This is why I pick on him.
So one thing you don't need to be
very aware of, brothers and sisters, is
when looking into someone's home, you might end
up looking at
the wife of a person.
Why she's in a state
that she wouldn't want anybody to see her
in the state except her husband?
You tend to find that normally the kitchen
is in the front house,
the front of the house. Are you with
me brothers? Normally, when you walk past the
home, you always tend to find that the
kitchen is in the front in most houses.
And sometimes it could be the bedroom, it
could be whatever, even if it's delivering. No
And while a wife is at home with
her husband,
she tends to sometimes dress up
in a way where
it is only convenient for the husband to
see her in such a situation.
She can dress as explicit as she wants.
She doesn't even have to wear anything.
Do you see what I'm saying, brothers and
sisters? In order to please and satisfy your
for a person now to go past their
home and to look inside, he could end
up seeing something like this.
So this is why the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam gave a lot of emphasis to.
He gave a lot of emphasis to not
looking inside people's homes.
Even now when you stand at a door,
the Sheikh he mentioned. What did the Sheikh
mention, Mohammed?
Now when you do stand in front of
the home, you stand either on the right
or the left. You don't stand right in
the middle.
If they open it, you might end up
seeing them. Are you with me guys? So
if you're standing on the left, the door
gets opened, you only have
as much space to look at a person
entering from there, and you can't see his
full house, or it could be something that
is there in the corridor that they don't
want you to see. So you either stand
on the left or on the right waiting
there patiently.
Fein adi laka dakhati, if he gives you
permission you enter, otherwise you just go away.
So how does a person enter? We mentioned
that a person, he stands on the right,
on the left right. There's another hadith where
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, he said,
If the prophet came, he wouldn't stand face
to face to the door.
Or he will stand on the left or
the right, and he will say, salaam alaikum.
And also by saying, salaam alaikum brothers and
sisters, it grabs the people's attention.
If they are in the middle of something,
someone says, salaam alaikum.
Whatever situation they're in, they're going to now
Be attentive of somebody being in front of
the door, and I'm gonna you're gonna understand
And this point is very, very important.
If a person now, he seeks permission,
and he does that 3 times and nobody
answers and let him go.
Let him go. Let him leave.
What's the hikmah? What's the wisdom behind
asking permission to enter into a home 3
times. Ibn Abdul Barfi Kitabiyatam, he mentions this.
Qala Bay'adhami says that some scholars, you know,
mentioned the reason behind the allah behind this.
The first knock,
the first knock that you make on the
house is for seeking permission.
The husband and wife are at home. Person
has knocked. Okay. They become attentive.
You see now what happens, what the Hikma
behind the first knock is. Okay. They grab
The second permission, the second knock that he
the husband and the wife, they
start consulting one another. Is it a convenient
time for us to be their guest into
our home? Because you're now, you know, coming
to the private space of an individual.
You're just rolling up in someone's private space.
They might wanna do something. They might have
plans that they don't want to tell you
about or that you might end up hindering
that. Are you with me, guys?
So now, Mashura means to consult one another.
2nd knock, they turn around, husband and wife,
or the people of the house, they ask
one another, is it time for somebody to
come in? Are we you know, do we
have other plans? And so on and so
The 3rd knock that you make is a
sign that you need to leave.
It's a sign that you need to leave,
and that the household is busy with something.
Brothers and sisters, the husband and the wife
could be
doing something with his wife. It's kind of
very hard to,
you know, leave,
read between the lines.
And for someone now to come and open
a door while they're in this state,
he might need to put his clothes on.
He might need to do something else.
So you're putting them in a very very
difficult predicament.
You hear the 3rd knock. You don't just
stand there for 10 minutes banging the door
as the police would
when he wants to raid a house. He
stays there just maybe 5, 6, 7 times,
Then he, you know, whatever he breaks in.
The anti Muslim, you do it 3 times.
You don't get,
someone doesn't, you know, allow you anything, you
The mostat then, what does he do? He
tells the people in the house about his
name when he says, salaam alaikum. They might
say, who is it?
Tells them about their name. I take to
Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam
saying this because I take to Nabi sallallahu
alaihi wasallam. I came to the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam,
I came to speak to him about a
debt that my father had.
So I knocked on the house.
So the prophet said, who is this?
