Abu Bakr Zoud – 15th Shabaan, an opportunity for forgiveness
![Abu Bakr Zoud](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/abu-bakr-zoud-150x150.jpg)
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The speaker discusses the importance of forgiveness in Islam, and how it is crucial to not have a history of hate or anger towards one's Muslim counterparts. They also mention the need for forgiveness in order to be ready to enter recession and receive the ability to worship Him. The speaker emphasizes the importance of cleaning one's hearts and embracing the rule of Islam.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He also be as my, my brothers and sisters in Islam. How would you like for an opportunity in which Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives you for all your sins, the sins that the is committed the sins that you he committed the sins that your mouth committed a foul, filthy, evil language and that which you've consumed of how long the sins of your hand the sins of your feet, how would you like for an opportunity to have them all forgiven? And Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that on the 15th day of Chabad which is only two days from now, but Hadith is an authentic hadith authenticated
by an amendment and Bernard Rahim Allah and others, that also the loss of Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, your bollier Allahu la cama de les netta nurserymen chabanne that Allah subhanho wa Taala would look at all his servants all his sleeves, on the 15th night of chabanne, Amazonian he sees us in every moment of our lives. But on this night, Allah subhanho wa Taala sees all the sleeves and he forgives them fail funeral engineering how to work an entire forgiveness of all the sins the millions and millions of sins are all forgiven except for two types of people. Have you seen the law while they are send them says Elana machinic except for a machinic a person who assists associated
partners with a loss of Hannah died a person who worships other than Allah subhanho wa Taala such people do not deserve a loss forgiveness on that day. Because you need the heat you need to adhere to the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and declare that in your life before being forgiven, the machinic that's the first category and the second type of people that are not forgiven. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, Moshe, when a Mujahid when we share him, is a person who holds inside of his heart, grudge, animosity, hatred, anger, envy, jealousy towards enough another Muslim brother or sister. This is a machine head machine from the word shahan. Only shahan is charged up
with anger and hatred against his Muslim brother and sister. For my brothers and sisters in Islam, clean your hearts and clean the air between you and others, especially family members. You need to do that before the 15th of chabanne so that you can be forgiven for your sins. And you need to do that so that once you're forgiven Bismillah you're ready to approach or bond with a clean heart. As a result, you benefit from Ramadan. This is one of the ways in how we prepare for Ramadan. to cleave that heart will rule them out by hammer home Allah like Ahmed, he said, and we'll share in here it means man you boo boo boo, the sooner those who hate us The sooner those who hate the scholars,
those who hate the Jani order. These are also considered in the word admission. And by far, this is the worst type of hate you can have in your heart hatred towards the scholars of Islam, hatred towards the people of knowledge, hatred towards those who spread the word of Islam and the message of Islam. Be very careful that you don't have any hatred inside of your heart towards them. Because some people don't even consider that to be hate. So be careful, clean that air between you and the people and love all your machines. Love all the rules that are upon the correct methodology of the Muslim Ummah while he was alive. And remember and understand that on this day, and on this night of
the 15th of Chabad there is nothing extra in terms of worship, there's nothing special of worship. So the idea that mentioned or the fabricated idea for the week, a hadith that mentioned we need to fast this day, parades night, all of this is not supposed to be done. These are all innovations, except for a person who has a common routine of praying at night that he continued continues to do so. Or someone has a continuous routine of fasting 13th 14th and 15th of every month, then he can continue to do so and fast on the 15th but to specialize this day for fasting and praying it's night. Then this is from the innovations are Sol Sol Allahu alayhi wa sallam never did that. The
Companions after that never did that. And until now, nothing has reached us of news that the first of generations ever did such an act. So we asked the Mosel panel data to keep us up on the sooner we ask the most of Hannah who are dialectically our hearts from hatred against our Muslim brothers and sisters.
ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive and forgive us all, and to make us ready to enter Ramadan and to give us the ability to worship Him, as long as we live until we meet him subhanho wa Taala in the holy Veliko called erotic are Sol Allahu wa sallam. OData karlen Amina Muhammad wa ala he also be as mean