Abu Bakr Zoud – Is It Permissible For The Believers To Love This WORLDLY LIFE
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The importance of love and passion for the worldly life is linked to a culture called the "by the way" and that it is the result of a desire to love and desire to love the worldly life. The negative consequences of love for the d union and the potential consequences of love for the d union are discussed. The importance of training oneself to detach from the afterlife is emphasized, along with the need for individuals to practice sexual relations during the night to balance their love for the afterlife.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, my brothers and sisters in Islam. This week we're going to answer a question. And that is, is it permissible for the believer to love this worldly life? Does a Muslim love this worldly life and it's suave, and it's materialistic matters. That's what we want to answer through reflecting over an area from the Quran. And that is a 27 from Salthill incent Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in
your hipbone Allah Gina, whereas oh no on
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in this ayah Allah subhanho wa Taala is describing the disbelievers, those who rejected Islam and rejected the message of an epistle Allahu alayhi wa sallam. And he describes them by saying in the head, Verily, these people, the disbelievers, your hip, Brunel, as you know,
they love this world, the life. Elijah is the worldly life. It comes from the word Ariela for something to hasten, and that's the world they live. That's the nature of this world, the life
a person can get his hands on things really quickly. And the things that enhance reach, and today, Yanni this, this meaning of Elijah is even more evident. Right, you open your smartphone, you open an app, you purchased what you want, and it's in its it's almost there on the door, in from minutes to a few hours, to probably a few days. Whatever it is, it can come from international from 8000 kilometers away, you purchase something and it reaches you in a day or two. Allahu Akbar. So this is why this dunya was called Elijah squeak and you receive it's materialistic matters really quick. In the head, your head Boone Elijah, Allah azza wa jal is speaking about the disbelievers. He said, a
quality of this is that they love this world the life but wait a second, then he said without Oh, no auto home Yeomans tequila, and they leave behind them a heavy Day.
The heavy day is the day of judgment, because indeed, this is a heavy day. And it is a difficult day.
And it is a troubling day for many.
And what it means that they leave behind them the day of judgment, meaning they do not prepare for it. It's not their priority in this world, the life, they leave it behind their backs, that they throw it behind them. And when you throw something behind you, you're not looking at it, so you're not focused on it, and you don't prepare for it. Now we can understand that what is forbidden and what is impermissible is to love this worldly life. And it's matters so much to the point where you leave the afterlife and the preparation for the afterlife. This is how we understand things otherwise, naturally. Everyone loves this worldly life. Everyone loves cars, money, homes, you know,
in fact, we have been made whole effort on the earth. whole effort, and from the job of a Khalifa on Earth is to build this earth. Build it this is the job of a human being is to build homes and infrastructure, build the economy of countries societies. So there is an attachment. There is a love for this world, the life and its materialistic matter and its homes and its cars and and so on. There is a natural love. But if this love for the worldly life reaches a point in where you begin to transgress against Allah's laws. So now you start cheating, your fraud, your lie, you shortchange people you gamble, you steal, you engage in riba transactions. If your love for the world, the life
pushes you to do harm, so that you can earn extra of this world the life extra off extra materialistic position. Then, of course, this type of love for the dunya is condemned and It's haram. And if your love of this worldly life reaches a point where you begin to live off the obligations, and you don't pray, you don't attend solid Joomla you're coming late to solid Joomla you're only making the prayer you're missing and hotbar and you're missing all Ramadan. And you're missing halogen you're neglecting it because you're too busy collecting wealth of this worldly life because of your love for it. No doubt
This type of love is haram. Because Allah azza wa jal he said, Yeah, you are Lavina Amendola Tilikum, welcome Allah Allah commanded decree Allah, Allah azza wa jal, he said, Oh you who believe, don't allow yourself, this dunya and do not allow your children to distract you, from the remembrance of Allah azza wa jal, from your obligations, from your prayers from your fasting from your Hajj, and so on. Now, so this is why we answer this question by saying it is permissible for a believer to have this natural love for the worldly life and itself, and its cause and so on.
But if this love reaches the point, where you begin to do harm, so that you can earn more of it, or you're leaving obligations to earn more of it, then there is no doubt that this type of love is haram.
And finally, my brothers and sisters in Islam here, I wanted to share with you that you see us as Muslims, we need to train ourselves everyday to detach from this worldly life. We need to train ourselves to detach from it. And naturally, this is what worships do. The one who's on top of his worships, worships they naturally detaches from this worldly life, so that our love for this life is balanced. It's balanced, it doesn't become excessive.
And these worships, of course, first and foremost, when you engage in the worships, right, the obligations, the voluntary worships of the day and the night, then this is how you are preparing for the afterlife. So the love of the dunya hasn't reached excess in your life. Because you're preparing for the afterlife with the worship. And the nature of worships is that they disconnect us from this worldly life. They visit they they literally detach us, like look, for example, the prayer, the prayer literally detaches you from the sober life. You can't eat, you can't drink, we can't even talk. And these are luxuries of the worldly life. Look at fasting when you fast. You can't eat, you
can't drink, he can't engage in sexual relations. And these three matters that I mentioned. These are the greatest pleasures and desires of this world, their life
and zakat, when you give you as a cat, and then you give charity, it's detaching you from wealth. It's detaching you from this, this money, which is a luxury. And when you do harsh look at the nature of this worship or harsh, you know, you literally take off your coat, which is a luxury and use two pieces of cloth, clothing. And even if you're a woman listening, how does this become relevant because even in our house, you're not allowed
to clip nails, and to put perfume on and these are luxuries.
And you cannot for the men wear fitted clothing. And you cannot cut your hair and cutting hair is a luxury as well. And even in house, you're not allowed to have sexual relations, neither during the day nor during the night, as opposed to Ramadan, Ramadan, at least you can practice sexual relation in the night.
But it has you can't even do that during the day or the night until you finish from your home.
So you see the nature of worships it detaches us from this whole life. It trains us to keep the hereafter
in our site, and it becomes our main focus of the day in the night. And that way, your love for this worldly life will be balanced. It won't be too much to the point where you do the harm. And this is what is required. Now Allahu Allah.
What hamdulillah or Salah salatu salam ala ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germaine