Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – What to Do When a Person is Dying

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of providing comfort to dying individuals when they die, avoiding reciting statement about praying for the died and speaking on the name of Jesus. They stress the importance of not letting people die in the presence of death signs, reciting merger CDs, and following proper etiquette. The speakers also recommend a website and provide instructions on removing unwanted jewelry and weight from the body before sending deceased to the hospital.
AI: Transcript ©
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There's a question that's coming up quite frequently today,

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especially with regards to the Coronavirus and people having many

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sick people in the house and having

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people die, right either in their presence or at the hospital, and

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so on. And subhanAllah This has always been the case that there's

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been a lot of ignorance as to what is the end of life care that

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individuals have to provide for their family members. For example,

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our books of jurisprudence and others, they provide this detail.

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And I remember there was a basic book that they teach in the teach

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to children. They've been teaching for a very long time, it's called

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tidy Mohawk. So I taught this book to my class of students in America

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when I was there. And

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one of the guys he was probably about nine or 10, when he studied

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it, or maybe 10 or 11. And then after that, he was about 15, or

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16. And his grandfather was on his deathbed, the rest of his family

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are in panic, they don't know what to do. Like they don't know what

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the rest of the family is responsibilities are towards the

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deceased, or towards the person who's seemingly in the last throes

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of life. What is the religious requirements? What are other

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practical such as nobody knows, because you don't see this every

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day? Right? You don't see this every day. So I've been told by a

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number of the brothers who are doing the washing, who are

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basically preparing the body for burial nowadays, in this

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Coronavirus time, that they found that when they receive bodies

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Subhanallah they in various forms of rigor mortis, you call that?

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Because after a body dies, it freezes. Right, it gets set in a

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certain position. That's why we're told on a practical level to do

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certain things. So the idea is that there's certain things that

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you read, and you try to get the patient to read the the, we call

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these people matado. Right, the people who are basically about to

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go into the presence of Allah subhanaw taala from here and leave

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this world. So

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there are certain things that please try to keep in mind this is

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very, very important that if you have somebody that is dying in

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front of you, then these are your responsibilities. And these are

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the things that you must do. So I'm going to read too quickly from

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this book that we produced a few years ago written by Dr. Sharon

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Islamiat. Shutter Hussein, it's a beautiful book, what the living

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can do for the dead from white thread press basically says what

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to do when the signs of death become apparent. When the signs of

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death manifest on a person, it is encouraged, and not necessarily

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not necessary to lay the person on the right side with the limb

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straightened and facing the Qibla.

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The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam instructed

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regarding the carrabba, it is your Qibla alive or dead. So even for

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the person who is about to die, should face him towards the Qibla.

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Now it's important that those who are present tried to provide as

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much comfort as they can to the dying, you don't want to be

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talking about inheritance issues when they're about to die, maybe

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before that, to try to make them write a will or to sort out

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unresolved matters, that's a good idea, but not at the time of

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death. That's a that's a very sensitive time. Right now, a few

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things that you do at that time. One of the biggest things is still

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keen. This is before that if you do Tolkien, Tolkien means that

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you're trying to encourage the dying person to recite the Kadima,

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the formula of faith that ilaha IL Allah. And you do that slowly, and

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you don't tell them please recite this, or recite this, come on

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quickly recite it, you actually start reading it, and hopefully

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they listen to it. It basically reminds them, and then they read

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it, once they really wants them Be quiet. Because you don't under

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don't speak to them about anything else, because you don't want

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another word to be uttered after that. So that's the first thing

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that you do. That's why the Prophet saw some said in a hadith

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of sahih, Muslim instruct the dying to say La ilaha illAllah.

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Because it will eliminate previous sins, to die on a good note to die

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on the name of Allah that you came into the world with when the other

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one was called into your ear. Here the responsibility is ours. Number

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you can recite some Quran

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around them, and just softly that's a good idea. Now in terms

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of the practical aspects, when the inevitable appointed time has

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arrived, and the soul has left is leaving the body. So you've

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already faced them, preferably on the right side towards the Qibla.

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Sometimes you may not be able to move them like that. So then you

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do the best that you can. The people present and especially the

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heirs, they should first you should speak well of the deceased

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as far as possible. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that the angels they pronounced Amin upon what the family of the

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You say this is a Hadith of Muslim Muhammad. So if you are going to

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speak then speak well, the angels will make it it's like a dua than

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an angel is inshallah will say, I mean as well. Then after that

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these are the practical things which some of the, our brothers

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and sisters preparing the disease will tell I've told us about to

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basically let people know, you close the eyes of the disease, so

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you shut the eyes, generally, they may stay left open looking up. So

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you want to close the eyes calmly after they passed away and close

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the eyes so that they become closed, you don't want to leave

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them staring, because otherwise that's how they generally remain.

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And you say Bismillah, where Allah military Rasul Allah, which

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basically means the name of Allah and upon the religion of Allah's

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Messenger, sallallahu alayhi salam number to close the jaws. And in

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fact, if you have to tie a small string, from the bottom of the

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jaw, to the top of the head, so that the jaw remains closed, lots

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of people observing that people who don't know the family members

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who don't know this, they, they they then the rigor mortis sets in

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and they become frozen with their jaws open, it's not a very good

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sight, we want to respect and honor our disease like that. So

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close the jaw. As I said, you can use a bandage, if necessary.

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Number three, straighten the limbs, straighten the limbs, as

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soon as they passed away, then straighten the limbs, put the feet

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together the legs together, and try to keep it as straight as

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possible. And

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if you have to tie the feet together, you could even do that

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I'm not sure if that's necessary or not. But because sometimes what

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they're saying is that we're receiving bodies, and the the two

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legs are just spread apart. And it's very, they will put them

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together because it's become very stiff afterwards.

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Allahu Akbar. Number four, remove any jewelry,

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right or any excess like that. Because when they come in for the

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bathing and so on, it becomes quite complicated, it's better

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that you can remove them. In fact, if you can, before nowadays, with

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people dying in hospitals very easily, because of what's going

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on, try to get the all that removed before you even go to

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before you'll send your loved ones to the hospital. Because you have

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to be sensitive because you don't want them to feel like you're

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sending them to their death, and that you want their, their jewelry

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or whatever. So that's a bit sensitive, but definitely

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afterwards, try to try to remove that.

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And if there's a possibility of the stomach bloating, then you can

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actually play something heavy with some weight on the stomach so that

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it does not bloat, you basically don't want the body to become

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deformed. Very important. And if we can provide this information,

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if you can write this information down, maybe we will try to do is

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we'll if you if you don't have a copy of this book, then maybe

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we'll try to put this instruction on the website, you will find it

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on zum zum academy.com. And you can basically copy it out and

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giving giving give it to the doctors at the hospital or the

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nurses at the hospital that please try to do these things. I mean

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they may if there's not Muslim then they may not say La Ilaha

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illa Allah to them or whatever but at least they will have they can

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do the other things as far as possible. And then after that, you

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know you obviously make dua but these are some of the main things

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just to remember when it comes to our deceased

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