Abu Taymiyyah – April Fools Day Ramadan Revival & The Regulations of Joking

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the negative impact of social media during Easter, including drinking and not being present at church. They emphasize the importance of avoiding bad habits and introducing new values to one's life. The speakers also touch on various instances where the messenger sallama Alaihi wa sallam's message was used to make people feel uncomfortable and make jokes. They stress the importance of treating people with negative behavior and learning the Sun Sun statement to regain faith in one's position. The segment also touches on various conditions and events related to Islam, including dressing up during funeral events and the potential consequences of not dressing up.
AI: Transcript ©
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My dear respected brothers and sisters,

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so is a pleasure to be invited

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to this wonderful Masjid, Masjid Al Furqan.

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A Masjid

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really goes out their way to benefit the

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masses, the community, and the youngsters.

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And I've seen, Mashallah, the transitions,

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that the message has gone through,

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how they

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have put together so many different

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effective programs for the youngsters especially.

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So ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to reward

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the administration of this Masjid

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and to keep them insha Allahu Ta'ala steadfast

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and ask Allah Azzawal to allow them to

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being a benefit for the community.

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As you brothers and sisters are aware, today

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our topic is about

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April fools

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and the month of Ramadan, and some of

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you are probably thinking

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how does the April fools day

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connect with the month of Ramadan,

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and this is what we're here to discuss

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of of course, I could have picked any

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the very well known generic topics that I

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think most people have already heard about,

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But there is

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a different aspect that I would like to

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tackle related to the month of Ramadan.

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Normally when we think Ramadan, my beloved brothers

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and sisters,

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the first thing that pops to mind is

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staying away from

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drink, right?

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If you look at the tariff, the definition

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of a som,

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it means to withhold from something,

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the technical meaning is

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It is a specific type of one withholding

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from something,

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that individual now withholds from at a specific

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and it's done with a specific intention from

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a specific person,

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and this is what normally tends to pop

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to mind. However,

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my beloved brothers and sisters, we are walking

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into the month of Ramadan,

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and I ask Allah Azzawajal to allow us

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to reach the month of Ramadan.

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Is that the only thing that we need

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to abstain from,

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that we need to leave off

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when we are fasting?

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There is 2 types of things that one

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needs to stay away from.

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The first type is

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that which is going to nullify your fast,

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Food, drink, sexual *,

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and all of the other invalidators

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of fasting.

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And then there is a spiritual side to

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Another aspect

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that one needs to refrain and abstain from,

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And that is my brothers and my sisters,

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that which

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is going to

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either diminish

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what you attain

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from the month of Ramadan in reward

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or cause it to disappear altogether.

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Imagine my brothers and my sisters, right?

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We're in year 2,022

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you turn upon your

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all of this hard work

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has gone to waste

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All of the aqiyam,

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all of the asiam,

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all of the Quran that you read, all

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of that charity that you paid has become

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what? Habaa and menthura,

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scattered particles.

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And that is because maybe due to something

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that you uttered with your tongue or you

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done with your limbs.

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And this is the second time that one

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needs to refrain from.

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Jabri bin Abdullah

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he said when you fast

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then make sure

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that your hearing is fasting as well

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and also your eyes are fasting

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and your tongue is fasting

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Fasting from what? Withholding and abstaining from what?

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Lying and all types of sins.

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How many of us, my beloved brothers, says,

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let's be honest with ourselves.

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Let's sit

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amongst ourselves and really ponder and reflect. When

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the month of Ramadan kicks in,

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how many of us

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depart from the month of Ramadan having

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bettered ourselves spiritually?

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Or is it just about, Alhamdulillah, I stayed

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away from food and drink, I managed to

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get through the

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heat of the summer while fasting.

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He breaks it at Maghrib time and another

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day starts.

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And he may have been watching Netflix from

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the moment he woke up all the way

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up until

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he broke his fast,

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or he was sitting in front of the

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computer playing.

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PS whatever, I don't know what number it's

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on at the moment.

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PS 5, I think,

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is there 6 now? 5.

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PS 5.

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All just sitting around engaging

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in that which displeases Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Or on your phone all day long,

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social media,

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one post to the next,

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scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling.

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Picture of the opposite gender appears and you

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look at it more than you should be

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in the month of Ramadan,

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and one thing leads to another, you keep

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staring at her

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or she keeps staring at him,

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and before you know it, he slips into

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her DM,

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And then

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the unexpected takes place, right? They get together

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in the month of Ramadan,

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we're having to deal with scenarios and cases,

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countless times I've been contacted especially on Instagram,

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A brother or a sister

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saying I committed zina in the month of

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Ramadan, what do you advise me? What should

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I do?

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when you investigate a little bit of how

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this came about, we started with

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social media.

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The messenger

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the eyes to look,

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and the Zina of the tongue is what?

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To have inappropriate

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conversations with the opposite gender

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or what they call the chirps.

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So you guys call it. Right?

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Or has that word been updated? I think

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there's a very old fashioned word that

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we used to hear back in Leicester.

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I put it in a more formal way,

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having inappropriate conversations with the opposite gender. I

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think think everybody understands what I'm referring to.

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Whether it is on social media or whether

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that is in real life,

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And what I mean by real life is

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in person.

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All of this, my beloved brothers and sisters,

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is really just

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destroying our Ramadan.

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How many opportunities do we need?

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As yesterday, I was telling some of our

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in Masjid Al Farqhan, in Lesta.

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Our relatives

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who may have shared

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a plate with us

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last Ramadan, or the Ramadan before us, they

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are not going to be here with us

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How many fatalities

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have we experienced in our communities,

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in our families,

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immediate relatives, extended relatives,

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and the numbers just keep on growing.

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This corona, this pandemic,

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how many people has it put into the

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Just in the last year and a half,

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my beloved brothers and sisters,

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I've lost

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3 young relatives.

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3 young relatives.

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One of them was my younger brother, as

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many of you guys are aware,

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stabbed in the neck,

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died at the tender age of 24.

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6, 7 months after that, another relative of

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mine, cousin in Birmingham,

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died in a car crash,

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23 years of age.

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I buried both of them,

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and I gave an Islamic reminder at both

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of their graves.

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And in the third,

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I received the news while I was doing

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and I went back to continue my studies

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in Saudi,

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At the age of 18,

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stabbed in the chest, brought daylight on one

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of the most busiest roads

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in Birmingham,

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Coventry Road.

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Heart of Birmingham, right, Small Heath, or all

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the Masajidah, where all the restaurants are.

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3, a very short space of time.

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Most of the brothers here around that age,

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I see a lot of 18, 19, 20,

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21 year olds, 22 year olds,

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all the way up until 25, the majority

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of brothers here are of that age category.

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They are not going to be with us

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this Ramadan.

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Brothers who are sitting here, we might not

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see you the next Ramadan.

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Does anyone have a guarantee that he's going

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to live up to the age of 60

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Sometimes we become deluded, right?

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Thinking that

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age only goes,

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that death only goes after those who are

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older in age.

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Take this as a khaid, as a principle.

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does not discriminate.

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Due to age,

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doesn't discriminate.

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When your time is up,

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the time is up,

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and then

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he will just live with regret.

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In your grave regretting, I wish I had

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done more, and then you're brought in yomulqiyam,

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so that I can do some more righteous

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Even Allah tells,

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Remind them

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about the day of regret. That's one of

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the names of the hereafter.

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take opportunity,

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take this opportunity, you have take advantage of

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Don't let another Ramadan just go by and

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you've wasted it.

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So going back to the point I was

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trying to make,

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Ramadan is more than just

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staying away from food and drink.

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Jabir ibn Abdillah radhiallahu ta'ala anhu, as I

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mentioned, and this statement should be written in

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golden ink,

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everyone should go maybe buy a small little

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board and stick it on his wall

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because this is what let's be honest with

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ourselves, what we struggle most with, not necessarily

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food and drink, everyone stays away from food

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and drink.

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It's more what we do with our eyes,

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what we do with our tongues,

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what we do with our ears.

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Hanim, how many of us still struggle to

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stay away from music

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in the month of Ramadan?

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Even though the scene has been set,

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As the messenger said,

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doors of Jannah are swung open.

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The doors of hellfire are slammed shut,

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and the Shayateen

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are tied up and chained.

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Someone may ask the question, I was discussing

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this yesterday,

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how is it that someone still

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commits sins in the month of Ramadan

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even though the shayateen have been locked up?

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Even though the shayateen have been locked up.

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Scholars, they mentioned many different meanings. One of

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the best interpretations that I came across was

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because we're so used to bad habits

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outside of the month of Ramadan, we bring

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it into the month of Ramadan. We're just

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so used to it.

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In the month of Ramadan we want to

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introduce new habits into our lives, new wonderful

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praiseworthy traits,

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not to add to what

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already we are carrying of baggage.

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We're going to be crying our eyes out,

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you Allah, forgive me,

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and that's when our Mavuzuah of April 4th

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day comes in.

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This is one of the first times I

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think that I've come back to the country

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in the month of March. Normally, I always

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come at the end of April,

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because Ramadan always goes back, right?

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And as I was looking at the calendar,

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a topic that I've been wanting to discuss

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for a very long time.

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Because it's become more than of a pandemic

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than the coronavirus.

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Do you guys agree?

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ridiculing, mocking the deen of Allah

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just been so normalized, and we

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have become so desensitized

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to being spectators of it,

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watching it and laughing.

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So funny

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on platforms such as TikTok, Instagram,

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it's videos like that,

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accumulate a lot of views. Do you guys

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And subconsciously we don't even feed anything anymore,

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it just creeps into me what something perfectly

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and we forget

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or should I maybe say we don't even

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realize how bad it is.

