Abu Bakr Zoud – Enough Excuses, get up & Pray

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes how the legal system in Nigeria has changed since the implementation of Islam Enough. Salatin Fisher has been hired as a doula, but his sleep is too heavy and he may not be able to go back to his previous work. Although he has been praying, he has not given preference to the law in the Hereafter.
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My brothers in Islam Enough, enough that the massages are empty on Salatin Fisher will law here if you had work, you're at work on time. And if you are going to travel overseas, you're at the airport for hours before the flight leaves. And when Salatin Fisher comes, you come and Sonoma. My sleep is too heavy. While it's getting tough because the time between Asia and Fisher is very little one lucky that's wrong. Allah Subhana Dallas has built in and hired a doula, rather you gave preference to the law the life had you given preference to Allah in the Hereafter, you would have been among law insulated as you're praying

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