Mustafa Khattab – 26 Allahs Attributes AlWadud Ii
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Inshallah, it's the
last night of Tawiyyah.
So on behalf of the Anatolia Islamic Center
of Life to the World Bank, chief Ahmed
Tuni, kabadda Allah,
chief Mohammed Abdul Azizqasim, kabadda Allah, for leading
and and taking care of us spiritually in
this month.
So before we begin our talk, Insha'Allah, I
would like to give them a token of
appreciation and award
from the Anatolia Islamic Center. So I'd like,
to call upon brother Toro Nikichi, the president
of the Anatolia Islamic Center, to give them
the award insha'Allah.
Alphabetical. Alphabetical. So
this is a small token of appreciation, and
this is
So we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to
bless them and their families and give them
Barakah and Amir. Sheikh Latuni joined us from,
Masjid Islam in Brampton,
and, Sheikh Mohammed Abdul Aziz talking
from Al Azhar, Egypt. He came all the
way. So he's leaving tomorrow inshaAllah.
So ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to give
him Barakah and blessings.
So tonight is the last talk about the
names of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
and we'll continue our discussion about the name
Al Wadud, the All Loving. And it's a
blessed name from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. We
spoke last night about the general wood that
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has for His creation
and the special wood love that Allah
has for the believers.
says in the Quran,
Those who believe and have faith
and do good Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will
bless them with genuine love.
Love from Him and love for everyone,
for one another.
And this is why
the believers are 1 brotherhood
and they love for each other what they
love for themselves,
and they care about each other, and they
feel the suffering of others.
So SubhanAllah, as I said before I don't
follow the news, but it has been brought
to my attention that someone
tried to attack the Haram in Mecca today.
Someone who calls himself Muslim
tried to, you know, explode something or kill
people in the Haram. Right? So Wallahi,
and I make an oath, and I know
that I'm not breaking my oath or anything,
if we give
Abu Jazd or Abu Laha, a clashing code
or a grenade, a bomb, to go and
attack the Kaaba and the Haram, they will
say no. People of Makkah, even before Islam,
they have respect for the Haram.
And they say before Islam
these Kufar those Mushrikun used to make Tazda
to the idols
and and they were Kufar
they hated Islam and everything but they say
if I met someone who killed my father
someone who killed their father in the Haram
doing tawaf before Islam, they wouldn't touch him.
Because they not because of him, it's because
of the place. They have respect, great respect
for the Haram.
So now you hear about someone,
so called Muslim, who tries to attack the
Haram and kill people there. And also we
hear all the times about explosions in Pakistan,
killing school children in the school,
in Afghanistan, killing women and children and people
in Masajid,
in Turkey,
in Egypt,
in Yemen, in Libya, in Syria, in Iraq,
and so on and so forth. I don't
know what is going on here.
Like how can people call themselves Muslim? Where
is the genuine love that Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala is talking about?
We need to care about one another. It
doesn't matter if you are from this country
or that country, we are one Muslim Ummah.
We care about the suffering of one another.
And the Prophet SAW Alaihi Wa Salam gave
this beautiful metaphor in the hadith and he
says, The Muslims are like 1 ummah, 1
If you have a problem in your stomach,
the whole body can't sleep at night because
the whole organs of the body, they feel
the pain of that particular organ because we
feel each other.
So for example, we hear about the suffering
the Uyghur in East Turkestan,
They were occupied by China
in 1949.
So for so many years they have been
and if you don't follow the news they
ban fasting Ramadan. You can't fast over there
and they force you to eat. You can't
go to the masjid and pray like here.
If you are a man and you grow
your beard you are going to jail. A
woman wearing hijab, you go to jail, and
so on and so forth.
So, they live under abuse and tyranny, and
no one hardly hears about them or talks
about them, and they are in the millions.
Muslims are a tiny minority in China, but
they are in the millions
because there's 1,600,000,000
when they have about a 100,000,000 Muslims and
so on and so forth. It's a tiny
number within the big Chinese population.
Who is talking about Philistines
Who is talking about Muslims in Central Africa?
