Abu Taymiyyah – Free A Slave at the Kaba! LetTheSunnahGoForth

Abu Taymiyyah
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Speaker 2 discusses the reward of a slave's actions, stating that only one step is required to obtain a reward, while others are accomplishments. He also mentions that while a slave gets a reward for his actions, it is not necessary to do more during his free time. He uses the example of a slave's Ta'ala to emphasize the importance of taking only one step at a time to achieve a reward.
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Rasham al Baniks bi saih under authority and

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Whoever circumambulates the Kaaba 7 times. Okay? This

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person he will get the reward of freeing

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a slave.

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There's not a time when a person, he

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raises his foot and he puts his foot,

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meaning every step that he takes except that

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a seal is removed and also a good

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deed is recorded for him. My brothers and

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sisters, the point that when I drive home

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is people when they come to Hajj, they

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only think that you have to do the

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tawaf or the fa'ala, the main tawaf. But

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when you come to Umrah, you only do

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that one tawaf, but no in your free

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time you should try as much as you

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can to go around the Kaaba to do

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the Tawaf and you will get this immense

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reward. So let the sunnah go forth insha

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Allahu Ta'ala. Assalamu alaikum.

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