Abu Taymiyyah – Hadeeth 10 Bulooq Al Maraam Chapter Of Night Prayer , Itikaaf & Laylatul Qadr

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of forgiveness and clean remorse in actions. They also mention the use of the word "will" in the internet to describe actions and actions that cause a negative impact. The speaker emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and clean remorse in actions to avoid negative consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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I come to know when

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is going to be

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what shall I say?

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Oh Allah,

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you love to pardon, so pardon me.

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I'm going to quote you guys in 2

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beautiful statements from Ibn Rajab, from

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his. First one, guys, a very important benefit.

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All of us today in the Masjid can

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benefit from this. Young,

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old, whatever you might be. He says,

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is from the names of Allah azza wa

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It is

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him who forgives the sins of his servant.

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It is him that removes

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the remaining traces of the sins that he

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has committed.

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Allah loves to forgive and pardon his slaves.

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And then here comes the catch guys, pay

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And he lost for his servants to forgive

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one another.

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If they forgive and they pardon one another,

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then that's when he's going to go and

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forgive them.

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The fact that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgives

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them is more beloved to him than in

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punishing them.

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I'll repeat that last part again.

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When they forgive one another,

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that's when he's going to forgive them.

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We're going to be crying out

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Do we not all say that dua guys?

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The imam says in the Umut. Right?

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It's one of them dua that we're going

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to be repeating all the time.

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You wanna be forgiven, right? My brothers and

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my, you have to start with yourself.

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You have to completely

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remove any grudges that is remaining in your

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And that's what the prophet told us,

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Have mercy towards one another, and Allah will

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have mercy upon you.

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Forgive one another and Allah will forgive you.

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Recently when I went to Accrington, one brother

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asked a very good question,

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and he said, you know, some people you

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forgive them, and then he he does against

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you again. He oppresses you.

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Can I

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do I still forgive him? Do I still

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clean my heart for him?

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Can I do I still forgive

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him? Do I still clean my heart for

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I'm gonna ask you guys a question.

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If Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said to you,

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whoever does this sin 10 times,

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then the door has been shut. How would

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you guys feel?

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How would we feel, guys?

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If the irid is gonna get heavy,

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if the tomb is closed, that if you

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do this particular action 10 times,

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there is no more Maghdar for you.

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We are what?

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Excessively makes mistakes.

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Not just

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the not just he's

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a You with me guys?

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So my brother said, you have to really

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really clean your heart. You want Allah to

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forgive you? You have to start with yourself.

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I'm gonna ask you guys a question.

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For those who may feel like

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who have been oppressed,

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Has anybody gone as far

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as slandering your wife?

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Saying that she went and she slept around,

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and she's x y zed.

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I'm sure most of us,

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we wanna say that.

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Most of yeah. Yeah. It's coming. Yeah. It's

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on it's on here.

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So So Nurul Jabraham Allah Ta'ala, he says,

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the smart, the intelligent individual,

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after doing righteous good deeds,

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After they've done all of these good deeds,

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they still see themselves falling short,

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and that there is room for improvement.

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What do they do guys? This is very

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very powerful guys.

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After they've done so many good deeds, righteous

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they rush back to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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begging him for forgiveness. I'm gonna ask you

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guys a question.

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somebody who committed fornication,

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if he's smart and intelligent, what's he going

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to do?

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He's gonna repent. Right? He's gonna beg Allah

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Azawajalu Uyena. He's gonna cry.

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Alayhis salarayanikh.

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If he's an intelligent individual

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that should be the same way

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this person who has done so many Ibadat,

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in the end, that's how we should be

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breaking down to Allah

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And that is the way of the

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Doing the obligatory acts, and also doing the

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voluntary acts is the way. They do that

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while at the same time they see that

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there is room for improvement,

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and that they can do more and more

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and more.

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So why Ibn Taym Rahim Allahu Ta'ala, he

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From the signs of an accepted

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or a deed is that when a person

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does a good deed, what does he do?

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He belittles it, looks down at it. He

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doesn't see much of it.

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And then he gives a whole load of

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of what a person should do when Allah

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has given him the to do good deeds.

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I'm gonna ask you guys a question. After

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the salah, what's the first thing that you

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You've just come out of a salah. You

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followed up one good deed with

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After Hajj, what do you do?

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We know what the messenger say.

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Over this Hajj and

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What is the

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He's off the hedge guys.

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He just come back like a new people

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baby. Allah is telling him what? To do

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Also my brothers and my sisters with regards

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you say

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at hand?

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Make me from those who are

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those who excessively make sober.

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One good deed with another.

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This is why,

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the teacher of Imam Shirk says,

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there's a that

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we pray at the end, that we pray

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at the end.

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It's like the

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that one does for the salah.

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Why did you say that they say? Why?

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a right?

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Right? Because of a doubt, because of something

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extra, or because of a

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Am I wrong guys?

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He goes to

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that. That shows us my brothers and my

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sisters that one should not become deceived,

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deluded with all the good deeds that he

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done. But while they keeps on his toes.

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Some of my pray,

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for the rest of the year, brother. Oh,

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and I can chill now.

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How do you know you're gonna accept it,

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you don't?

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Rather one he follows up one good deal

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with another.

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The realer aid is

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and the realer aid is not the one

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who wears nice beautiful clothes,

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but the real aid is guys,

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the one who start

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act. His obedient act increases.

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The real aid isn't

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when a person beautifies himself with nice clothes,

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and also the flashy cars.

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We're gonna be seeing that right? The night

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before the salat ate, go to Eshua road,

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and go to Birmingham water, it called? Water

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pool road.

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The Ferrari's are being rented out.

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The Rajib says, that is not the real

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The real aid is

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the one whose sins were forgiven.

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So my brothers and my sisters,

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on the night before the salat of 8,

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you will have an ideas to whether

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or which way your Ramadan went. Did it

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have a positive impact or did it have

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a negative effect?

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when you might have an idea.

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he used to come out on the night

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of Eid.

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The night before the salatul Eid,

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and he used to say,

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And he used to call out,

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Who is the one whose Ramadan was accepted

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so I can congratulate him?

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So we can congratulate

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him. Who is this person who has been

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deprived so we can pay our condolences to

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When somebody dies, you go and pay your

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You pay your condolence, you go to the

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of the one who was deceased.

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Ali ibn Abi Talib, my brothers and my

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sisters, he wants to do a tazio.

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He wants to pay his condolences to who?

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The one who wasted his Ramadan.

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And on Eid, there will be some signs.

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Are you with me guys?

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