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And today I want to inshallah to'ala mention

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6 conditions of joking.

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But before I do that,

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I want to speak a little bit about

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the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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our qudwa,

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our example

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indeed you have in the Messenger sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam a perfect example

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In every aspect of our religion,

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we find that the Sharia

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is complete

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in every

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in every aspect, we have something about it.

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Now the question that arises, what kind of

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the what kind of individual was the messenger

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam?

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Was he somebody who was despondent,

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moody, grumpy,

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or was he somebody who

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was a very pleasant person to have around,

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was jolly,

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was bubbly,

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which of the 2 was he?

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And likewise again we find that in the

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00:16:14 --> 00:16:16

describing to us how the messenger sallallahu alaihi

00:16:16 --> 00:16:17

wasallam was.

00:16:20 --> 00:16:21

There was an incident at one time took

00:16:21 --> 00:16:24

place between the messenger salallahu alaihi wasalam

00:16:24 --> 00:16:26

and Aisha tar radhiallahu ta'ala Anha.

00:16:28 --> 00:16:29

He came back from Al Baqiyyah

00:16:30 --> 00:16:32

from a funeral prayer

00:16:34 --> 00:16:35

and he walked into the home

00:16:37 --> 00:16:37

and Aisha

00:16:38 --> 00:16:40

she began to complain about the headache that

00:16:40 --> 00:16:41

she was experiencing,

00:16:43 --> 00:16:44

and she said, yeah,

00:16:44 --> 00:16:45

oh, Wa Rasa.

00:16:46 --> 00:16:47

She said, Wa Ra'asah.

00:16:50 --> 00:16:51

It's a type of expression,

00:16:53 --> 00:16:55

which shows that one is maybe experiencing a

00:16:55 --> 00:16:56


00:16:56 --> 00:16:57


00:16:59 --> 00:17:00

the messenger salalahu alayhi was saying,

00:17:02 --> 00:17:05

rather even myself I'm experiencing a headache.

00:17:08 --> 00:17:09

And then the messenger

00:17:12 --> 00:17:13

started making

00:17:14 --> 00:17:16

a joke with her, and he said,

00:17:26 --> 00:17:28

Would there be a problem if you died

00:17:28 --> 00:17:29

before me,

00:17:29 --> 00:17:31

and then I washed you, and

00:17:31 --> 00:17:33

then I shrouded you?

00:17:37 --> 00:17:37


00:17:37 --> 00:17:39

then I prayed your funeral prayer.

00:17:42 --> 00:17:44

But the fintuk, and then after that I

00:17:44 --> 00:17:45

bury you.

00:17:46 --> 00:17:47


00:17:48 --> 00:17:51

as perhaps maybe every woman would do,

00:17:51 --> 00:17:53

she turned around to him and she said,

00:17:56 --> 00:17:57

rather what you would do, Allah,

00:18:00 --> 00:18:01

would go back to my house,

00:18:05 --> 00:18:06

you would go back to my home,

00:18:08 --> 00:18:09

you would get together with your wife, and

00:18:09 --> 00:18:10

you would start

00:18:11 --> 00:18:12


00:18:14 --> 00:18:14


00:18:16 --> 00:18:16

with them.

00:18:18 --> 00:18:19

Of course, she was taken

00:18:19 --> 00:18:20

by jealousy,

00:18:21 --> 00:18:21

a iyra,

00:18:23 --> 00:18:24

of what the Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

00:18:24 --> 00:18:25

would do

00:18:26 --> 00:18:28

after she departs from this world,

00:18:29 --> 00:18:31

you would go back home in my house,

00:18:32 --> 00:18:34

and you would enjoy yourself with the rest

00:18:34 --> 00:18:35

of your wives.

00:18:36 --> 00:18:37

Just that

00:18:37 --> 00:18:39

thought, ask any woman.

00:18:40 --> 00:18:41

You think a lot of brothers are married

00:18:41 --> 00:18:42

here, right?

00:18:44 --> 00:18:45

You brothers, misekeen.

00:18:47 --> 00:18:49

May Allah marry you all off, I mean,

00:18:50 --> 00:18:52

but just even bring up this topic of

00:18:52 --> 00:18:53

second wife. Look at the kind of reaction

00:18:53 --> 00:18:54

you're going to get.

00:18:56 --> 00:18:57

This is why some wives,

00:18:58 --> 00:19:00

they make Dua, you Allah, let me die

00:19:00 --> 00:19:03

the same time my husband passes away.

00:19:05 --> 00:19:07

Because she doesn't even want to think about

00:19:08 --> 00:19:09

who he will marry or what he will

00:19:09 --> 00:19:10

do after,

00:19:10 --> 00:19:12

she departs from this world.

00:19:13 --> 00:19:14

This is not discussion about

00:19:14 --> 00:19:15

women and

00:19:17 --> 00:19:19

the point is the Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa

00:19:19 --> 00:19:19


00:19:20 --> 00:19:22

had a sense of humor even with his

00:19:22 --> 00:19:23


00:19:25 --> 00:19:25


00:19:27 --> 00:19:28

There was even another occasion

00:19:29 --> 00:19:32

when a woman, she was in fact pretty

00:19:32 --> 00:19:32


00:19:32 --> 00:19:34

she came to the messenger salalahu alayhi was

00:19:34 --> 00:19:34

a mis

00:19:40 --> 00:19:42

Ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

00:19:43 --> 00:19:45

to make me from those who enter into

00:19:45 --> 00:19:45


00:19:47 --> 00:19:48

So he said to her,

00:19:55 --> 00:19:57

and old women will not enter into Aljannah.

00:19:58 --> 00:20:00

She looked at the messenger and saw lives

00:20:00 --> 00:20:00

in shock,

00:20:01 --> 00:20:03

and she began to cry, and in some

00:20:03 --> 00:20:04


00:20:04 --> 00:20:05


00:20:06 --> 00:20:07

began to cry loudly

00:20:07 --> 00:20:09

and she started walking away.

00:20:10 --> 00:20:12

And then the messenger salallahu alaihi wa sallam

00:20:12 --> 00:20:13

sent a messenger to her

00:20:14 --> 00:20:15

and explained

00:20:16 --> 00:20:17

that when

00:20:17 --> 00:20:19

the women are admitting to Aljannah

00:20:20 --> 00:20:22

Allah Azzawajal as he mentions

00:20:28 --> 00:20:28


00:20:29 --> 00:20:31

will change the way they look,

00:20:33 --> 00:20:36

and they will enter into Aljannah as young

00:20:37 --> 00:20:38

virgin women.

00:20:41 --> 00:20:43

That's how Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will change

00:20:43 --> 00:20:44

their appearance.

00:20:45 --> 00:20:47

But he just wanted to make, you know,

00:20:48 --> 00:20:49

had a bit

00:20:49 --> 00:20:51

of sense of humor, if you wanna call

00:20:51 --> 00:20:51

it that.

00:20:52 --> 00:20:54

With this old woman that came to the

00:20:54 --> 00:20:55

Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

00:20:57 --> 00:20:58

Another incident,

00:20:58 --> 00:21:00

Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

00:21:01 --> 00:21:03

So Anas ibn Malik radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu used

00:21:03 --> 00:21:04

to work for him

00:21:05 --> 00:21:07

and he began to call him and say,

00:21:07 --> 00:21:08

you the udunan,

00:21:10 --> 00:21:12

Everybody has ears, right? But the mensal alayhi

00:21:12 --> 00:21:14

wasalam decided to call him

00:21:15 --> 00:21:18

by saying, You daludunan, oh you has 2

00:21:18 --> 00:21:18

ears come,

00:21:20 --> 00:21:23

Playing around and joking with those who

00:21:23 --> 00:21:24

are at his service.

00:21:25 --> 00:21:28

Even one time the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam

00:21:28 --> 00:21:29


00:21:30 --> 00:21:33

his son-in-law and also he is his cousin,

00:21:33 --> 00:21:34

right? Alib ibn Talib,

00:21:35 --> 00:21:36

lying down

00:21:38 --> 00:21:39

in the masjid,

00:21:40 --> 00:21:42

and all the dust, the soil had

00:21:43 --> 00:21:44

transferred onto his body,

00:21:45 --> 00:21:47

and he told him wake up, wake up,

00:21:47 --> 00:21:48

you abaturab,

00:21:48 --> 00:21:50

o father of the dead,

00:21:51 --> 00:21:52

o father of the soil,

00:21:53 --> 00:21:54

or father of the sand.

00:21:57 --> 00:21:59

Another incident, likewise,

00:22:01 --> 00:22:03

the companion, Usayid ibn Khudayr,

00:22:04 --> 00:22:06

he was known as the one who makes

00:22:06 --> 00:22:08

the jokes amongst the companions.

00:22:08 --> 00:22:09


00:22:11 --> 00:22:12

so play around.

00:22:13 --> 00:22:15

In every circle you always find the guy

00:22:15 --> 00:22:16


00:22:16 --> 00:22:18

I don't wanna call him a joker because

00:22:18 --> 00:22:19

that doesn't have

00:22:19 --> 00:22:22

a positive connotation, but the guy who makes

00:22:22 --> 00:22:24

everybody laugh and he's the bubbly one.

00:22:26 --> 00:22:28

Put your hand up if you're that person.

00:22:34 --> 00:22:36

There's always that one brother, masha'Allah, that really

00:22:36 --> 00:22:38

puts a smile on everyone's face,

00:22:39 --> 00:22:41

while everyone's moody, gloomy,

00:22:42 --> 00:22:43

looking dejected,

00:22:44 --> 00:22:46

he comes, makes a joke, and then he

00:22:46 --> 00:22:47

makes everybody laugh.