So Jabir said it's me.
He never mentioned his name.
So the prophet responded back by saying,
me me.
So you could see you can You know
Jabari mentioned at the end of the hadith.
He could understand from this that the prophet
really disliked it. And the hikmah behind it
in al Jazir says,
that the reason behind the fact that the
prophet disliked this is that there's a type
of arrogance in the person's speech when he
says me me.
It's as if the person who is saying
me me,
it's as if he's saying, I don't need
to mention my name. You should already know.
Should already know, and you should let me
The Prophet might not want to let you
in. I might not want to let anybody
in. I don't care if you are the
Queen of England because I'm busy doing something,
but to mention your name for whatever reason
as a respect and also part of being
well mannered.
SubhanAllah, SubhanAllah.
Or clapping
is a sign of somebody giving you permission
to enter.
One should also be aware of this because
some of my clap or some of my
say subhanAllah
and he might not
want you to come in.
So the person who does say SubhanAllah, and
he does clap, he should know that it's
from the things that the prophet told us
about that is an indication for a person
to enter. So, you know, something that he
doesn't want takes place.
If someone
is sought or someone asks
another person's permission while he's praying,
the permission for that person to enter while
he's praying, it says,
If a woman is praying, and someone tries
to seek her permission to enter, and she's
in the state of Freya, then her giving
affirmation of this person entering is by clapping.
She claps,
and this is now a, you know, a
sign for him to come in or whoever
it might be.
Guys, am I
Yeah. Yes.
If you don't want him to enter, you
don't say, subhanAllah.
Because someone might do that, subhanAllah be ma'ina.
No, no, stay outside.
But a person needs to be aware of
these etiquettes of the prophet
that subhanAllah
because that person might know the hadith, but
you want something else.
So the fact that you want to enter
and he knows the hadith, he might enter
with you not wanting to. So you yourself,
you need to know that subhanAllah is an
indication for a person to enter.
There's a verse in the Quran that is
called the verse of seeking permission for the
young kids.
All you who believe,
those who your or what your right hand
possesses should seek permission upon entering upon you.
And those who haven't reached the age of
3 times of the day. You need 3
parts of the day. Before
If you are a person who hasn't reached
the age of puberty, anybody
might be that wants to enter into
the room of his parents,
There's 3 times of the day that one
shouldn't enter.
Salatul Fajr. Al Qabiya said before. Salatul Fajr.
Why? Because this is when they are getting
ready to go out and, you know,
and participate in the salatul jama'ah.
This is when everybody is getting up. They're
putting their clothes on. They might not have
anything on them. And you enter, you might
your, you know, parents
why they're not clothed.
And also at a time of Duhr.
At a time of Duhr. What the Arabs
normally use, brothers and sisters,
tend to sleep after Duhr.
To mean Arab world because very very hot,
They tend to have something called a kailullah.
Kailullah is like a power nap.
He said, we never used to have that
power nap, and we never used to eat
On yomaljum'ah in the time of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam except after jum'ah.
After the jum'ah prayed, that's when they would
go and sleep and they would eat.
Are you with me brothers?
After the Isha prayer, don't go storming into
your parents' rooms.
This is when their night starts. This is
when they're, you know,
at a time when the husband and wife
are having the most tranquil time of the
or the night, whatever you wanna call it.
These are times
when the aura might be apparent,
Because guys, I'm gonna tell you a story.
One time a a brother was telling me
something that he was left disturbed
for the rest of his life
due to an incident that took place when
he was young.
Well, I'm not joking.
And these kind of things remain in a
person's mind.
He was talking about his sister. He was
talking about his sister.
And his sister, guys, she saw
her dad and her mom doing whatever inside
the bedroom.
She stormed in after Isha
and what she saw disturbed her for the
rest of her life.
She's maybe now
20 or 21, whatever her age is. Till
this very day, she remembers
exactly what was taking place.
It has a backlash on a person's and
it disturbs them.
So if you don't want to be disturbed
and have this kind of, you know,
then be conscious about this. And it actually
affects. It affects that person. Every time she
looks at her mom or her dad, their
thoughts come to her mind.