They are being butchered and burned alive, their
massages are destroyed. Who is talking about them?
Who is talking about the Muslims in,
Same problem.
And there are so many other examples, I'm
just sharing with you a flavor of what
is going on in the Ummah, and no
one cares anymore.
In in in the Muslim Ummah, we care
about soccer games,
we care about cricket, we care about basketball,
we care about the fidget spinners, we care
about ice cream, we care about the cutest
goat, the cutest goat. They have this,
competition in some Muslim countries,
all their brothers and sisters are being butchered
in the 100 of 1,000 and all they
can do is to hold the cute goat
Is this the Ummah of Muhammad al Salazar?
This is crazy man.
I think if I go nuts, if I
go crazy, you know what. Right? And I
think the safest thing for my brains and
for my heart is to stop watching the
news because it is too much for me.
This is not the Ummah of Muhammad So
what can you do as an individual? You
don't have the means to support them. At
least don't forget them in your dua. When
you make dua and salah, make sure you
pray for them. You say, Allah, I'm a
weak human being. I can't do much.
But at least make dua for them that
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala would protect them.
We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to give
them justice
and to give them Isaa to Islam and
Muslims and we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
to bring Muslims back to the right path
and to put Muwata and Rahma between them.
The enemies are attacking from every side
and all we can do
is boycott another Muslim country. Like, you don't
know what is going on here. Like, the
attacks are coming from everywhere and all we
can do is to boycott other Muslims.
And this brings back, like,
you see the sila coming back,
we are not marrying from there, we're not
selling anything to them, they can't come to
our country, we cannot go to them, They're
not this and that. And and SubhanAllah, this
is like what the people of Mecca did
to the Muslims like,
it's the same thing. Bismik Allah, Ummah. It
is I don't know SubhanAllah.
So Muslims, you need to smarten up and
they need to see the whole picture and
come together because together they are better.
The enemy they are
taking them down 1 by 1. And now
they are siding with the enemies to attack
other Muslim countries and your turn is coming.
Someone today, someone tomorrow, we need to work
for justice for everyone. We are not saying
go out and kill people or anything. We
are saying
live with Issa and dignity, with human rights,
with respect for everyone. Muslim man, Muslim, it
doesn't really matter. Live your life and let
me live my life.
But I need to live with respect and
dignity just like everyone else. But when it
comes to, you know, the reality of things
and you treat your dogs
better than me,
you know this is not the right way
of doing things. We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala to give restat to Islam and Muslims
and, as I said before I'll be 40
July 1st it's Canada Day, Somalia Day and
it's also a mandate
And, I always say, I don't expect you
to live another 40 years, so it is
just a rant from someone who is getting
old, and we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
to give this Ummah the best. Well, Allah,
we have some of the finest human beings
in the world in the Muslim Ummah. They
are charitable,
they are friendly, respectable,
but this is not what you see in
the news. So we need to do a
lots of public relations, lots of ta'wah, opening
our doors, reaching out to people, so they
can see the truth of Islam and Muslims.
We'll see you next year inshallah. We'll continue
this series about the names,
of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And if you
miss any halafa
Taraweeh, you can always go to Anatolia Facebook
page and watch all the series about 28
of them about the qualities of Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. And one last thing, yes, the
talk lasts for about 10 minutes every day,
but it literally takes me hours to put
these 10 minutes together and find a suitable
story or 2 so I can share them
with you. The whole point was not to
entertain you but to get to you to
think about Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and how
to get close to Him and love Him.
The more you know Him the more you
love Him. And
the last question for this year
was about the Quran.
It was revealed, Ullaaylatul Qadr.
How come that we know from the seerah
that the Quran was revealed in 23 years?
Was it only 1 night or 23 years?
So the answer
is the first revelation
started on Laylatul Qadr and then it continued
for another 23 years. But some of our
Lamat say say that the Quran came collectively
from Allahu Al Mahfuz to Asama'u Dunya
on that night, but it was given to
the Prophet
over the next 23 years. And the winner
of the last prize of this year is
brother Suleyman Jidla.
Brother Suleyman Jidla.
Over there, he's not here.