00:22:47 --> 00:22:49

Sometimes you need people like that around,

00:22:50 --> 00:22:52

but it should just shouldn't be somebody who

00:22:52 --> 00:22:54

does it excessively, but which we'll come on

00:22:54 --> 00:22:56

to inshallah to Allah later on.

00:22:57 --> 00:22:59

So Sayedem Hadeel was that kind of person,

00:23:00 --> 00:23:03

and as he was playing around and joking

00:23:03 --> 00:23:04

with his companions,

00:23:07 --> 00:23:09

the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam took a 'ood,

00:23:11 --> 00:23:12

small little stick like that,

00:23:13 --> 00:23:15

and he began to poke him in his

00:23:15 --> 00:23:17

Khasr, on this area of his body,

00:23:20 --> 00:23:21

began to poke him,

00:23:22 --> 00:23:24

and then Musaide turned around and said, You

00:23:24 --> 00:23:25

Rasoolah, it's my turn.

00:23:26 --> 00:23:28

It's my turn to do that.

00:23:29 --> 00:23:30

Surah Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam told him

00:23:30 --> 00:23:31

to wait

00:23:32 --> 00:23:33

because he sallallahu

00:23:34 --> 00:23:35

alaihi wa sallam was wearing clothes and he

00:23:35 --> 00:23:36

wanted to lift his clothing

00:23:37 --> 00:23:38

so he can do the same thing.

00:23:39 --> 00:23:39


00:23:40 --> 00:23:41

know when you kill somebody,

00:23:41 --> 00:23:42

there is what?

00:23:45 --> 00:23:46

Right? Capital punishment.

00:23:47 --> 00:23:49

An eye for an eye, an ear for

00:23:49 --> 00:23:50

an ear,

00:23:50 --> 00:23:52

so he was like, it's my turn now

00:23:53 --> 00:23:53

to do

00:23:54 --> 00:23:55

my payback.

00:23:57 --> 00:23:59

So subhanAllah, after the messenger sallallahu alaihi waslam

00:23:59 --> 00:24:00


00:24:00 --> 00:24:01

whatever he was wearing,

00:24:02 --> 00:24:04

Usayd grabbed him, and he began to kiss

00:24:04 --> 00:24:05


00:24:05 --> 00:24:07

on that side of his body.

00:24:10 --> 00:24:12

He said, That's all I wanted to do,

00:24:12 --> 00:24:13

oh Messenger of Allah.

00:24:15 --> 00:24:17

This my brothers and my sisters is a

00:24:17 --> 00:24:17


00:24:18 --> 00:24:19

in the kind of,

00:24:20 --> 00:24:22

or the kind of person the messenger sallallahu

00:24:22 --> 00:24:23

alaihi wasallam was.

00:24:25 --> 00:24:27

Sometimes you want to study the Shamal, right?

00:24:28 --> 00:24:29

How the messenger salallahu alaihi

00:24:30 --> 00:24:30


00:24:32 --> 00:24:33

was like that.

00:24:34 --> 00:24:37

Even Jabir ibn Abdullah radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu,

00:24:38 --> 00:24:40

he said, You Rasoolaa Innaka tuda aibuna,

00:24:41 --> 00:24:43

Indeed, O Messenger of Allah,

00:24:43 --> 00:24:45

you play with us, you joke with us,

00:24:46 --> 00:24:47

and then he said,

00:24:52 --> 00:24:54

but rather I don't say anything other than

00:24:54 --> 00:24:54


00:24:57 --> 00:24:58

Even another example,

00:25:00 --> 00:25:02

Anasim Malik had

00:25:04 --> 00:25:05

a friend

00:25:06 --> 00:25:08

who was called Abba Umayr,

00:25:08 --> 00:25:10

and Abba Umayr

00:25:11 --> 00:25:12

used to have a little bird

00:25:13 --> 00:25:15

that he used to look after, and then

00:25:15 --> 00:25:17

this bird passed away,

00:25:18 --> 00:25:20

so whenever the Messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam

00:25:20 --> 00:25:22

saw him will say, You Ba'umaire Ma fa'al

00:25:22 --> 00:25:23


00:25:24 --> 00:25:25

he will make you rhyme,

00:25:25 --> 00:25:28

Oh Ba'umaire, what did Nuhayr do? It's the

00:25:28 --> 00:25:29

name of his bed,

00:25:30 --> 00:25:32

Khan Musa Allah would engage even with the

00:25:32 --> 00:25:33

young ones.

00:25:35 --> 00:25:38

It's not praiseworthy just because now you have

00:25:38 --> 00:25:39

some sort of

00:25:40 --> 00:25:41

high position in the community,

00:25:42 --> 00:25:42


00:25:43 --> 00:25:46

that you start belittling the people around you,

00:25:46 --> 00:25:47


00:25:48 --> 00:25:49

you never engage with the youngsters,

00:25:50 --> 00:25:52

or you just treat them.

00:25:55 --> 00:25:57

Their presence is like they don't even exist,

00:25:58 --> 00:26:00

not engaging with them,

00:26:01 --> 00:26:03

right? Or maybe going as far as kicking

00:26:03 --> 00:26:04

them out of the masajid if they're making

00:26:04 --> 00:26:05

a little bit of noise.

00:26:06 --> 00:26:08

You know the reality is brothers,

00:26:09 --> 00:26:11

the same young man

00:26:11 --> 00:26:13

that we beg to come back into the

00:26:13 --> 00:26:13


00:26:15 --> 00:26:16

might be the same child that we kicked

00:26:16 --> 00:26:17


00:26:20 --> 00:26:21

or that we made feel

00:26:22 --> 00:26:23


00:26:26 --> 00:26:27

Might be well that same one that we're

00:26:27 --> 00:26:29

going to be begging later on come into

00:26:29 --> 00:26:30

the Masjid.

00:26:31 --> 00:26:33

So the way you treat the people,

00:26:33 --> 00:26:35

especially if you have a position in the

00:26:35 --> 00:26:35


00:26:36 --> 00:26:38

could go a very very long way,

00:26:39 --> 00:26:40

or like could be one

00:26:41 --> 00:26:41


00:26:44 --> 00:26:45

that ends up

00:26:46 --> 00:26:48

leading them out of the Masjid and they

00:26:48 --> 00:26:50

might not ever feel comfortable to walk into

00:26:50 --> 00:26:52

the house of Allah Azza wa Jal.

00:26:54 --> 00:26:56

House of Allah. This is not your house

00:26:56 --> 00:26:58

or the house of your dad or your

00:26:58 --> 00:26:59


00:26:59 --> 00:27:01

It's the house of Allah Azza wa Jal.

00:27:03 --> 00:27:04

As much as you have a right to

00:27:04 --> 00:27:05

be in the house of Allah

00:27:07 --> 00:27:09

they have the right as well. And there's

00:27:09 --> 00:27:10

a way to go about

00:27:12 --> 00:27:13

changing an evil.

00:27:16 --> 00:27:18

A lot of brothers have previously come up

00:27:18 --> 00:27:20

to me and they're saying we feel uncomfortable

00:27:20 --> 00:27:21

walking to the Mezuz. As soon as we

00:27:21 --> 00:27:23

walk in, everyone's just giving us daily looks.

00:27:24 --> 00:27:26

He might be a brother who

00:27:28 --> 00:27:30

is not maybe necessarily leading the best of

00:27:30 --> 00:27:31

lives, but he wants to walk into the

00:27:31 --> 00:27:33

Masjid and pray.

00:27:34 --> 00:27:35

The Masjid is not just for practicing people,

00:27:36 --> 00:27:37

It's for everyone.

00:27:38 --> 00:27:39

Even the prostitute

00:27:40 --> 00:27:42

has every right to walk into the Masjid

00:27:42 --> 00:27:44

and to repent to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

00:27:45 --> 00:27:46

And she shouldn't be looked at, oh why

00:27:46 --> 00:27:47

you not wearing hijab?

00:27:48 --> 00:27:49

Let her come into the Masjid.

00:27:50 --> 00:27:52

It's the house of Allah, remember that.

00:27:53 --> 00:27:56

Next time you make somebody feel uncomfortable just

00:27:56 --> 00:27:57

because his hair is a certain way,

00:27:58 --> 00:27:59

remember this.

00:28:01 --> 00:28:02

So a'la kullihal,

00:28:02 --> 00:28:03

point that I'm making is,

00:28:04 --> 00:28:05

Messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam

00:28:06 --> 00:28:08

had a kind of persona with them with

00:28:08 --> 00:28:09


00:28:11 --> 00:28:12

He was easily approachable,

00:28:14 --> 00:28:15

he knew how to engage with them accordingly

00:28:16 --> 00:28:17


00:28:17 --> 00:28:20

like that Bedouin that urinated in the Masjid,

00:28:22 --> 00:28:23

look how he treated him, I'm sure most

00:28:23 --> 00:28:25

of us have come across that story before,

00:28:26 --> 00:28:28

and in the bedroom he walks in and

00:28:28 --> 00:28:29

starts urinating.

00:28:30 --> 00:28:31

Imagine brothers,

00:28:32 --> 00:28:34

this actually happened in the Prophet sallallahu alaihi

00:28:34 --> 00:28:35

wa sallam's message, you know that.

00:28:36 --> 00:28:37

I witnessed

00:28:38 --> 00:28:40

it. A man just picked up his throat

00:28:40 --> 00:28:41

and started urinating.

00:28:43 --> 00:28:44

You know what happened?