It's not something light, Yani. Every time you
look at your mom and your dad, you
can't just now when I look at my
mom and my dad I don't,
you know, feel
a bit I need to take a back
seat or I need to go back a
bit or, you know, things start no. Just
normal when you have a normal conversation. Every
time you talk to your parents, that's what
comes and pops into your mind. The state
that you saw your wife and, your mother
and your and your father.
And 32,
third point.
So the third point is
that you mentioned the name of Allah
by saying
at the beginning of eating.
Can you eat with your right hand?
Can you eat that which is closest to
So you lick your fingers once you are
done and you say Alhamdulillah.
Good. This is the 3rd etiquette that the
Sheikh he mentioned.
That which is pertaining
the etiquettes of
food when eating and drinking.
If here now the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam in the matters pertaining etiquette and manners,
whether it's eating, whether it's sleeping, whether it
is entering into a home. If he commanded,
does that make that act wajim or is
it just something that is recommended?
Or if the prophet salallahu alayhi is prohibited,
does it stay al nahi? Does it stay
being prohibited that if he was to do
it, you become sinful? Because we know, why,
Ajib, you don't do it, you're sinful. You
do it, you get a reward. Something that
is nahif the prophet prohibited something. He said,
don't do it and you do it, then
we know that the biggest ruling for this,
that if you do that, you're sinful.
Sometimes here you're gonna find that prophet saying
to you, eat in front of you. That
which is in front of you. What about
now if I take something from there? Do
I become sinful?
The base ruling,
We need to know that the base ruling,
that if the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
commanded something,
then the usr, the base ruling of Dala
is wajib.
Do I repeat that?
Good. If the prophet commanded something, then the
base ruling of that, that action now is
What about if I, if the prophet sallazim
prohibited it? What's the asr? What's the base
ruling of that?
It's haram.
Can't do it.
Unless there's a textual evidence that brings it
down from being wajim must have. Put that
to the side now. I don't wanna confuse
you at all.
2nd point is
second point is brothers and sisters,
now when it comes to the Bible adab,
there's an exempt ruling when it comes to
the chapters
pertaining ethics and mannerism.
Are you with me, guys?
If there is a command in the chapter
of ethics and manners,
then the scholars, they say that the asal
of it is mustahab.
It is mustahab. It's like a sarif that
brings it down from being wajib to mustahab.
And if the Prophet prohibited something as Magru,
it is disliked.
Things pertaining edin, things pertaining what you call
eating and drinking, and so on and so
Some scholars, they put the down just like
that, unrestrictedly.
And some of them, they never actually mentioned
this principle that I just mentioned, but you
can find it inside their books, and the
way they went about
authoring books.
First thing that we derive from that,
to say
before eating.
Here, saying before
is something that the prophet
called to.
If a person eat, let him mention Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's name.
You forget
the name of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala upon
in the beginning of eating,
Let this person say,
You say,
Like, while you got the food in your
mouth? No. No. Eat first and then.
You know? Because,
some of the scholars, they dislike for a
to speak while he's eating.
Something that was, you know, they they felt
You finish that and then you say,
Why was there? What's the reason for that?
Prophet salallahu alaihi was telling me, he said,
If a person is
with his right hand,
drink with his right hand.
And another narration,
what happens? The shaytan is eating with you.
So the person should try to remember
Allah straight away. So that shaytan is not
there around him bothering him eating from the
same plate that he's eating and getting close
to you.
Because the moment, brother says, you have to
understand, if the shaytan gets close to you,
he's most likely, you're to salatul alik,
is going to come down upon you hard.
And we wanna try and keep him away
as far as possible because the moment he
gets close, this is when the whispering takes
place. He's whispering in your ear, and you're
more likely to fall into sin and haram
while the shaytan
is around you,
while he's eating,
while he's leaving the house, or when he's
entering into the home. He doesn't remember Allah's
name. The shaitan is sleeping with him.
He's around him all the time.
And the more he's around you, the more
you are likely to sin and do haram.
And once you start doing haram, you have
fallen into the trouble of the shaitan, and
it's most likely you're going to be you're
going to become possessed.
You've seen brothers, right, who are possessed.
You know, the, the jinn has gotten the
better of them when inside them. They can't
get on with their daily lives like everybody
and people have to read Quran on them
all the time.
Hey. You've been told about the Sabbath. When
you open the Quran, say what?
This is a means. Just like Bismillah is
a means to keep the shaitan away. What
happens? The shaitans away. Right?
