Abu Taymiyyah – Mums Advice On Music To

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how young people often struggle to understand and articulate their feelings when facing challenges, such as music. They also mention that they can't come together due to diseases likeverthroat and addiction. The speaker emphasizes the importance of letting go of fear and desire to reach equilibrium.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know, from a very young age, when

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my mom used to take me to madrasah,

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she used to say to me, Muhammad, you

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can't listen to music and also memorize at

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the same time.

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I'm like, what she talking about?

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And that's how we think sometimes, right, when

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we're young. That our parents, they're backwards. Right?

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They don't know what they're talking about.

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Later on, I saw what Ibrahim Taim

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mentioned in his

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The love of the Quran and the love

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of music are 2 things that can't come

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together in one's heart. It's impossible.

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As the public mentions,

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Il will enter into your heart.

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Every person has been given Tawfeeq without what?

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Without having to go through a door,

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and without having to seek permission.

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The more pure your heart is, my brothers

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and my sisters,

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from sins and all sorts of diseases,

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the more the ill will enter into that.

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And this is one of the first things

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that Shafa'al Abi Adalai bin Hamad Al Rasaymi,

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he mentions in his Kitab, glorification of knowledge.

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