Abu Taymiyyah – Fornicators Hope (German subtitles) Verliere Nicht Die Hoffnung Auf Allah

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the sinful behavior of the shooter and the problem he has caused. He uses the analogy of "the greatest sin" and how many people have committed sh wedding crimes. The shooter refuses to apologize and claims to have caused a "character shatter" that has caused people to live their lives dangerously.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah forgives all sins. No matter how many

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women you slept with, how much zina you've

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done, how much fraud,

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how much riba you have committed,

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How many people you've stopped? What problem?

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Even the shirk that you got involved in.

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You've committed shirk, this is the greatest sin.

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How many filthy stuff that you've been watching

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at night

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under your blanket?

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wants to forgive you.

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Allah tells us he wants to forgive you.

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When you

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read But those who follow their desires, they

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want you to go far far away.

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