Abu Taymiyyah – LGBTQ & Proud Snippet from

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the negative impact of social media on children, particularly children who are not exposed to certain content. They argue that social media is a way to empower children, and that they should not feel embarrassed to have a bill. The speaker also mentions the use of hash featuring the LGBTQ community, which is seen as a way to assert their rights and be seen as an outsider.
AI: Transcript ©
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My beloved brothers and sisters,

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as the messenger of Islam told us,

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There doesn't come a time except the time

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that comes after it.

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Is far worse.

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Messenger salallahu alaihi wa sallam sent this over

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1400 years ago, and we are seeing it

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right before our eyes.

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Every other day we wake up to a

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new reality.

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I woke up to a post on Twitter

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which stated or which said,

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friend, who's called Robin, right?

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His partner in crime.

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In the next comic series,

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he will be he will be exploring his

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sexual identity.

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He will be exploring his sexual identity.

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Again, this is what I woke up to

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tell you.

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34 year olds

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will have the right when they go to

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school to change

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the agendas

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without the consent of their parents.

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These are the new regulations in Scotland.

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Not so long ago, I got a phone

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call while I was in Lestar

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by one of the brothers who went hajj

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with me saying,

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the son of the iman or one of

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the imams in Lestar

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has woken up and told his father

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he's no longer a boy.

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And they're asking me to go to the

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house to speak to him.

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We were speaking about social media, right?

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In the era of hashtags,

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kids are exploring,

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surfing the net.

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And the different social media apps, They click

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on certain hashtags

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and then they are exposed to a different

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He keeps looking at it and on social

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media at times, certain movements when in reality

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is not that big, but they picked up

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through social media.

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And it makes it appear to the world

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that they are extremely huge

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and rampant.

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But in reality, they're not. This is what

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social media does. It magnifies that which is

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extremely small. So now they begin to explore

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and surf the Internet. They come across all

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types of content,

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and it may well be that which is

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being propagated and promoted by the LGBTQ community.

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It enters into their hearts, it settles, and

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then all of a sudden they begin to

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question themselves.

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They begin to question their own sexuality,

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their genders.

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And because he hasn't been educated from a

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very young age the way he should have,

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he goes deeper and he goes deeper.

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Just yesterday in Lestar, one of the brothers

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who gives dawah came up to me and

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he said, while they were playing on the

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Lohan Kriyf pitch in Lestar,

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the child comes up to me and he

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starts opening up saying

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that he came across certain content

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and he began to question as to whether

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there is purpose in his life.

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His deen is on the line and he's

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saying please don't tell my parents

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because they will get upset. I only go

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to madrasah

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because I don't wanna upset my parents.

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Because of what they were exposed to on

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the social networking websites.

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He never knew that he had a bad

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reputation. He never knew that he was going

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to and I'm going to conclude with

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this. He said,

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We are a people that have been honored

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through Islam.

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The moment we begin to desire Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala will humiliate us.

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You walk on the high street today, you

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find just about on all of these major

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shirikat companies,

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they have stuck on their walls and their

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mirrors as soon as you walk in, proud

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supporters of LGBTQ.

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I'm not saying that we need to be

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violent towards them. Other than I'm not saying

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Everyone's going to be held to account and

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that which they follow on what they do.

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However, look,

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if they are now so proud about their

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religion, why is it that we have to

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now water down our religion?

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Why do we

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have to feel

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embarrassed about our own identities?

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It is being shoved down our throats, rubbed

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in our faces.

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The moment you don't support is not just

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about being accepting anymore. If you don't support,

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you are seen as someone

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who's an outsider in society. You're ostracized,

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put to the sidelines.

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Look at some of the kufar like Poland

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China. They pass laws saying that under 18s

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are not to be exposed to this type

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of content.

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So much so that Germany got angry when

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they were playing against Hungary in the Euros.

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So they wanted to light up the Munich

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stadium with the LGBTQ

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when they were playing with Hungary because Hungary

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has a position that we do not expose

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our children to this kind of stuff.

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We are Muslims and we should be proud.

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We shouldn't have to water down our religion

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in order to accommodate.

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We are a people that have been honored

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by it.

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Don't feel embarrassed to have a bill. Don't

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feel embarrassed to wear the hijab.

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They are proud, why shouldn't we be proud?

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We ask Allah azza wa jal to save

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us in these times of

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