Abu Bakr Zoud – Face your calamities with “Hasbuna Allahu Wa Nimal Wakeel”
![Abu Bakr Zoud](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/abu-bakr-zoud-150x150.jpg)
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a difficult situation where a woman namedated as he's sloppy and he's in a fire. The woman is a woman who has a history of social and political struggles but has a history of finding peace and joy. She is a woman who has promised to never change who she is and is focused on finding a way to achieve her goals.
AI: Summary ©
There is no difficulty there are laws Zoysia bestows upon you except that it is injected with a lot of a lot of gentleness and mercy and compassion. Allah azza wa jal he says in not below playfully Masha, Allah azza wa jal is sloppy from his name's is Allah leave the gentle the compassionate. Do you see the story of Ibrahim Ali he set up when his people threw him in a fire? What happens? What happens? He's in a difficulty he's in a fire he's entered a place where it literally burns, but a lot of socialist gentleness is with him. lionell Cooney Bogdanov, Salomon, Allah Ibrahim, Allah azza wa jal gives command to the fire. That would be cool and peaceful and Ibrahim Allah has set up
Bogdan was an airman cool and tranquil peaceful, because even if it was only cool, he refers to this.
And if it was peaceful without being cooled, it would have been for law so I shall give it two commands. Bogdan was 11 Do you sometimes you read it but then was 1121 is the same thing. It's not the same thing. A lot. So a shell is not as a decree precisely, but the nor Solomon is the only solution for him right now. He's in the midst of difficulty, but Allah is gentleness and compassion is with him. Why? Why why? why did why Allah so shall give him that companionship. Why did Allah so shall look after him? You know why? Because when he was thrown in the fire, he said, how smooth Allah
has been Allah Hunter, the first thing on his mind was Allah, therefore he deserved ultimate protection. Then that was the first thing in his mind. See, I tell you, everyone wants to be in the company of Allah, so that Allah can do with us like what he did with Ibrahim, but you will only get the company of Allah. If you do in times of difficulty to say hussmann Allahu Allah kill us when Allah means Allah is enough for us. Has. Allah is enough for us when there are men who are killed. And how excellent is Allah as a being to rely on one ama lucky
Ibrahim I know he
saved himself from a fire from a difficulty with a smooth Allahu enamel Hakim? Do you know how to save yourself with us but Allah when am I lucky? Do you know how to say it in difficulties and make the difficulty Bolden was 11 and make your difficult to become a cool and a source of peace and tranquility for you. The fire became a source of tranquility. tranquility and peace is where people are running after Ibrahim founded in the fire. It's not the idea that he found peace in the fire. But he found that with the word has spoon Allah who animal Joaquin and after that was a bonus. After that the fire being peaceful and cool upon him is because that's almost promise to those that want
his companionship. That's a lost promise Allah social is with them. Why nama who is at the colony and I'm with my servant whenever he remembers me, for even going back to the Hadeeth for Allah insha Allah de la pena. Ibrahim didn't even ask if this is a heavier, a higher level. This is a high level of companionship with Allah that you don't even ask. You just remember Allah how smooth Allah, Allah azza wa jal does what he wants, and he fulfilled these requests. You know how to deal with a lot of Zoysia like this, then what happens with us? If a difficulty happens? You tell us what Allah when Mr. Rokita million times it doesn't work, why does not work? How come it worked with the blow he
wants? winter today we repeat, repeat, repeat, nothing happens. You know why? What happened? What changed? Allah did not change. The same Illa that saved the Ibrahim with Hassan Allah who animal Joaquin is the same. Illa is the same Lord that has guaranteed the same manner rather than the way the ones that changed. Our heart is the one that changed our relationship with Allah azza wa jal is what changed. Allah social he says in Allah Allah you may be a comb, or you may be unfussy him. Allah azza wa jal promised, he will never change the state of a person. He will never change the state of a people until they change what's in themselves. You're the one that has to change. Allah
hasn't changed. Allah he's as he is subhanho wa Taala. When you say Subhana Allah, it means I declare the perfection of Allah is what it means. There is no sometimes Subhana Allah he read the translation glory beat Allah. What does glory mean? anyway? No one knows what glory means. Stay on a perfect translation. Subhana Allah means I declare on last perfectness Allah is perfect. This is
to pound Allah means Allah isn't changed. Wait the ones that have changed? For less we turn back to Allah. Unless we know who Allah He is, unless we show serious commitment and dedication, to learn who Allah so shall is halfmoon Allah who will never look