Abu Taymiyyah – DONT LOSE HOPE! Hope for the GIRL friends and BOY friends!

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The speaker discusses the importance of seeking forgiveness from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, rather than just trying to do things that happen. They encourage brothers and sisters to do the same, and remind them that forgiveness is not a choice. The speaker also discusses the importance of seeking forgiveness through logical actions and leavened words.
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Prophet and sisters, inshallah wata'ala, I want to
give you all a quick benefit.
A benefit
that we will put into application,
advise our family members with and also inshallah
wata'ala go to Allah with it.
This benefit is that which is pertaining tawbah
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala seeking the forgiveness
of Allah azza wa Jal. You know Bani
Adam, the son of Adam is someone that
constantly makes mistakes. That is something that is
We are going to be falling into mistakes
whether we like
it or not. It is just bound to
happen. So brothers and sisters, don't lose hope.
Those who have become so indulged and they
are drowning in sins,
then the door of Tawba is always open.
Seeking the forgiveness of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is something that doesn't close
for this moment in time.
So I advise every single one of you
like Allah Azzawajal, he said, fafirru'il
Run back to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Allah
says also
and hasten
to seek and forgiveness from your Lord. Hasten
to doing
the good deeds.
And one of the greatest deeds that one
can ever do is seek forgiveness from Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And as we mentioned brothers
and sisters, this is bound to happen. You're
bound to make mistakes. The prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam he said.
Bani Adam, the son of Adam is someone
that constantly makes mistakes
and the best of those who make mistakes
are those who make tawbah to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala. It also came in a hadith
al Khudsi, The prophet sallallahu alaihi was telling
me said,
Al-'Azallahu alaihi wa jalaihi mentioned
You bani
Adam, you make mistakes
day and night.
Seek my forgiveness
so I can come and forgive you. Allah
is saying this to you.
Whatever the sin might be, whether it is
that you're fornicating with your boyfriend or your
whether it is that you have gone and
stolen, whether it is that you've been disobedient
to your parents.
Even if it is the worst and biggest
sin that one can ever fall into. You
have been grave worshipping, you have been hanging
a taweez on your hand,
you have been
doing sehir or you've fallen into sehir, you've
gone and visited a magician.
Whether it is kufr or whether it is
the door forgiveness is always open.
Brothers and sisters, Allah
says in the Quran.
Say to them, oh, Muhammad,
My servants
who have transgressed against themselves.
Do not lose hope in the mercy of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
For indeed Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
He forgives all sins.
All sins.
So we have now come to understand that
Bani Adam, brothers and sisters, someone that is
going to make mistakes all the time.
How can one now go and seek forgiveness
from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala?
Al Wajhuul Awal, you have the first
Asking Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for forgiveness
by saying Allahum Akfrli.
Oh Allah forgive me.
Whether it is in your sujood,
whether it is the last part of the
night, whatever time it might be, you put
your hands up to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is not going
to send you back empty handed. As the
prophet said,
is shy, he is generous that when his
servant puts his hands up to Allah, puts
him puts his hands up to Allah,
that he sends him back empty handed.
Even Qiyamul Lay, even if it is in
your sujood, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
he said,
Be excessive in making du'a in your sujood
for indeed Allah will reply to you straight
away. So one asking Allah through
love by uttering it, oh Allah forgive me
is the first means. Then the second way
of seeking forgiveness from Allah
forgiveness from Allah
through righteous actions,
Through righteous actions. Like the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
wa'alehi was telling me he said,
Whoever says
on a day a 100 times, then
his sins that are the size of the
Bahar, the ocean, it will be forgiven from
him. It will be forgiven from him.
So, brothers and sisters, the ball is in
your court. It's in our court for us
to go and seek this forgiveness
from Allah azzawajal
even though we constantly make mistakes. Nah, and
we make mistakes but that which people don't
is take the extra step in seeking forgiveness
from Allah