Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – What is Sufism A Formal Explanation Part 13 The fifth principle, The Sufis, Junayd alBaghdadi
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The transcript describes a group of people discussing the importance of protecting their bodies and protecting their bodies. They talk about protecting their bodies, including the importance of protecting their bodies from the cold and the need to protect their bodies from the cold. They also mention the need to protect their bodies from the cold and the need to protect their bodies from the cold.], [The transcript describes a group of people discussing the importance of protecting their bodies from cold and the need to protect their bodies from the cold. They also talk about the need to protect their bodies from the cold and the importance of protecting their bodies from the cold. The transcript ends with a request for people to share their experiences with the cold.], [The transcript describes a group of people sharing their experiences with the cold, including the importance of protecting their bodies from cold and the need to protect their bodies from the cold. They also discuss the need to protect their bodies from cold and the importance of protecting their bodies from the cold. They
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala so you didn't
more serene while he was so happy to hear about a girl said limit
asleep and Cathedral in Iommi dean. And
so in this 13th session of
what is the so often Sufism all about? We're going on to which
something he had started discussing last week or last time,
which was that the earliest scholars were very comprehensive
and they mastered everything, whether that be Hadith and
Tafseer. And in the sciences, but then later, certain scholars
became focused on one, one area.
This is not to say that they didn't have any idea about the
other area, but it's just that they became more focused and then
more renowned
in that particular area. So last week, we looked at the fic aspect
last time, and we talked about the 40 moms who have become basically
who survived their mother hubs in their schools and their teachings,
that legacy has survived over the centuries. And that's what a lot
of the world actually refer to today. Then he says, he carries on
to discuss some of the others. And he says, Well, Phil cotton so the
first one were the those who focused on the the shady or the
fic, and jurisprudence. Then he says, Well, Phil got to NASA, but
NASA Highland HD Holly Bibione, aka latika and it has sort of
this particular group, they set themselves up to occupy and to
engross themselves in explicating. And clarifying and
making clear the tenets of faith that the self worth upon. So
basically talking about Aqeedah what our beliefs are, well, who
will usher it you Wilma 3d You woman, Tabby or Huma? They are
basically Mamilla Shadi metodi, and anybody who followed them
later and carried on with that discussion, whether that be as as
early and whether that be Imam Razi in
just a moment how Domaine with Janie, or any of the others is
Farah Eenie, all of these scholars that came after them. And then the
third group, he says, so he basically splits it up into three
major groups FIQ, Aqeedah, and spirituality.
So he says, Then the third group were those that
put themselves up to four engrossment and focus in practical
aspects and in efforts and in making strenuous effort to
basically reach Allah subhanahu wa taala and purify their hearts
according to the fifth and archy the of the previous two groups, so
they will not something totally separate. They went by the fifth
and the ark either of those four of those groups. That's why you
see that generally. When you look at history, and you look at the
big scholars from history, you see that if he's a shiny then he's
going to be a Sufi generally as well. He's going to be a Shafi or
something like that. If he's a mathlete, he is going to be a
Hanafi and he's probably going to be a Sufi as well. This is pretty
much the majority of the Ummah throughout history that they
subscribe to each one of these three major groups.
So that's why he's then saying that for her, it will let him fill
up a fella home house will own material Muhammadiyah
these three, these three groups, they are the elect, and especially
selected ones of the Mohammedan OMA of the OMA Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam and then he says woman either whom is very, very
Omen either who met Jimmy in Iraqi Allah Tala.
Anybody from any other group are basically on deviance. Anybody who
doesn't subscribe to these three major groups, at least one aspect
or one group from among these three major groupings, then he
says that they are on the law.
We're in Canada about the minimum you can law who will Islam even
though they may some of them may not be out of the faith, you will
still say they're Muslims. So you will still allow them to remain
within the confines of Islam for Nergi mankind of yaki that you
hear on a trip Kima, ba Yahoo and Asuna hence, the successful one
the winner, the survivor, the one with salvation will be the one who
in his aqidah in his beliefs is going to be according to the way
that has been highlighted and trailed based trailblaze by the
Arizona jemar
So the Lucerna he must be on what color the Fill Academy Lima Lea te
mama metal a metal or bare metal melodiya And who has duck lead who
basically follows in his practical in his practical laws, an imam
from one of the four four accepted Imams
from Madonna will never met you when Naja Devi Saluki
Maliki Junaidi will at bury he buried an ACCA Medina who allow
trip Kima Jana will for the economy motorcar demand. Then
after that, for the complete benefit to be basically showered
with a full favor and to really receive the total bonus, then
you're not supposed to just be on those two. Then after that, you
want to also be traversing the path of Junaid.