00:28:44 --> 00:28:46

No one done anything.

00:28:47 --> 00:28:48

I was like Allahu Akbar,

00:28:49 --> 00:28:51

because the guidance of the prophet sallallahu alaihi

00:28:51 --> 00:28:51

wa sallam,

00:28:52 --> 00:28:53

14 year, 100 years ago,

00:28:54 --> 00:28:57

it's happening right here. Everyone just turned around,

00:28:57 --> 00:28:58

I remember I looked at everyone.

00:28:59 --> 00:29:01

They stopped looking at him. He finished. The

00:29:01 --> 00:29:03

cleaners came, cleaned it. They just helped him

00:29:03 --> 00:29:04

out of the Masjid.

00:29:07 --> 00:29:07


00:29:09 --> 00:29:11

And remember, the difference between

00:29:11 --> 00:29:12


00:29:12 --> 00:29:14

time of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

00:29:14 --> 00:29:15

today is that we have carpets.

00:29:17 --> 00:29:19

Remember they came and start cleaning the carpets.

00:29:19 --> 00:29:21

They took it. They changed it.

00:29:22 --> 00:29:25

Khaldamas salallahu alayhi wasalam dealt with that Bedouin

00:29:25 --> 00:29:26

who started urinating.

00:29:26 --> 00:29:29

And how maybe the companions dealt with him.

00:29:29 --> 00:29:31

They started hurling towards him.

00:29:33 --> 00:29:35

And subhanAllah in the end, the the bedroom

00:29:35 --> 00:29:37

was shocked, he goes, what do they want

00:29:37 --> 00:29:38

from me? Why are they treating me like

00:29:38 --> 00:29:38


00:29:39 --> 00:29:40

And he only ended up making du'a for

00:29:40 --> 00:29:43

himself and the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,

00:29:43 --> 00:29:45

and don't have mercy on anyone other than

00:29:45 --> 00:29:47

us 2, this is the kind of dua

00:29:47 --> 00:29:47

that he made,

00:29:49 --> 00:29:51

because of how the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

00:29:51 --> 00:29:52

treated him.

00:29:52 --> 00:29:54

All I really going through the Seerah of

00:29:54 --> 00:29:55

the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam,

00:29:56 --> 00:29:58

it really really softens up your heart.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:01

Because as Muslims, who are we trying to

00:30:01 --> 00:30:02

be like?

00:30:03 --> 00:30:05

Messenger salam. Right?

00:30:07 --> 00:30:09

We live as Muslims trying to be like

00:30:09 --> 00:30:11

him, trying to immu immulate

00:30:11 --> 00:30:12

emulate him.

00:30:14 --> 00:30:16

We wanna imitate him. He's our Qudwa,

00:30:17 --> 00:30:19

and we wanna be sitting side by side

00:30:20 --> 00:30:22

with the messenger salallahu alaihi wa sallam, and

00:30:22 --> 00:30:23

you can only do that

00:30:24 --> 00:30:26

if you study his Sunnah

00:30:28 --> 00:30:29

and you take that seriously.

00:30:31 --> 00:30:33

Your name is Muhammad, your name is Ibrahim,

00:30:34 --> 00:30:35

you're not a roadman,

00:30:37 --> 00:30:40

you are an ambassador of the Prophet sallallahu

00:30:40 --> 00:30:42

alaihi wasallam walking on the face of this

00:30:42 --> 00:30:42


00:30:44 --> 00:30:45

So live that life of trying to be

00:30:45 --> 00:30:46

like him

00:30:47 --> 00:30:48

because today

00:30:48 --> 00:30:50

the Kufa they don't read books.

00:30:52 --> 00:30:53

Most of the time,

00:30:53 --> 00:30:55

they look at the Muslims,

00:30:56 --> 00:30:57

this is why the Kufar

00:30:57 --> 00:30:59

said we want to tarnish al Islam, we

00:30:59 --> 00:31:00

have to create

00:31:01 --> 00:31:04

certain personalities that have specific types of beliefs,

00:31:05 --> 00:31:07

so Islam can then look extreme.

00:31:09 --> 00:31:10

This is why I've heard time and time

00:31:10 --> 00:31:11


00:31:11 --> 00:31:12


00:31:14 --> 00:31:16

who work for the government saying that we

00:31:16 --> 00:31:17

created Isis.

00:31:18 --> 00:31:21

I'm saying this just the other day just

00:31:21 --> 00:31:22

the other day and I sent it to

00:31:22 --> 00:31:24

the students that I was teaching online.

00:31:26 --> 00:31:29

One of the generals who is highly ranked

00:31:29 --> 00:31:30

saying we created them.

00:31:31 --> 00:31:33

Why are they creating this? Because they know

00:31:33 --> 00:31:34

when people see

00:31:36 --> 00:31:38

those who ascribe to al Islam

00:31:38 --> 00:31:39

behaving a certain way,

00:31:40 --> 00:31:41

they'll tarnish al Islam with that.

00:31:42 --> 00:31:45

So you are a Muslim who's carrying a

00:31:45 --> 00:31:46

Muslim name

00:31:46 --> 00:31:47

an ambassador

00:31:47 --> 00:31:49

of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

00:31:50 --> 00:31:52

Be extra careful how you carry yourself.

00:31:53 --> 00:31:55

When you walk past the Kufar,

00:31:56 --> 00:31:58

the way you walk, the way you move,

00:31:58 --> 00:32:00

the way you carry yourself, the way you

00:32:00 --> 00:32:00


00:32:02 --> 00:32:03

It's all good, right?

00:32:05 --> 00:32:06

100 of people protesting

00:32:06 --> 00:32:07


00:32:07 --> 00:32:09

the messenger salalahu alaihi wasalam is drawn.

00:32:10 --> 00:32:12

Did you see the uproar that happened?

00:32:13 --> 00:32:16

And rightfully so, the messenger salalahu alaihi wasalam

00:32:17 --> 00:32:19

is someone that we really really love.

00:32:21 --> 00:32:22

It's very dear to our hearts.

00:32:23 --> 00:32:23


00:32:24 --> 00:32:26

what happened a couple of weeks after that?

00:32:27 --> 00:32:28

Mada Hassan.

00:32:28 --> 00:32:29

Do you guys remember?

00:32:31 --> 00:32:33

Everyone just went back to their lives,

00:32:33 --> 00:32:35

and life went on as if nothing happened.

00:32:36 --> 00:32:37

This guy's eating riba,

00:32:37 --> 00:32:40

this guy's committing zina, he's gone back to

00:32:40 --> 00:32:41

whatever he was doing before.

00:32:42 --> 00:32:45

Mada Hassan al Nabi salalahu alaihi wasalam, this

00:32:45 --> 00:32:46

is not something

00:32:47 --> 00:32:49

new. Them doing protests and going crazy

00:32:50 --> 00:32:51

and breaking things,

00:32:52 --> 00:32:53

Why? Let's go back to the prophet sallallahu

00:32:53 --> 00:32:55

alaihi wa sallam's sunnah.

00:32:56 --> 00:32:57

Is this really new?

00:32:58 --> 00:33:00

That the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was

00:33:00 --> 00:33:01

mocked, he was ridiculed.

00:33:03 --> 00:33:05

Mu'alamun Majnoon, they called him,

00:33:06 --> 00:33:07

called him crazy,

00:33:08 --> 00:33:11

they called him every name under the sun.

00:33:16 --> 00:33:18

They're just following a man who has had

00:33:18 --> 00:33:20

a magic spell done on him.

00:33:23 --> 00:33:24

Called him everything.

00:33:26 --> 00:33:26


00:33:27 --> 00:33:29

dua against him, they cursed him, and whatever

00:33:29 --> 00:33:29

have you.

00:33:34 --> 00:33:36

Rather my brothers and my sisters, the true

00:33:36 --> 00:33:39

love is not me holding a banner saying

00:33:39 --> 00:33:41

I love the Prophet. No. Following the messiah

00:33:41 --> 00:33:42

salallahu alaihi wasallam.

00:33:43 --> 00:33:44

Study the deen of Allah as the wuja

00:33:44 --> 00:33:45


00:33:45 --> 00:33:46

and sisters.

00:33:46 --> 00:33:47

Take knowledge seriously,

00:33:48 --> 00:33:50

mashAllah memorize the Quran

00:33:50 --> 00:33:52

now study the sunnah of the messian sallallahu

00:33:52 --> 00:33:53

alaihi wasallam

00:33:54 --> 00:33:56

Insha Allahu Ta'ala, sure a lot of us

00:33:56 --> 00:33:57

have heard of the hadith,

00:33:58 --> 00:34:00

when the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,

00:34:01 --> 00:34:03

that Muslim Ummah is going to explain to

00:34:03 --> 00:34:04

73, right?

00:34:05 --> 00:34:07

72 in hellfire only 1 is going to

00:34:07 --> 00:34:09

be saved and I ask Allah Azzawajal to

00:34:09 --> 00:34:10

make us all

00:34:11 --> 00:34:12

from those mentioned.

00:34:13 --> 00:34:14

What did the messenger

00:34:14 --> 00:34:16

say, man, a'ri liom as habi, that which

00:34:16 --> 00:34:17

I am upon today and also my companions?

00:34:19 --> 00:34:20

What I am upon today

00:34:21 --> 00:34:23

that requires you to really study

00:34:23 --> 00:34:24

what did a messenger

00:34:25 --> 00:34:27

do, how did he live, how did he

00:34:27 --> 00:34:27

carry himself,

00:34:36 --> 00:34:38

As a rapper that comes out, he has

00:34:38 --> 00:34:40

rainbow hair, today people are doing rainbow hair,

00:34:40 --> 00:34:40


00:34:42 --> 00:34:44

got the LGBT colors on his, on his

00:34:44 --> 00:34:45


00:34:46 --> 00:34:48

He's cutting his hair a certain way everyone

00:34:48 --> 00:34:49

else goes and does it.