The shaitan
doesn't have any authority, doesn't have any effect
on the person who believes,
and those who put their trust in Allah
But when can the Shaitaan get the better
of you?
The shaitan
has authority. He will come after you. He'll
try to get the better of you more
than a person who doesn't remember Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala, Doesn't doesn't remember Allah
Those who befriend him
and those who commit shirk. How do you
befriend the shaitaan?
By doing the things that he likes.
Not remembering Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. These are
the things that the shaytan likes. And these
are all means to keep him away.
And once you do that, you are safe
from the
Shaytan coming after you and maybe possessing you.
said, eat with your right
and drink with your right, take from your
with his right and also give with his
And also brothers and sisters, the point that
I see all the time is,
and I think it's relevant to mention here.
Do not be a person who just moans
and groans and becomes upset the fact that
he may have remembered
that he forgot to remember Allah Subhanahu Wa
You have to understand that Khayrul Bashah.
Who is the best person to walk on
the face of this earth? Prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
He himself there would be time. Sometimes I
see, you know, the imam makes a mistake.
People are discussing outside. Oh, no. He made
a mistake inside the salah. He makes the,
he forgot, you know, the takbiraat
in in his 8th prayer and having a
go at him.
Me, I don't know. Every 8th prayer that
I do in the park, I always tend
to forget something.
That's me. I tend to always forget something.
I remember there was time,
I totally forgot the fatiha.
Then the 2nd year,
I forgot all the takbirat. I went straight
into the Surah.
The other one, another thing. I just can't
remember. Every year something happens to me. I
shayedumil al kalam,
and then people are discussing, oh, the imam,
he forgot, so on and so forth. The
prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam one time for a
dour prayer,
salayhis name.
He only prayed 2.
He went all the way to the front
of the Masjid, he put his hand on
the mimbar
until the end of the hadith, the Hadith
Dhul Yadayn.
There's another Hadith
He didn't sit the,
you know, the, the tahiyat.
In a siddit. Now the hadith, he said,
I forget just like you forget.
If I have any doubts,
then remind me.
It's perfectly normal. But
there is way to go about it. Even
likewise in your salat, we find parents who
their kids the moment he forget something.
they find it very hard to kind of
forgive him.
Why is it a makhluk forgive me when
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has forgiven me
for something that is his right?
Allah says,
Allah says, Oh Allah, do not hold us
for account for that which we have forgive
and that which we have earned.
Allah has pardoned anybody who forgets or anybody
who falls into a mistake or anybody who's
Sometimes you forget. You might even fall into
kufrara forgetfulness because of the person now being
new to Islam. We're gonna shout to him
for forgetting,
but there's only one,
only Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala who doesn't forget.
To eat that which is in front of
Allah the prophet said to Amrulullah,
you know, child, Samillah, remember Allah
eat with your hand and eat with that
which is in front of you.
Sometimes the way we eat, we're doing this,
trying to take everything off the plate. Or
we jump straight to the atraf.
However the Prophet told you, eat from there.
Finish, then move on to
the other remaining foods.
And don't eat from the middle. Do not
start with the middle because the prophet
The barakah of the food, it comes from
the middle of the time.
the outside of the food, and do not
eat from the middle.
Except in one case.
Unless the food, you find that they are
different pieces.
You find that the food is different pieces.
Let's just say, for example, lamb chops.
There's only 6 on the table.
There's only 6 on the table
and they're there,
you know.
What do I do in this case?
You ask someone to give it to you.
What if I'm hungry and I really want
to taste that lamb chop that it's so
nice and sweet to eat?
We have lamb chops. What do I do
now? Okay. You got let's just say we
have 12 lamb chops here.
Let's make a let's get a bigger number.
Everybody's around.
What do I do? Am I allowed to
take from the middle? Am I allowed to
take from the side? Am I allowed to
these kind of types of foods. There's difference.
I told you about the rice and everything
else. You got to start from the
that which is in front of you. And
now, we're talking about foods that are not
Foods that are not molded.
You can take from?
You can take from wherever you want. You
can take from wherever you want. Why? Because
these are foods that are not molded together.
And to eat with 3 fingers,
also another masala. Right?
I saw the prophet
eat with 3 fingers.
3 fingers.
