Abu Taymiyyah – Part 12 Be The BIGGER Man

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a dispute between two individuals, which has caused a lot of pride and confusion among the people. The speaker also mentions a person named praised by Congress and the media, who apologizes for a mistake and promises to forgive them. The speaker also talks about a situation where a cousin of the speaker's sister is involved in a murder investigation and the potential consequences of apologizing and forgetting.
AI: Transcript ©
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Whoever is not well mannered

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in his relationship with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will patch him up.

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Will deal with him under the earth.

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Be the bigger man.

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Be the bigger man.

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We hear this all the time, right?

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A dispute breaks up between 2 people, they

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boycott one another, they don't speak to one

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another for years.

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Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam he said,

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It is not lawful for one to

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boycott his brother for more than 3 days.

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And the best of them

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is the one who starts

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with the salaam.

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Pardoning one another my brothers and my sisters,

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the great imam Hassan al Basri, the Tabiai,

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he says,

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The most virtuous,

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the most virtuous of good traits, of lofty

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is delightful.

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It is to pardon.

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Even though my brothers and masters, it can

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be so so difficult,

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You can't look that guy in the face

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But remember, my brothers and my sisters,

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treat the people the same way you like

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to be treated.

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And this is exactly what the prophet

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to us.

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He said,

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may peace and blessings be upon him.

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Treat the people with mercy and you'll be

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treated with mercy.

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Pardon the people, forgive them

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and you will be pardoned

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Look what Ibnuraj

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he mentions in the wonderful book, Latayf al

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Ma'arib, he says

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is from the names of Allah

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And Allah loves to pardon

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And he loves to pardon his servants

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And he loves for his servants

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to pardon and forgive one another and here

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comes the catch

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He then says

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And if they pardon and forgive one another

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then that's

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when Allah is going to pardon them.

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And him pardoning his servants is more beloved

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to him

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than punishing them

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Treat the people the same way you like

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to be treated

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A couple of years ago I went to

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Accrington and I was asked the question,

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what if that individual

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He keeps doing the same thing time and

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time again. Yes, he apologizes

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and he comes across sincere, but then he

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does it again.

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I asked the brother

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in the lecture

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a very simple question.

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What if Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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was to say to you if you do

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this sin 5 times

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then there is no forgiveness

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left for you?

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What would our reaction be?

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How many sins have we done time and

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time and time again?

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But Allah tells us that he loves to

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forgive us.

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To conclude,

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I will quickly mention something that happened to

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Abu Bakr, Abu

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he had a cousin called

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This cousin of his my brothers and my

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when he migrated from Makkah to Al Madina,

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the only source of income that he had

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was what Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu used

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to give to him.

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And SubhanAllah what happened was his cousin

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was from those who spread the lie,

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The accusation about the Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala Anha.

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And yes, this is the uncle now having

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engaged in this.

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Aisha is his niece.

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He was from those who participated.

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When he found

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out, Abu Bakr became infuriated,

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and he swore that he's going to cut

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that income that he used to give to

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his cousin, Misbah.

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A verse came down.

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To Allah says,

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don't let those who have so much virtue,

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swear that they will stop

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and helping financially those who are close to

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them from the Muhajirin.

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And then what does Allah say?

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Forgive and forget, turn the page

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Wouldn't you love for Allah to forgive you?

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My brothers and my sisters,

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for somebody to say about your wife,

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your daughter,

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that she's x, y, and zed,

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and that she slept around because this is

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exactly what they said about Aisha, that she

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committed zina.

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We will see tables turning, tables being flipped,

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it's hard to take

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Abu Bakr had

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to overcome that

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And he did. Not only did he forgive

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and he forget and he forgot and turned

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the page,

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but he continued

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spending on his cousin.

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And this thing my brothers and my sisters

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is not an easy thing but the immense

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or but the reward is so immense.

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It's one of the three things that a

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put a limit on with regards to its

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reward and Allah knows best.

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The moment my brothers and my sisters you

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begin to feel that you are better than

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what I need to say unfortunately is

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that you are treading a very very dangerous

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path which could lead to your destruction.

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It really really is.

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