00:34:50 --> 00:34:52

He wears a certain type of clothing, everyone

00:34:52 --> 00:34:54

else goes and does it. I remember the

00:34:54 --> 00:34:56

2,002 World Cup. I just remembered now. I

00:34:56 --> 00:34:57

think I'll share it.

00:35:01 --> 00:35:03

David Beckham. Do you guys remember him?

00:35:04 --> 00:35:06

You youngsters are still young.

00:35:06 --> 00:35:07

I don't think you remember

00:35:08 --> 00:35:09


00:35:10 --> 00:35:12

remember him. Right? Everyone remembers him.

00:35:13 --> 00:35:15

He was like the image of England.

00:35:16 --> 00:35:18

At the time, he would have this Mohican.

00:35:20 --> 00:35:22

I see some of the elders nodding.

00:35:23 --> 00:35:24

Don't want you guys too young.

00:35:26 --> 00:35:28

Well, I remember I came out,

00:35:28 --> 00:35:30

everyone started making hair like that,

00:35:31 --> 00:35:33

and then in the final, I believe it

00:35:33 --> 00:35:33

was 2,002,

00:35:34 --> 00:35:35

there was Ronaldo

00:35:36 --> 00:35:39

not this one here, the old one, has

00:35:39 --> 00:35:40

become really big now

00:35:42 --> 00:35:44

he shaved his whole hair and he only

00:35:44 --> 00:35:45

kept this part,

00:35:46 --> 00:35:49

Hazrat Sheikh, yeah, he done that,

00:35:50 --> 00:35:52

I walk outside, everyone's doing it.

00:35:53 --> 00:35:55

They love him, he scored a couple of

00:35:55 --> 00:35:56

goals, I think he even run away with

00:35:56 --> 00:35:57

the golden boot.

00:35:59 --> 00:36:00

Everyone's imitating him.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:03

Some kafir guy probably doesn't even clean himself

00:36:03 --> 00:36:04


00:36:05 --> 00:36:06

Hanau is Sidh.

00:36:08 --> 00:36:10

When we enter into the lavatory, how do

00:36:10 --> 00:36:10

they urinate?

00:36:12 --> 00:36:14

Standing up and then he doesn't clean himself.

00:36:14 --> 00:36:15

When you study

00:36:15 --> 00:36:17

the chapter of his Dinja,

00:36:18 --> 00:36:20

and I teach this, Bulohu Maram, from time

00:36:20 --> 00:36:22

to time I remind the students of the

00:36:22 --> 00:36:24

blessing of Al Islam,

00:36:24 --> 00:36:26

and how hygienic it is.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:30

Days might go by and the guy doesn't

00:36:30 --> 00:36:30

wash himself,

00:36:31 --> 00:36:32

and he even goes to his family,

00:36:33 --> 00:36:34

having intimacy,

00:36:34 --> 00:36:35


00:36:36 --> 00:36:37


00:36:38 --> 00:36:41

And Islam teaches us to wash ourselves, how

00:36:41 --> 00:36:43

to go about doing it. One time a

00:36:43 --> 00:36:45

Jew came to the messenger, salallahu, came to

00:36:45 --> 00:36:47

Salman al Faris Yafan, and he said,

00:36:51 --> 00:36:53

Your prophet has taught you everything,

00:36:53 --> 00:36:55

even how to defecate. How to use a

00:36:55 --> 00:36:56


00:36:57 --> 00:36:59

He said this in a way to kind

00:36:59 --> 00:36:59

of like be sarcastic.

00:37:01 --> 00:37:04

Salaman Nafari said, Arjal, yes? He did.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:06

Taught us what to do, what hand to

00:37:06 --> 00:37:07

use, how to clean ourselves,

00:37:08 --> 00:37:09

or how to sharaf, and this is an

00:37:09 --> 00:37:10


00:37:13 --> 00:37:14

Every aspect has been explained

00:37:15 --> 00:37:17

and we love the messenger salallahu alaihi wasalam.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:19

There's a verse in the Quran, it was

00:37:19 --> 00:37:22

called Ayatul Mihna, the verse of examination,

00:37:23 --> 00:37:24

you know what this verse was?

00:37:27 --> 00:37:29

If you really love Allah Azza wa Jannam,

00:37:29 --> 00:37:31

follow me. You ibibkumullah,

00:37:31 --> 00:37:33

and Allah Azza wa love you.

00:37:35 --> 00:37:37

Love Allah and His Messenger, then we do

00:37:37 --> 00:37:39

what they told us to do. We'll fulfill

00:37:39 --> 00:37:40

that to the best of our ability.

00:37:42 --> 00:37:43


00:37:44 --> 00:37:46

This verse was called Ayatul Mihanna, the verse

00:37:46 --> 00:37:47

of examination.

00:37:48 --> 00:37:49

To really put you to the test how

00:37:49 --> 00:37:50

much of

00:37:52 --> 00:37:54

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's Deen do you love?

00:37:54 --> 00:37:55

And how much of the mess of Allah

00:37:55 --> 00:37:56

alaihi wasallam

00:37:58 --> 00:37:59

do you love?

00:38:00 --> 00:38:01

And Hassan al Basri,

00:38:01 --> 00:38:03

the righteous, great scholars of the past,

00:38:04 --> 00:38:05

he said,

00:38:09 --> 00:38:10

Some people claim that I love Allah and

00:38:10 --> 00:38:11

His messenger, so He tested them with His

00:38:11 --> 00:38:12


00:38:12 --> 00:38:14

He tested them with His verse.

00:38:16 --> 00:38:17

Go back home brothers and sisters, really sit

00:38:17 --> 00:38:19

down with yourself and reflect

00:38:20 --> 00:38:21

how much of the messrahalayahu alaihi wa sam

00:38:21 --> 00:38:22

do I love?

00:38:23 --> 00:38:25

Are these sunnah am I actually implementing in

00:38:25 --> 00:38:25

my life?

00:38:27 --> 00:38:29

That brings me on to the conditions of

00:38:30 --> 00:38:31

how long do I have?

00:38:33 --> 00:38:33

10 minutes.

00:38:34 --> 00:38:34


00:38:37 --> 00:38:39

I don't think that's fair because when you

00:38:39 --> 00:38:40

read Quran, it took some time.

00:38:46 --> 00:38:48

This is now the juicy part of the

00:38:48 --> 00:38:48


00:38:49 --> 00:38:51

the conditions of joking. Now that we've established

00:38:54 --> 00:38:55

that Masin salaam

00:38:57 --> 00:39:00

did make jokes with his companions, did play

00:39:00 --> 00:39:01

around with them.

00:39:02 --> 00:39:05

He wasn't a moody type of person that

00:39:05 --> 00:39:06

we may think,

00:39:07 --> 00:39:09

or how the media portrays him to be.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:12

A bloodthirsty,

00:39:13 --> 00:39:15

barbaric individual who never smiles, and and when

00:39:15 --> 00:39:17

they do draw him, he looks all

00:39:18 --> 00:39:21

dejected and angry and furious, Lao Allah.

00:39:23 --> 00:39:26

Jareebna Abdulal Bajid said never did a mess

00:39:26 --> 00:39:27

salallahu alayhi or some ever look at me

00:39:27 --> 00:39:28

except they were

00:39:29 --> 00:39:29


00:39:30 --> 00:39:31

So what are the 6 conditions?

00:39:32 --> 00:39:34

Condition number 1, when you do joke,

00:39:37 --> 00:39:39

you don't mock the Deen of Allah Subhanahu

00:39:39 --> 00:39:39

Wa Ta'ala.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:44

This my brothers and my sisters

00:39:45 --> 00:39:47

takes you out the fold of Islam.

00:39:49 --> 00:39:51

Even if you are joking, don't turn around

00:39:51 --> 00:39:53

and say I was only joking. He knows

00:39:53 --> 00:39:54

he's wrong, but then he turns around and

00:39:54 --> 00:39:55

says I was just joking.

00:39:58 --> 00:39:59

Why does he take you out the deen

00:39:59 --> 00:40:00

of Alisam?

00:40:01 --> 00:40:03

There was an incident that took place,

00:40:04 --> 00:40:05

I believe the Ghazwa

00:40:06 --> 00:40:07

of Tabuk,

00:40:07 --> 00:40:08

expedition of Tabuk,

00:40:12 --> 00:40:13

But one of the

00:40:14 --> 00:40:15

participants of this battle

00:40:18 --> 00:40:20

began to make fun of the Messenger sallallahu

00:40:20 --> 00:40:21

alaihi was and his companions. You know what

00:40:21 --> 00:40:22

he said?

00:40:24 --> 00:40:25

I didn't see anybody like them.

00:40:31 --> 00:40:33

Those who are

00:40:35 --> 00:40:37

or anyone more than them who is or

00:40:37 --> 00:40:39

should I say, anyone who is more cowardly,

00:40:42 --> 00:40:42


00:40:44 --> 00:40:46

and who want food so much,

00:40:50 --> 00:40:51

or more cowardly

00:40:51 --> 00:40:52


00:40:52 --> 00:40:53

and who

00:40:54 --> 00:40:55

love to eat more than them people.

00:40:56 --> 00:40:58

Is that a joke brothers and sisters? To

00:40:58 --> 00:41:00

say that about the medsulal alaihis and his

00:41:00 --> 00:41:00


00:41:01 --> 00:41:02

That's not a joke.

