Abu Bakr Zoud – Are the 10 days of Dhul Hijjah the best days of your life

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of fasting during the 10-day mark on Earth and how it is the best way to change one's attitude and attitude to the world. They also mention the upcoming fasting withdrawal and encourage the listener to read about it during the first 10 days of the UI.
AI: Transcript ©
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Gani whenever you saw Obama, he said in the hadith of a year with dunya a year when I show that the best days on Earth, the best days in the world are the 10 days of Malaysia. You know each and every single one of us has these that are the best these in his life. Maybe it was the day you got married that was the best day in your life. Or the day you became a father you the you became a mother the day you graduated the day you earned a higher position at work, whatever it is, everyone has a best day had a motto a young dounia change your attitude, the best days in your life are supposed to be these days, because of what goodness you do in them of Marula. Yeah, we don't have

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any the features that you're going to pray during these days are the best features you'll pray during the entirety. And the plan that you're going to read during these 10 days is the best plan you're going to read during the entire UI. And the first thing you're going to fast is going to be the best first thing except the first thing of Ramadan because that's the obligatory fasting withdrawal you're going to make is going to be the best

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out of the entire UI.

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