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A man is reciting a statement from the prophet Muhammad to remind people of the upcoming death of their bodies. He uses the term "the death of" to describe the upcoming death of their bodies. He emphasizes that everyone is going to be caught up in the death and that everyone is going to be punished.
AI: Summary ©
I want 4 minutes of your time. 4
minutes. I don't wanna ask you for anything
more. I just want 4 minutes
of your time, inshallah,
and I wanna speak about a very very
important point.
Brothers and sisters,
I want no more than 4 minutes from
your time. I want to discuss with you
a very important matter.
Brothers and sisters,
this is the night, and tomorrow night are
the days when the people are going to
be clubbing.
and tomorrow are the this is the days
when the people are going to have shisha
pipes in their mouth. This is the day,
brothers and sisters, when the guy is going
to go and do zina
with his girlfriend
and any other things that the people do.
Brothers and sisters, I want to ask you,
imagine you have that shisha pipe in your
mouth and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala takes your
soul. I ask you by Allah, imagine you
are jumping up and down with the tune
of Drake and all of these hip hop
stars, and Allah
takes your soul.
The angel of death is not going to
send you a WhatsApp message. He's not going
to send you a Facebook message. Allah says
in the Quran,
It comes to you unexpectedly.
Brothers and sisters,
I just want you to think the next
time you disobey Allah
imagine that Allah
takes your soul.
We know a person who died and he
was saying the girlfriend's name. They're trying to
say to him,
and he's saying his girlfriend's name. There is
people, brothers and sisters, they passed away and
the last thing they drank was alcohol.
Some of them were drinking weed, and Allah
took their souls. Brothers and sisters, this is
known in the sharia
Su Al Khattima.
Most of you know Alan Shearer, the match
of the day presenter. There was a boy
who really really loved Alan Shearer. He was
the renouncer and the messiah at times.
They came to him while he was dying.
They're telling him, say
and he can't say it. We know the
famous hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
Whoever's last name and his he
will enter into our jannah. You think it's
that simple?
Throughout the whole day, the whole Eid, we
are disobeying Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And you
think we're gonna be able to say,
Brothers and sisters, think of that last moment
when medical mode comes to you. Look at
those brothers and sisters,
grand full tower, Findlay Park, they were worshiping
then that happened, whatever happened, someone came
and tried to hit them with a van.
Our brothers in Granfall Tower, they came out
of Fajr. Some of them passed away
while they were praying. They were praying brothers
and sisters. How do we expect to die
on this night when people are doing?
30 days, we were worshiping Allah subhanahu wa
People are planning in the last 10 days.
The best days
of this dunya,
the last 10 days, what they're going to
be doing on Eid. You're organizing
hotel bookings,
we're organizing
the parties,
we're organizing
disobeying Allah
brothers and sisters think about this. I'm not
here to lecture you. I'm not here to
preach to you. I'm just here to remind
you brothers and sisters, and I apologize if
I offended you. But brothers and sisters, Hassan
Al Posary, a reminder that just came to
my mind. He mentioned a very, very powerful
statement. He
said, Every day that Allah
then this is a day of aid. Imagine
on the day of aid, after working so
hard, we are turning it into another aid.
We are not celebrating
Eid, we are disobeying Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Brothers and sisters, I've mentioned time and time
again this issue of your last moment. Please
think about it.
Imagine today, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala takes your
soul. Today, brothers and sisters,
this whole month, we've had reminders of the
reminders. Wasn't Grenfell Tower a big enough reminder
that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala could take our
souls? A couple of days later, another tragic
event takes place. Finsbury Park. Brothers and sisters,
take this as a reminder.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless you all,
and I apologize if I offended you. I
just came here today. I don't live here.
I came all the way from Nestor Just
to give you this reminder.
Brothers and sisters,
I'm going to keep stressing this point.
Brothers and sisters,
I have never ever seen a Ramadan like
this one.
I have never ever seen a Ramadan like
this one. It has been so action packed.
Brothers and sisters, Grenfell Tower is not far
from here. Finsbury Park is on the other
side of London. Wallahi, I've never seen a
that has been so action packed. Our brothers
and sisters passed away. I keep stressing this
point. Imagine
Allah took your stone in this position.
Brothers and sisters, the
Everyone is forgiven.
Everyone in my Ummah is forgiven
except one type of person. You know who
this person is? The one who publicizes his
At least privatize your sins. Do your sins
in private. Why are we doing it publicly?
We're blasting music. Do we not care about
Brothers and sisters, imagine
these brothers here. I'm not saying this to
They're playing the music, and Allah takes their
soul. Wasn't that good enough
to remind us that which took place in
West London and also in North London?
Brothers and sisters, until when we will wake
When will we realize
these are incidents
after incident, another incident takes place? When are
we gonna wake up from this deep sleep
that we have?
Brothers and sisters will lie, I'm not penetrating
you. But brothers and sisters, that death is
going to come to you. No one's gonna
send you a WhatsApp message. No one's gonna
send you Instagram message. No one's gonna tell
you through Facebook that you're about to die,
that you have 1 hour remaining.
It comes to you unexpectedly.
Brothers and sisters, this was meant to be
a day where we thank Allah, where we
ask Allah to accept our Ramadan.
We are meant to be asking Allah to
accept our Ramadan. Why
we're destroying everything?
One of the signs that your Ramadan has
been accepted is that you carry on the
good deeds. Wallahi, we're destroying everything we've been
doing for 30 days. Brothers and sisters, I
don't wanna take much of your time, but
please, brothers and sisters, realize what we are
because this round the corner.
There doesn't come a time except that the
time that comes after it is more worse,
and we're seeing
corruptions, and the life is getting worse. Brothers
and sisters, wake up.
And brothers and sisters, I ask Allah with
his names and his attributes
to give us a
to give us a condemning.
Well, why? We don't wanna die. We've got
alcohol in our mouth. We have a shisha
pipe in our mouth, and then we die
in such a way.