00:41:04 --> 00:41:06

One of the companions heard and he got

00:41:07 --> 00:41:08

he became furious

00:41:08 --> 00:41:10

and went running to the messenger and by

00:41:10 --> 00:41:12

that time, the messenger

00:41:12 --> 00:41:13

was already informed

00:41:14 --> 00:41:16

by way of revelation and the verses came

00:41:16 --> 00:41:16


00:41:17 --> 00:41:18

What were the verses?

00:41:25 --> 00:41:26

If you ask them

00:41:27 --> 00:41:28

why they did that, they would say it

00:41:28 --> 00:41:30

was only joking, it was only playing.

00:41:31 --> 00:41:32

We only said whatever we said

00:41:33 --> 00:41:34

to pass time.

00:41:37 --> 00:41:38

And Allah says,

00:41:45 --> 00:41:47

was it that you mocked Allah?

00:41:48 --> 00:41:49

His verses,

00:41:49 --> 00:41:50


00:41:50 --> 00:41:51


00:41:52 --> 00:41:52


00:41:54 --> 00:41:54


00:41:55 --> 00:41:56


00:41:57 --> 00:41:58

Don't make any more excuses.

00:42:02 --> 00:42:03

Indeed, you have disbelieved

00:42:04 --> 00:42:05

after iman came to you, and they were

00:42:05 --> 00:42:07

joking, and Allah is telling us they have

00:42:07 --> 00:42:08

left the fold of Islam,

00:42:09 --> 00:42:10

who got away?

00:42:10 --> 00:42:11

He's become a kafir.

00:42:18 --> 00:42:20

And we might sit around

00:42:20 --> 00:42:21


00:42:22 --> 00:42:25

laughing and joking, and maybe even forwarding it

00:42:25 --> 00:42:26

to others.

00:42:28 --> 00:42:28

I remember, subhanAllah,

00:42:29 --> 00:42:31

very, very long time ago, right?

00:42:32 --> 00:42:32

I was playing football,

00:42:33 --> 00:42:35

Leicester, Spinning Hill Park,

00:42:36 --> 00:42:38

and then there was his brother.

00:42:39 --> 00:42:40

I still

00:42:40 --> 00:42:42

see walking around from time to time,

00:42:43 --> 00:42:43


00:42:47 --> 00:42:49

every time he scored, he would turn around

00:42:49 --> 00:42:50

and he would do this,

00:42:53 --> 00:42:55

pointing to Jesus, he goes, thanks to Jesus.

00:42:56 --> 00:42:58

And he would also say every time he's

00:42:58 --> 00:42:59


00:42:59 --> 00:43:01

the Quran is a Harry Potter book.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:05

Quran is a Harry Potter book.

00:43:07 --> 00:43:09

This is an example of someone,

00:43:10 --> 00:43:12

right, when uttering such statement would

00:43:13 --> 00:43:15

expel his own soul from the Deen of

00:43:15 --> 00:43:16

Allah Azzawajal.

00:43:19 --> 00:43:21

People are mocking the salah in the,

00:43:21 --> 00:43:23

and videos that are spreading on TikTok.

00:43:24 --> 00:43:26

It's sad. I'm sure every single one of

00:43:26 --> 00:43:28

us have come across these kind of videos.

00:43:28 --> 00:43:29


00:43:33 --> 00:43:34

So number 1 is that it doesn't involve

00:43:34 --> 00:43:35


00:43:35 --> 00:43:36

Mockery of the religion.

00:43:37 --> 00:43:38

Second 1,

00:43:38 --> 00:43:40

that when you do joke,

00:43:41 --> 00:43:42

you joke truthfully.

00:43:45 --> 00:43:47

Prophet said in

00:43:54 --> 00:43:56

woe to the 1.

00:43:58 --> 00:43:59

When he jokes,

00:44:01 --> 00:44:04

he lies in order to make people laugh.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:06

Woe to him, woe to him, mess Allah

00:44:06 --> 00:44:07

has made dua against him.

00:44:09 --> 00:44:11

And what did Jaimna Abdullah radiAllahu ta'ala anhu

00:44:11 --> 00:44:13

say to the mess Allah alaihi wa sallam

00:44:13 --> 00:44:15

that I mentioned earlier? Oh Messenger of Allah,

00:44:16 --> 00:44:17

you play with us?

00:44:18 --> 00:44:20

He said, Naaam, yes I do, but I

00:44:20 --> 00:44:21

don't say other than the truth when I

00:44:21 --> 00:44:22


00:44:23 --> 00:44:24

joke and play with you.

00:44:25 --> 00:44:26

He spoke the truth.

00:44:26 --> 00:44:28

The reason why I'm very, very passionate about

00:44:28 --> 00:44:30

this topic, my brothers and my sisters, many,

00:44:30 --> 00:44:31

many years back,

00:44:33 --> 00:44:35

one of my relatives came up to me

00:44:35 --> 00:44:36

and he told me that my grandmother, she

00:44:36 --> 00:44:37

fell from the balcony.

00:44:39 --> 00:44:40

How do you think my reaction is going

00:44:40 --> 00:44:42

to be when somebody says that to me?

00:44:43 --> 00:44:44

He'll be shocked, sir.

00:44:45 --> 00:44:47

And then he turns around and he says,

00:44:47 --> 00:44:49

oh, April fools day, and he walk runs

00:44:49 --> 00:44:49


00:44:50 --> 00:44:52

Is that really a joke?

00:44:54 --> 00:44:56

Is that how we want to be starting

00:44:56 --> 00:44:57


00:44:57 --> 00:44:58


00:44:58 --> 00:45:00

The Thursday of Ramadan, or should I say

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

maybe just the night before Ramadan,

00:45:02 --> 00:45:04

while you may be walking to Taraweeh,

00:45:04 --> 00:45:05

you're making these jokes,

00:45:07 --> 00:45:08

making fun of others,

00:45:10 --> 00:45:12

I'm mocking the deen of Allah Azza wa

00:45:12 --> 00:45:13

Jal, you might be starting the deen, the

00:45:13 --> 00:45:15

the month of Ramadan, and you're not even

00:45:15 --> 00:45:16

a Muslim

00:45:17 --> 00:45:18

because of you making fun of the deen

00:45:18 --> 00:45:19

of Allah azza wa jal.

00:45:23 --> 00:45:25

So the second condition is what?

00:45:28 --> 00:45:30

That you have to be truthful

00:45:30 --> 00:45:33

when making that joke. Was the messenger sallallahu

00:45:33 --> 00:45:34

alaihi wasallam lying when he said that old

00:45:34 --> 00:45:36

women don't enter into Aljannah?

00:45:36 --> 00:45:38

When the lady came up to him and

00:45:38 --> 00:45:39

she said, You Rasool Allahuudu Allah

00:45:40 --> 00:45:40

and you

00:45:41 --> 00:45:41


00:45:42 --> 00:45:44

him, and he said, Oh, old people don't

00:45:44 --> 00:45:46

enter into Jannah, that was a joke sir.

00:45:47 --> 00:45:47

Is that

00:45:48 --> 00:45:49

true? It's true.

00:45:55 --> 00:45:58

Or second condition. 3rd condition was,

00:45:58 --> 00:45:59

we haven't taken

00:46:04 --> 00:46:05

yet. When you do joke,

00:46:07 --> 00:46:09

you don't terrify the one that you're joking

00:46:09 --> 00:46:09


00:46:10 --> 00:46:11

How many times have I seen at the

00:46:11 --> 00:46:12

bus stop?

00:46:14 --> 00:46:16

People are standing around, maybe even classmates,

00:46:17 --> 00:46:19

the boss has come in, grabs him, does

00:46:19 --> 00:46:21

this, and then pulls him back.

00:46:23 --> 00:46:23


00:46:26 --> 00:46:28

Witnessed that before? And he says I was

00:46:28 --> 00:46:30

just joking, don't get angry. What you mean

00:46:30 --> 00:46:31

don't get angry?

00:46:32 --> 00:46:34

He just terrified me.

00:46:35 --> 00:46:36

And a time when the messenger sallallahu alaihi

00:46:36 --> 00:46:39

wasallam, as Abdulhamani ibn alaihi wasallam, he mentioned

00:46:39 --> 00:46:41

that they were traveling with the messenger sallallahu

00:46:41 --> 00:46:42

alaihi wasallam to war.

00:46:43 --> 00:46:44

One of the companions went to sleep and

00:46:44 --> 00:46:45

he had a habil,

00:46:46 --> 00:46:47

he had a rope.

00:46:49 --> 00:46:50


00:46:52 --> 00:46:54

After he woke up, he was shocked. Where

00:46:54 --> 00:46:56

has he gone? He started looking for it.

00:46:57 --> 00:46:59

And then the messenger when he saw this,

00:47:00 --> 00:47:02

right, he told the companions who took it

00:47:02 --> 00:47:03

for a joke,

00:47:08 --> 00:47:10

It is not lawful for a Muslim to

00:47:10 --> 00:47:12

terrify another Muslim.

00:47:15 --> 00:47:16

Sometimes you find,

00:47:18 --> 00:47:19

guys running behind you,

00:47:20 --> 00:47:21

making these dog noises,

00:47:22 --> 00:47:23

or scaring you while you're asleep.

00:47:24 --> 00:47:26

Or today, what do they do? He takes

00:47:26 --> 00:47:26


00:47:27 --> 00:47:28

while somebody's sleeping and he pours on his

00:47:28 --> 00:47:30

face, and then he walks up in shock.

00:47:31 --> 00:47:32

He wakes up in shock.