Today, how do we eat like that
with the whole,
with the with the whole palm?
And even though a person might think that
what he is doing is closer to the
sunnah, it's not. As sheikh al Albani later
on, he says that
using the spoon, using the spoon
is more closer to the sunnah than using
your full hand.
What do you what do you mean the
reason is?
Because you're using 3 fingers. The hadith says
3 fingers. It doesn't say your full hand.
Are you with me guys?
And he disapproves of those who say no,
you know, but we're using my hand and
so on and so he says that exactly
the same as taking a car. The prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam never took a car
when he went on the hajj.
I'm gonna say, okay, I'm gonna take a
donkey from Leicester all the way to Saudi
Arabia. Just because the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam took a riding camel. Allah
made it easy for you to take a
car. And it's a sebab
that enables you to get the best out
of the objective.
Are you with me, brothers and sisters? So
now Al aqlu biameenik
through the
through the spoon, you're using 3
Yan Qulu an Ayad and he says,
to eat with more than 3 fingers is
bad etiquette
and it's something
bad that a person is engaging in. To
eat with more than 3 fingers.
Except in a case now where a person
finds it really difficult and he uses his
4th finger
to kind of assist him in holding up
the food. Are you with me
guys? Maybe you have a Milhaqah
and you're able to kind of, like, get
the best out of the food and eat
Fahada Ola
this is
because we're running out of time. I'm not
going to read the,
the Naqallah of the Naqulah of Imam al
Baniyahim Allahu Ta'ala.
After Ta'am now.
Whoever now eats, and then after that he
What happens?
For saying that very small sunnah, that small
your past sins are
forgiven. Again, earlier we spoke about doing the
little things that we might be oblivious about,
that we might be very relaxed
and looked down upon.
Another thing that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
used to say, if he ate anything other
than milk,
O Allah, bless us in it, and feed
us with that which is better than it.
That's for anything other than leban, other than
Oh Allah, bless us in it and give
us more.
Who gathered the 2? The difference between the
Okay. That's for what? Anything other than
milk. Good. The one with milk.
Allah bless us in it, and then give
us more.
Okay. SubhanAllah, guys, these are sunan. Also, something
that the prophet used to do, he used
to rinse his mouth every time he drank
These are sunanin sahih al Bukhari.
I always tell these brothers who
are so overly excited in doing things like
mawlid or they're engaging in things. You know,
the least we could say about it is
doubtful. Right?
Let's just say for argument's sake, celebrating the
mauled is something doubtful
or doing all these other stuff that there's
so much controversy about.
Have you implemented
every single practice, Sunnah, that you find in
Bukhari and Muslim? Maybe just an anger it
could come from to try and convince them
and make them understand. You've implemented
every single sunnah in Bukhari and Muslim and
everything that we've mentioned today from the smaller
sunnah that someone might be unmindful of,
that you now went on.
You've gone through 6, 7,000
hadith. Now that you've gone on to do
and try do something extra,
forget about whether it's bitter or not. Put
it to the side. The least you could
say it's doubtful. Why don't you apply
everything that's in Bukharyah? Then go on, do
something else.
If a person finishes eating, let him not
wipe his hands.
Let him not wipe his hands.
Are you with me guys? Don't wipe your
hands until you either do one of these.
You lick it
or you get someone to lick it for
Yuck, right? Some of you laughing.
Today, the guy will start licking his finger.
What did I say about him? Oh, this
guy's still hungry, ain't it? Do you want
more food?
Oh, the guy's a Trump.
And the moment he is cleaning off the
table, you know, he's doing this and
if something drops, he picks it up.
But what did the prophet tell us?
Something drops, take the dua off and eat
it. Wallahi, we look at him as a
or a guy who is still hungry.
That's what we say.
But hadim as sunnahun alaihi wa sallam
to actually get the remaining. There could be
some barakah on your fingers or you get
someone to lick it for you.
You're married, get your wife to do it.
Or have you got a child? Maybe get
him. Hadi sunnah, you know.
Sometimes you find these things. A person starts
asking questions. What is the Hikma behind Allah?
The illah doesn't need to be mentioned to
us. Like I remember
a very famous
guy in Qatar. He came out and he
said, you know, pertaining the hadith of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
When a fly goes into your food,
when a fly goes into your water
and one wing is inside you like that,
then dip it in. Dip it in more.