That's Junaid Al Baghdadi
and his and his and his followers and people who came after him on
his path.
After a person has
established there Dino made it firm, according to the way that
the two earlier groups that we just discussed the fact that the
fuqaha and the and the arcaders are key the Archaea scholars,
according to the way that they have provided an exposition of the
hallucinogen MA and then he mentioned some others he says and
also among those who have among well actually among those who
follow the path of Junaid then because Junaid is one of the
earliest Sufis that nobody has a disagreement about. Junaid Al
Baghdadi will learn more about him later. But he says that among
those who followed his path was allowed to borrow Bernie Al Imam
say the AMA ignore referee and then his follows and then I'll
quote Barbara Bernie Al Imam say Ed Abdul Qadir jeelani What by
right? That's number two. Number three, he says uncoachable robinia
says I'm Adele by the way.
And number and then his followers and then number four is I'll quote
Barbara bernia said Ibrahim Dasuki. What where who? And then
I'll quote Barbara Bernier said Ali Baba has an usher very well at
burrow. And number was at number six now. I'll put what Rabbani say
the Mohammed Al Hello at what bedroom while could verbally say
the Abdullah Naqshbandi, we're at the bathroom. He's obviously
referring to some of the great scholars that probably
you can say found followers within Egypt because the scholar is from
Egypt. So he's talking about those scholars who had some kind of
influence in Egypt, even though the heads the major people here
will have to show that he was from Egypt. But then some of the others
they were from Morocco, and they were from other parts of the
world. So they were not necessarily all the founders of
those schools or those you can say those orders were not necessarily
from Egypt, but they definitely had Zaharias in Egypt, they had
definitely had an influence in Egypt. And you have to remember
that time that the author is writing the author is Imam dedied
when he's writing us her is mashallah at its peak, well
respected around the world, probably as one of the in most
influential centers of the Muslim world at the time, right. It's
just now that unfortunately, it doesn't have the same rigor or the
same influence as it used to have. But in those days, that was her
was what was the was the Muslim university, you know, par
excellence around the world. So you had followers and people of
the study because in in Egypt, you still have you still have Zoe's of
all these places. People in Egypt, like the whole idea of actually
seeing the 100 year one.
For her well, I could look I'm sad that will Omar Al mohammedia, Radi
Allahu Anhu moi and became Jamia and by him, I mean, that all of
these are the leaders of the Ummah al mohammedia, or the Allahu Anhu.
I mean, Allah subhanaw taala have be pleased with them, and please
with us, I mean, so he then is going to carry on. So what we want
to do first is, these are all names for us currently, right?
Some of them we may know something about, I want to just go through
some of them because mashallah, really to understand who these
people are, it's quite amazing to understand why they got to where
they got to why they mentioned in books today, why they have
followship followers. Now, what we have to also remember is that
the sort of evolves, any movement evolves, hardly any movement stays
the same.
What you always have is that you have
the founder, the reason they became very popular is because of
some great influence that they had, then obviously, the way that
movement continues is through their students, so people that
they have prepared people who attribute themselves to those
founders. Sometimes obviously, what happens is that you get a few
bad elements within that. There's no policing in this case, right?
There's no authority, they know that the CIO of authority or the
Sufism Registration Authority, or oversight or ombudsman or whatever
you want to call these names you have. So somebody could come up
today and say I'm a Naqshbandi or I'm a Hulu at I'm referring right
and maybe they are maybe they did take bait from a shake and the
shake trusted them and said something but then they've
introduced new ideas because of maybe
What's going on? Sometimes those ideas may be good, meaning new
ways, new ways of getting people closer to Allah. Right? Because
it's constantly in flux. We live in very different times from
people before, it's very difficult for us to do the same thing as
what these people did. Because there's a big difference in our
surroundings, there's a big difference in our challenges,
there's a big difference in the kind of timing we have, and so on.
Now, some people get it right. And some people don't.
So I just want you to understand this that today, for example, the
referrer Italica does some really strange things. People who seem to
follow them when you go to Egypt and other places, they they do
things with stabbing themselves with swords, walking into pits of
fire, he'll mentioned that himself as well. They do this now God
knows where they started from. But people of the reformatory kind
sham are known to do this kind of stuff. Now, why they do it, they
have their own reasons for doing that. But that doesn't mean it's
from the Sunnah, or that doesn't mean that the original founders
did the same thing.
things evolve over time. And the oversight, maybe the, maybe the
original founder doesn't even know, meaning they wouldn't even
have an idea that this should have gone to that level. With some of
the things that happening with certain groups today. The founders
must be turning in their graves. Sometimes the infighting, the
competition, the problems, the deviance in some cases, the
founders must be turning in their graves. I mean, subhanAllah,
right. So that's, that's the thing about this world, we will go
leaving things here. And we just pray to Allah subhanaw taala, that
if you're going to leave something, it's going to be
something good. And it's going to be preserved and protected.