00:47:33 --> 00:47:34

TikTok. TikTok.

00:47:35 --> 00:47:36

You, Suruwala,

00:47:37 --> 00:47:39

this is a reality, brothers.

00:47:40 --> 00:47:42

We're not here to speak about generics. We're

00:47:42 --> 00:47:44

here to tackle current issues.

00:47:45 --> 00:47:46

These are some serious things

00:47:48 --> 00:47:51

that does not fall in line with what

00:47:51 --> 00:47:53

pleases Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

00:47:56 --> 00:47:58

Three conditions. What's the 4th condition?

00:47:59 --> 00:48:00

Dazid, do you remember?

00:48:06 --> 00:48:07

So the first one was

00:48:08 --> 00:48:08


00:48:08 --> 00:48:09

2nd one was

00:48:10 --> 00:48:11

being truthful.

00:48:12 --> 00:48:13

3rd 1 was

00:48:13 --> 00:48:14

not terrifying.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:16

The 4th 1, brothers

00:48:17 --> 00:48:18

and sisters, is

00:48:20 --> 00:48:21

not to be excessive

00:48:23 --> 00:48:25

in the jokes that you make. Prophet

00:48:26 --> 00:48:26


00:48:31 --> 00:48:32

To me it's al kalb.

00:48:33 --> 00:48:36

Don't be excessive in joking, don't become known

00:48:36 --> 00:48:37

as a joker, as a clown.

00:48:39 --> 00:48:41

Excessive joking, it kills the heart. See how

00:48:41 --> 00:48:43

you feel at times when you're sitting around

00:48:43 --> 00:48:45

and you're just engaging in false talk,

00:48:46 --> 00:48:48

making jokes about others and,

00:48:48 --> 00:48:50

ridiculing this one, that one.

00:48:51 --> 00:48:53

See how you feel after that. I felt

00:48:53 --> 00:48:56

like that before. I didn't know or understand

00:48:56 --> 00:48:57

the reason why.

00:48:57 --> 00:48:59

Didn't think that it was haram, but we'd

00:48:59 --> 00:49:01

feel that kind of like emptiness in our

00:49:01 --> 00:49:02

hearts, right?

00:49:03 --> 00:49:04

Perhaps maybe because of that.

00:49:05 --> 00:49:08

Even Amr Khattab radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu he said,

00:49:13 --> 00:49:14

Whoever is excessive in making jokes,

00:49:15 --> 00:49:16

people will never take him seriously.

00:49:17 --> 00:49:20

People will never take him seriously. You'll always

00:49:20 --> 00:49:21

be the class clown,

00:49:21 --> 00:49:22

the joker.

00:49:23 --> 00:49:25

And when you want to be serious, they'll

00:49:25 --> 00:49:26

start laughing at you.

00:49:27 --> 00:49:28

A bit like the boy who cried,

00:49:29 --> 00:49:30


00:49:31 --> 00:49:33

I don't think I need to relate that

00:49:33 --> 00:49:35

story. Everybody knows it already.

00:49:35 --> 00:49:36

And the sheikh here,

00:49:37 --> 00:49:39

is, is trying to give me indirect by

00:49:39 --> 00:49:40

looking from time to time.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:41

I'm nearly

00:49:44 --> 00:49:46

finished. Number 5,

00:49:47 --> 00:49:50

not mocking and ridiculing others when making jokes.

00:49:51 --> 00:49:52

What did Allah say in Surat al Hujurat,

00:49:53 --> 00:49:54

which teaches a lot of etiquettes?

00:50:00 --> 00:50:02

O you who believe, do not mock and

00:50:02 --> 00:50:03

ridicule and make fun of one another.

00:50:04 --> 00:50:06

They what if that individual doesn't mind?

00:50:07 --> 00:50:08

Do you mind if I make jokes on

00:50:08 --> 00:50:10

you? Because, wallahi, I don't mind.

00:50:10 --> 00:50:11

Allahu Akbar,

00:50:12 --> 00:50:13

he doesn't mind.

00:50:13 --> 00:50:15

We're living in that kind of society that

00:50:15 --> 00:50:16

if you can't take jokes,

00:50:17 --> 00:50:18

they make even more of a joke out

00:50:18 --> 00:50:19

of you. Sah,

00:50:20 --> 00:50:21

I can't take jokes now.

00:50:23 --> 00:50:25

Making jokes about his weight or her weight,

00:50:26 --> 00:50:27

that's not funny.

00:50:28 --> 00:50:30

Even then he's saying to me, Allah, I,

00:50:30 --> 00:50:31

you know, I I don't mind, you can

00:50:31 --> 00:50:32

say whatever you want. How do you know

00:50:32 --> 00:50:33

he doesn't mind?

00:50:35 --> 00:50:37

Allah, he's probably really suffering inside hurt.

00:50:38 --> 00:50:39

He's going to go into depression when he

00:50:39 --> 00:50:40

goes home,

00:50:41 --> 00:50:44

feel insecure about himself, but he just doesn't

00:50:44 --> 00:50:46

want to make it apparent to you

00:50:47 --> 00:50:47


00:50:47 --> 00:50:49

this joke is hurting him.

00:50:52 --> 00:50:54

Even if he doesn't mind, you have been

00:50:54 --> 00:50:55

commanded by Allah Azzawi not to make these

00:50:55 --> 00:50:56


00:50:56 --> 00:50:58

and not to ridicule him and make fun

00:50:58 --> 00:51:00

of him, wala Allah told you all you

00:51:00 --> 00:51:01

believe, Are you not somebody who believes?

00:51:03 --> 00:51:05

Abdullah ibn Surud would say,

00:51:06 --> 00:51:07

right, whenever you hear

00:51:09 --> 00:51:11

make sure you listen attentively.

00:51:14 --> 00:51:16

Because you're about to be told of something

00:51:16 --> 00:51:18

extremely important, something that you're going to be

00:51:18 --> 00:51:19

commanded with, and that which you're going to

00:51:19 --> 00:51:21

be prohibited from.

00:51:24 --> 00:51:25

You know what's even more worse than that

00:51:25 --> 00:51:26

brothers and sisters?

00:51:27 --> 00:51:28

Mocking someone

00:51:29 --> 00:51:29

and how Allah

00:51:30 --> 00:51:31

created him.

00:51:31 --> 00:51:33

The way his nose is.

00:51:34 --> 00:51:36

The way his nose is. Is he in

00:51:36 --> 00:51:37


00:51:37 --> 00:51:38


00:51:38 --> 00:51:38


00:51:39 --> 00:51:40

The way his eyes have been created, the

00:51:40 --> 00:51:41

way his ears are,

00:51:43 --> 00:51:45

making jokes of him saying dwarf is,

00:51:48 --> 00:51:49

Or he looks like this or he looks

00:51:49 --> 00:51:51

like that. That's how Allah created him.

00:51:53 --> 00:51:54

Why did the messenger

00:51:54 --> 00:51:55


00:51:57 --> 00:51:58

don't curse the wind?

00:51:59 --> 00:52:00

Who can tell me?

00:52:01 --> 00:52:03

See who's got Kitabatul Haydon?

00:52:05 --> 00:52:06


00:52:07 --> 00:52:09

Yeah, honey, it is Allah subhanahu wa'anahu that

00:52:09 --> 00:52:10

created and sent it.

00:52:11 --> 00:52:11


00:52:12 --> 00:52:13


00:52:13 --> 00:52:14

been commanded

00:52:16 --> 00:52:19

to destroy this and to leave that.

00:52:20 --> 00:52:22

Sometimes it's unbearable the wind. You see trees

00:52:22 --> 00:52:23

flying around.

00:52:24 --> 00:52:25

It's Allah that

00:52:26 --> 00:52:28

sent it. So if you're not insulting something

00:52:28 --> 00:52:30

that doesn't have control over itself, who in

00:52:30 --> 00:52:32

reality are you insulting?

00:52:35 --> 00:52:37

Lies are rigid, right? That's how deep it

00:52:37 --> 00:52:38


00:52:38 --> 00:52:40

That's how profound it is.

00:52:41 --> 00:52:42


00:52:42 --> 00:52:44

the messenger told us

00:52:45 --> 00:52:47

do not insult the time. Let me ask

00:52:47 --> 00:52:48

you guys a question.

00:52:51 --> 00:52:52

The last day

00:52:53 --> 00:52:55

before the 1st January

00:52:55 --> 00:52:55


00:52:56 --> 00:52:58

kicked in, what were the people posting on

00:52:58 --> 00:53:00

social media? All they're saying about the previous

00:53:00 --> 00:53:01

year that has just gone by?

00:53:11 --> 00:53:13

They were insulting it, they were,

00:53:14 --> 00:53:14

you know,

00:53:16 --> 00:53:17

using profanity,

00:53:19 --> 00:53:20

speaking ill.

00:53:20 --> 00:53:23

The corona that was sent, who sent it?

00:53:23 --> 00:53:26

It was Allah azzawal that sent it. You

00:53:26 --> 00:53:28

know insulting what the I shouldn't even say

00:53:28 --> 00:53:30

like what the corona caused. It's Allah Azzawiyah

00:53:30 --> 00:53:31

who caused it

00:53:31 --> 00:53:33

and he just used this as a means

00:53:35 --> 00:53:37

to either bring good to people's lives,

00:53:37 --> 00:53:39

or to test them

00:53:40 --> 00:53:41

in many different ways.

00:53:44 --> 00:53:45

This is my brothers and my sisters,

00:53:46 --> 00:53:48

a deficiency in Tawhid,

00:53:49 --> 00:53:50

study Tawhid,

00:53:51 --> 00:53:53

and see how many things that we are

00:53:53 --> 00:53:54

falling short in.