One of his wings, there is
a cure and the other wing, there's a
sickness in that. Dip it in, so it
kind of balances out.
This we cannot, like
like imagine. How can we do something like
that? Put a fly who goes to different
filthy places and is sick inside there.
Sometimes, the reason is mentioned as to why
you've been told something happened.
And then, later on, the scientific scholars,
they come out and they say, oh, recently,
did you not see? There was a, there
was an article going around that it's more
to drink sitting down
than to be standing up.
Did you see the article?
Haraz was going viral. Everybody was sending this
Unless you don't know on social media, that's
It was going around all over social media
that apparently now there's a report by the
come to a conclusion that it's more healthy
to drink sitting down.
When When did the prophet salallahu alaihi wa
sallam mention this
1400 years ago?
Now you are finding different scientific investigations
resulting in him saying, oh, yes, this, that,
and yeah, but
the prophet says something, we take it.
Whether you understand the wisdom or not.
Even though I mentioned some of it, what
do we do now when the food drops
on the floor?
If something now drops on the floor, what
should you do? Take the dirt off.
Take the dirt off and then eat it.
Let him eat it only for the shaitan.
Obviously, there's some food guys that once it
drops onto the dirt,
it's kind of very hard to remove the
dirt. I'm not telling you to eat that.
Like, for example, ice cream.
You can actually,
you don't think I'm saying don't do that
with ice cream. With ice cream, you can't
do that.
The ice cream drops,
some part of it is still, you know,
it's very dirty. You take some off, it's
still clean inside it.
You're telling me you can't eat the cone?
When it's dropped on his, you know, top
of his head like that. It's dropped head
Take that off and then eat the rest
of it.
the dirt you've taken off, even if there's
a small part left of it.
And do not leave it for the shaitan,
and do not leave it for the shaitan.
And we've been also told
to clean the plate.
Sometimes guys, obviously, you know, Allah says,
Allah won't burden the soul more than you
can bear. You know, you've had a lot
of food. Someone put food in front of
you. You can only take some. You can't
clean it. I'm not gonna say to you,
get the and shove it down your throat.
Lao Allah.
No one is saying that.
You have the ability. You leave like bits
and bobs on the table
or on the plate
when you know you could eat that and
just clean it off.
But a person, he leaves what's even worse
is he leaves it off because he fears
that the person is going to think they're
still hungry.
Or he's gonna be Trumpified
for doing and cleaning the play off.
I'm going to finish 5 because we
Kasa is the plate or the container where
you have the food.
So the 4th point is to speak in
a well mannered fashion in goodness,
and to lower your voice,
deliberate and gentle in your speech.
And to be silent to those who speak
to you,
facing towards them
and not to interrupt
And to not proceed to, in speech of
the When you're in a gathering, if there's
people who are older than you or more
knowledgeable than you in speech.
Again, another act where brothers and sisters is
something very small that we could do, but
it goes a very very long way.
And the amount of reward that we get
out of it. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said
in the Quran,
When you speak to the people, speak to
them in a nice way. Say something good
to them. In another ayah,
Tell my servant to say that which is
Not just that which is good, but that
which is better. If you are in a
situation where you could see you could say
the best possible thing to that person, Try
and choose that.
Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in another hadith,
he said,
save yourselves from the hellfire
even if it is
distance of half a date,
with a half a date,
giving that in charity,
doing something as small as that
to try and save yourself from the fire.
Meaning, do not belittle small sins.
Little things that we've been going on about
for the last 2, 3 lessons,
that could be the reason why you get
saved from the hellfire.
Whoever doesn't even find half a date,
to say a very nice word to somebody.
And this is now explained by another hadith
to show you what a speech
that is, you know, nice and soft
and heartwarming could do to a person.
Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said,
from the most beloved actions to Allah Subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
Happiness that you enter into a person's heart,
And there's many different things that a person
could do. And one of them is, kalimatayyib,
but as we mentioned other hadith. Right?
Here, three things were mentioned. Takshifu Anhu Korba.
A difficulty that is going through that you
removed that from him. You see him struggling,
take it away from him.
He has a lot of debt. You know
you could pay that? Pay it for him.
Person might be going through marriage problems. You
know you could do something about it. Go
and try and solve his problems for him.