Otherwise, for example, the founders of others who actually
fought teammates, they were Shia, was taken over by the Sunnis
afterwards. Right? But those who basically turned into a Sunni
institution, right, what were their ideas? And where is it got
to now? And you have to think about it.
Because things have to evolve, things have to evolve. And
sometimes it evolves in the right way and sometimes it evolves in
the wrong way as well. We ask Allah subhanaw taala for
protection. So, what we're going to do is we're going to look at
some of the scholars that he mentioned, firstly, the first
person he mentioned is a we'll call simile Junaid that's Junaid
Al Baghdadi, he is considered to be an agreed upon and agreed upon
righteous saint of the past. Some people may not some people are a
bit sensitive to the word saint, because it has Catholic or
Christian connotations. And probably the word did start from
there. But as in many other things no longer does not long no longer
is the English language, restricted to Christianity or
There are many other language there are many other religions
that lay claim to English now like Islam does, right? Because there's
a substantial number of English speakers native English speakers
that consider themselves to be Muslim, and Jewish, for example.
So then we can take these terms. So I personally don't see a
problem with these terms. Because I don't think that they I don't
look at them as loaded terms anymore. Because they become
generic. They become common terms that you can apply with a
different definition, of course, and languages evolve anyway, just
like everything else evolves in this world, languages also evolve.
So people shouldn't get to people shouldn't get to conspiracy,
paranoia when we when we start talking about these things, if you
don't like to use the term, that's fine, you don't have to use it. So
the first person we're going to be speaking about is I will cost him
alginate. So I will cost him a Junaid he is
an amazing, an amazing individual.
His name is genetic no Muhammad.
His name is genetic, no Muhammad, but he is normally considered or
title aside partly for
the the head of the group, the leader of the group, the master of
the orders. So the title for here refers to the Sufis, the major
Sufis and Xu heard of the past the aesthetics of the past, he is
considered to be their leader. He's supposed to be one of the
first and what's amazing is that there were Sufis before him but he
becomes one of the most famous. The reason is he he was he was
born and he was brought up in Iraq and Iraq was double kill off of
the time, the place of the center of the Muslim governance. He was a
jurist. He was a jurist on the mouth of a booth or authorities, I
believe is a Maliki if I remember correctly, or without his own
mouth hub, or without his own birth, or maybe that is the month
on which he was as a as a jurist. But that mother doesn't continue
anymore. He remained in the company of his maternal uncle
His maternal uncle was another famous Sufi al Hadith al Maha CB.
Generally when you look at books of spirituality whether that be
from hypnotize me or anybody else they will quote these three Junaid
Al Baghdadi, Hadith al Maha CB and a number of others. His his
maternal uncle is Surya Sokrati. Study Zuccotti that's his name.
And he also stayed with hydrothermal HiCP. So he stays
with Surya Sokrati. And he also has a company harlot Aloha CB is
also accompany Mohammed Al Kasab.
And he, he eventually passed away, his death date is 297 297. That's
the end of the third century the 297.
That's after Buhari after Mumbai dies in 240 something or 250
something email Muhammad days in 240 Something so he's after all of
that, right just after all of that. He is considered to be one
of the scholars of the third century. And mashallah, there's a
number of really wonderful,
very profound statements that come from us. advices you can say
aphorisms, one of the things that he said is that my husband at the
subwoofer annual kilowatt call.
We did not take the soul off from just hearsay. We did not take it
from Oh, I heard this story and we heard that story. Because when it
gets to the soul of Rome in certain quarters, there's a lot of
stories about karate mats. In fact, the whole infatuations
becomes correlates or miracles.
And it becomes essentially what happens is sometimes it almost
seems like they're encouraging that you should look for karma to
nobody feels accomplished until they have experienced the miracle
which sometimes is very late in coming if it ever comes.
I have been to people where I have friends and the basically that's
all they speak about they just have lots and lots of stories
stories are obviously very profound. But if your whole if
your whole ideology is based on certain stories, and not any
fundamentals, and then Quran sunnah is never spoken about. It's
always about what so and so Sheikh did and so on. So Sheikh did and
there's no Quran, sunnah involved in that. Then slowly, slowly, you
can very easily move away because if you don't constantly reflect
your knowledge and your understanding on the Quran and
Then you forget what's in the Quran, sunnah. And when you forget
what's in the Quran, sunnah, then sometimes deviances take over very
easily shaytans always there to do that.