00:53:55 --> 00:53:56

Very quick one, and I'll just give you

00:53:56 --> 00:53:58

guys a taste of swearing by your mom's

00:53:58 --> 00:53:58


00:53:59 --> 00:54:01

I swear down. I swear my mom's life.

00:54:01 --> 00:54:02

I swear my nan's grave. I swear on

00:54:02 --> 00:54:04

this. I swear on that.

00:54:05 --> 00:54:07

Put your hand up if you've fallen to

00:54:07 --> 00:54:08

this before.

00:54:09 --> 00:54:12

I did as kids. We all do say

00:54:12 --> 00:54:14

that. Why you guys not raising your voice

00:54:14 --> 00:54:16

acting like you never said it? Everyone has.

00:54:19 --> 00:54:21

No, Allah forgive us all. But a point

00:54:21 --> 00:54:23

of the matter is, it's something that we

00:54:23 --> 00:54:24

all fell into.

00:54:33 --> 00:54:35

And shirk is worse than what?

00:54:35 --> 00:54:36


00:54:37 --> 00:54:37


00:54:38 --> 00:54:39

riba, all the major sins that we hear

00:54:39 --> 00:54:40


00:54:44 --> 00:54:46

So insulting now an individual who looks a

00:54:46 --> 00:54:48

certain way, Allah created him like that. His

00:54:48 --> 00:54:51

nose is like that because Allah chose that

00:54:51 --> 00:54:51

for him.

00:54:53 --> 00:54:55

Mocking that, ridiculing that.

00:54:57 --> 00:54:59

Just because someone is from a certain background,

00:54:59 --> 00:55:01

you find others speaking about the way some

00:55:01 --> 00:55:03

of his facial features are.

00:55:06 --> 00:55:07

Number 6,

00:55:07 --> 00:55:08

last one,

00:55:13 --> 00:55:15

to choose an appropriate time to joke.

00:55:17 --> 00:55:19

Is it appropriate for one to be making

00:55:19 --> 00:55:21

jokes while you're walking towards the funeral?

00:55:23 --> 00:55:24

And I've seen it before.

00:55:25 --> 00:55:28

Someone just passed away, and this guy is

00:55:28 --> 00:55:29

making jokes with one another.

00:55:33 --> 00:55:35

This is not an appropriate time,

00:55:38 --> 00:55:38


00:55:38 --> 00:55:40

You have to choose also a time to

00:55:40 --> 00:55:41

be joking with your parents.

00:55:43 --> 00:55:44

Again, on TikTok,

00:55:45 --> 00:55:47

young kids are recording their parents

00:55:48 --> 00:55:50

making fun of them.

00:55:50 --> 00:55:52

Some even trip up their parents and they

00:55:52 --> 00:55:54

post on social media because they know they're

00:55:54 --> 00:55:56

gonna get hits. How's that joke?

00:55:58 --> 00:55:58


00:55:59 --> 00:55:59


00:56:06 --> 00:56:08

The point in me merging these two topics

00:56:08 --> 00:56:09

together is,

00:56:10 --> 00:56:12

Ramadan is very likely to be on the

00:56:12 --> 00:56:13

2nd April, sir,

00:56:14 --> 00:56:15

or 3rd.

00:56:16 --> 00:56:18

Do we really want to be on the

00:56:18 --> 00:56:19

1st April,

00:56:20 --> 00:56:21

entering into the month of Ramadan

00:56:23 --> 00:56:23


00:56:24 --> 00:56:24


00:56:26 --> 00:56:26


00:56:28 --> 00:56:28

is questionable.

00:56:30 --> 00:56:31

Is that what we want?

00:56:32 --> 00:56:34

I don't think anyone wants that.

00:56:34 --> 00:56:36

Or we start the month of Ramadan

00:56:37 --> 00:56:38

with major sins,

00:56:40 --> 00:56:42

falling into that which is extremely extremely dangerous.

00:56:44 --> 00:56:45

The Salaf,

00:56:45 --> 00:56:47

and when I say Salaf, I intend by

00:56:47 --> 00:56:49

the 3 golden generations, not people who are

00:56:49 --> 00:56:49

breathing today.

00:56:50 --> 00:56:52

The Sahaba, the Tabia'in, the Tabia'in,

00:56:52 --> 00:56:55

those that the mess prophet told us,

00:56:56 --> 00:56:57

are the best of the generations.

00:57:01 --> 00:57:03

They are the people that we need to

00:57:05 --> 00:57:06

take our religion from,

00:57:07 --> 00:57:09

and they are the ones who taught us

00:57:09 --> 00:57:11

good etiquettes, not people who are living today

00:57:11 --> 00:57:12

that might really tarnish

00:57:13 --> 00:57:14

what the truth is.

00:57:17 --> 00:57:19

Point that I wanted to make was

00:57:20 --> 00:57:21

what do I wanna see?

00:57:24 --> 00:57:26

Salif in the month of Shaaban,

00:57:27 --> 00:57:29

as Ibn Hajj al Askelani mentioned in Fathilbari,

00:57:29 --> 00:57:31

they would rush towards the masahif.

00:57:31 --> 00:57:33

They would be engaging in khair.

00:57:33 --> 00:57:35

They would try to get into gear. What

00:57:35 --> 00:57:36

happens when you get into a car? Can

00:57:36 --> 00:57:38

you get put it straight away into gear

00:57:38 --> 00:57:39


00:57:40 --> 00:57:41

Gear 1, car drives.

00:57:42 --> 00:57:43

2, 3, 4, 5.

00:57:44 --> 00:57:46

And then he can put his foot down.

00:57:49 --> 00:57:51

Very common question that brothers and sisters tend

00:57:51 --> 00:57:52

to ask,

00:57:53 --> 00:57:54

I feel like I've already wasted half of

00:57:54 --> 00:57:57

my Ramadan. He struggled to get into gear

00:57:57 --> 00:57:59

and that's maybe perhaps because

00:57:59 --> 00:58:01

he didn't prepare for it accordingly. He didn't

00:58:01 --> 00:58:02

start maybe fasting.

00:58:03 --> 00:58:04

This is the month that Aisha

00:58:04 --> 00:58:06

said, prophet would fast so excessively.

00:58:08 --> 00:58:09

There wasn't a month that he fasted more.

00:58:11 --> 00:58:11


00:58:12 --> 00:58:13

Also the salafs will be reading the Quran

00:58:13 --> 00:58:15

a lot. So by the time Ramadan kicks

00:58:15 --> 00:58:17

in, they're already in the groove, in the

00:58:17 --> 00:58:18

routine of that.

00:58:20 --> 00:58:21

They'll be starting and

00:58:22 --> 00:58:23

also night prayer becomes easy for them.

00:58:25 --> 00:58:27

May Allah make us from those that benefit

00:58:27 --> 00:58:28

from the reminder.

00:58:29 --> 00:58:30

I apologize

00:58:32 --> 00:58:34

for going over my time.

00:58:36 --> 00:58:37

Do you wanna test them about the 6

00:58:37 --> 00:58:39

now or in the Q and A section?

00:58:39 --> 00:58:40

Is there a price?

00:58:43 --> 00:58:44

Do you have to

00:58:48 --> 00:58:49

offer? All eyes up to you. I don't

00:58:49 --> 00:58:52

wanna kinda like just barge into your program

00:58:52 --> 00:58:52


00:58:53 --> 00:58:54

start calling the shots.

00:58:54 --> 00:58:56

In the q and a section, inshallah.

00:58:57 --> 00:58:58

Inshallah, well, live brothers,

00:58:59 --> 00:59:00

and sisters.

00:59:00 --> 00:59:02

This is a masjid that is very dear

00:59:02 --> 00:59:04

to my heart, Shah Abdul Wahab. I will

00:59:04 --> 00:59:05

tell you, I used to come here a

00:59:05 --> 00:59:07

very long time ago to do monthly khuddbas.

00:59:08 --> 00:59:09


00:59:09 --> 00:59:11

And this Masjid has always been very, very

00:59:11 --> 00:59:13

good to me, and it's so, so nice

00:59:13 --> 00:59:14

to see

00:59:14 --> 00:59:15

so many brothers

00:59:16 --> 00:59:17

attending the Masjid. I remember

00:59:19 --> 00:59:20

how the Halakha used to be. We used

00:59:20 --> 00:59:22

to do conferences here and maybe

00:59:22 --> 00:59:25

what? 5, 10 people will attend the gatherings,

00:59:25 --> 00:59:28

but to see so many glowing faces,

00:59:28 --> 00:59:30

it really, really does bring a lot of

00:59:30 --> 00:59:31

joy to the heart.

00:59:32 --> 00:59:33

And ask Allah, azza wajal, if he doesn't

00:59:33 --> 00:59:35

gather us again in this dunya,

00:59:35 --> 00:59:37

to reunite us in the hereafter.

00:59:38 --> 00:59:39

I mean, jazakumullah

00:59:40 --> 00:59:41

khayron for hosting me.

00:59:42 --> 00:59:43

As the messenger

00:59:43 --> 00:59:44


00:59:45 --> 00:59:46

or should I

00:59:47 --> 00:59:48


00:59:48 --> 00:59:50

The one who's not thankful to repeat

00:59:51 --> 00:59:52

won't be thankful to Allah

00:59:53 --> 00:59:53

So jazakumullah

00:59:54 --> 00:59:54


00:59:55 --> 00:59:56

Wa asanullah wa rakum.

00:59:57 --> 00:59:58

Assalamu alaikum.

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