That's gonna take a lot of stress out
of it.
Or to remove the hunger that a person
have has.
Whether it is helping our young brothers and
sisters in Syria by sending them money
to remove the hunger,
you know, just to see a kid smile.
I mean, ahabil amalillahi subhanahu wa ta'ala from
the most beloved actions to Allah
Sometimes you see, you know,
a guy has just been sweating.
Guy is sweating out.
He's carrying ice and bags on with him.
He's about to enter into the building just
to help him out. You see, you know,
his smile is priceless.
The guy is depressed. He's been depressed.
You start speaking to him, you realize that
guy is living such a depressive life.
Look at Beth Uthaimin he mentions.
He said,
look how, you know, such a in his
shar Hayat salihin. Something so small.
To say to someone, like a good speech
is to say to someone,
how are you today?
How are your brothers?
How is your
These are from the very nice, you words
and phrases that you might say to someone
that enters a lot of happiness into him.
Ulliah sometimes, you know, when he was in
Saudi Arabia,
you go into a taxi driver,
you think to yourself, does that guy ever
speak to anybody?
Like some people are so stressed out in
their lives.
You start speaking to him.
You could even see that the smile doesn't
fit his face
because he's so used to looking sad. You
can see the sad marks on his face.
Start speaking to him. The guy starts opening
up. He's really hated everything by his life
because there's people in this world brother that
said, you might not realize.
They might not open up to you. They're
going through so much depression. A brother recently
was saying to me, I see some of
these brothers like,
What's the word that he mentioned?
A walking zombie.
Well, I'm a walking zombie.
It's not an insult towards him, but a
guy who
and he's going through a mental shutdown.
He doesn't speak to anybody. The fact that
he's not speaking to anybody, it caused him
to go a bit crazy, but he's still
Some people are crazy. They go get taken
to the care home. Right?
But this guy is still functioning,
but his mind is shut.
He doesn't have people to speak to. Going
through problems because he couldn't find people to
speak to, it caused him not to be
in a state.
a sad situation,
sometimes just saying one word to a person
could make his day.
Also, the prophet
Whoever believes in Allah Subhanahu in the last
day, let him say either good or keep
quiet. And we have to understand, brothers and
sisters, that speech is split into 3.
Speech is of 3 types.
Either it is good speech,
either it is bad speech, or it's. What
How many species is categorized into how many
parts? 3. What are these 3?
What's your name?
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Go on if you can.
Okay. Do it in English.
I didn't explain that one. Good, though. Good
speech, bad speech, or it's Allahu?
Allahu brothers and sisters, this word Allahu, you
find it time and time again, it comes
in the Quran. Right?
Normally it's where
It is yours. It is used for the
speech that has no benefit.
But it hasn't reached
the level of disobedience, of Masiyyah.
And also
sometimes you find in the Quran it is
All types of falsehood.
Sometimes the Laghut could come with shirk.
Shirk might be spoken about and the word
Laghu is used.
So can somebody repeat that? It's a bit
technical but to just repeat it.
Is it always the guy that turns around?
Hey, you.
No, no, him, him. The one that's leaning
on the pole.
What's exactly?
Level of?
It hasn't reached the level of Masya.
Level of Masya.
But also you find in times, the word
lahu is used for what?
Anything that is false. Are you with me,
Guys, again, I'm going to conclude with the
same thing that I mentioned at least 3
times today.
'Ilm is very very difficult.
Wala requires a lot of patience. Sheikh Salaim
and Raheili, he mentioned this in the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam's masjid. When he saw
that some of the students and those who
attended a lesson were kind of finding it
very difficult
and their heads were dropping because of the
It was like, Al Musa'ad.
Knowledge is very very difficult
and it requires a lot of patience. Most
people are not patient, and because most people
are not patient, most people don't become scholars.
How many people of knowledge do you know?
How many scholars do you know? When you
look into your family, how many of you
are actually grounded? They're able to teach you
what is right and what is wrong.
Most people, they are not ready
to go and sit and humble themselves and
take their knowledge.
That's why Imam
He said,
We are in need of knowledge.
More than that, we need food and drink.
Food and drink, you need some parts of
the day. You need much more than that.
So may Allah Azza wa Jal bless you,
What's the program now?