So that's what he said. He said, we never took it from just hearsay
things of hearsay. We always took it from the proper source while I
can and then he says another thing. We didn't take it just
meaning on words. That's another thing what he means by Keelan
call, but we took it based on efforts. It was not just about a
few words that we heard here and there were lurking annual jewelry
were targeted duniya wakad Ilma LUFA, it will lose tax and that
we took it from hunger that's where we learned it from by
staying hungry and not indulging in what we love to eat all the
time in abandoning the world in exercising some kind of abstinence
from we may have the ability to buy what we want, but does that
mean we must buy what we want?
Or what are the Allah one who saw somebody with a package is what is
this he says the lack Manish the heater who fish thereto. This is
just some meat that I felt like buying that I desired to buy. So I
purchased it I desired so I purchased it, just some it sounds
much, much more effective in Arabic. So he says Kulu mash the
Hey distillate, everything you desire you purchase. And today
with Amazon SubhanAllah. That's what it is. You can literally go
in there, find what you want. And it will come the next day when you
sign up for prime or maybe even come the same day if you pay a bit
more. So you can really indulge. And really this is something to be
exercised today. When you don't need something. Don't even go into
Westfield don't even go into a mall if you don't need something.
Don't even browse online even if it's Black Friday or whatever
deals. Even if you're bombarded by by office to your own emails.
There's no point in doing it unless you need something. Make a
list before those if you want to take the bargains from that time
make a list of what you need. Okay, this is 123 I need that's
what I'm going to look for. Otherwise what UK do is for
example it will get your bank will get you buying all over. I mean, I
remember several years ago and hot UK deals. You would actually go
and browse it like to look for something you don't need it you're
looking for something to buy. Can you believe it? Is not I need
something so I'm looking for it. No I'm looking through it to for
something to buy that I don't need
And somebody said, Should I sign you up so that you get all the
offers to your, to your whatsapp or to your I said, No, I don't
want it, I just don't want it. It's time consuming. And it's just
not worth it, you don't need it Hamdulillah I don't need it if
Allah is giving you everything that you want, and when you want
something, you can go and target it, you don't need it, believe me
this, we're going to have to learn this, you know why? Because it's
only going to get worse.
The algorithms and
the psychology and everything that's going on behind there is
going to just it's going to make you spend because the health of a
country today is measured by how much people spend. That's how they
measure it. So if you don't spend, you're not a good consumer, you're
not a good citizen. So
you just you're gonna have to learn to withhold, you're gonna
have to,
it doesn't give you satisfaction.
And the most amazing thing is that when you stop looking for that,
Allah gives you satisfaction in what you have.
When you stop looking for new things to get that dopamine rush,
you will actually start being satisfied what you do have as the
most amazing things.
So that's what he said. He said, that's where we learned it from
and he said then from severing ourselves from those things that
seem nice to the knifes and heart and things that are considered to
be beautiful, and so on.
I mean, Kalami here you don't another thing that he says is a
total coup Kulu ha must do the ol hunk.
In La Monica tuffa Ferrara, etheral Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam
that look all other part paths for creation are closed.
Meaning if you want to gain Allah through any other path, they
closed you're not going to get Allah in any other path, except
the one who goes and follows the footsteps of Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wasallam you can't get to Allah if you don't follow the
Sunnah. That's what he's saying.
somebody's telling you to do this or do that and it's the quicker
way to Jannah it's a quicker way to gain closeness to Allah and
there's no Quran and Sunnah involved in the there's a
dismissal of it in fact, it's just not going to get you that this is
the chief of the Sufi saying that
we're in Colombia on low acapella Sadiq Khan and Allah He alpha
alpha Sinha
some are other Angela has written can refer to work for me manana
who now this is heavy. He says that if there's a truthful person,
right, who is focused on Allah subhanaw taala for a million
years, alfoil 1000 1000. That's a million years. He's focused on
Allah subhanaw taala for million years is focused, right? He's
exercising attention focus on Allah for 1000 years, just for
that one moment, he turns away
for to something else. He says that which he will lose out, will
be much more than what he gains in a million years. Now. I mean,
that's so depressing, to be honest, that for us, where we only
focus a moment, and most of the time it is so imagine what we're
losing. But it's these kinds of people who are competition for the
70,000 that will enter into paradise without questioning,
you know, that special elite group
that will enter paradise with no questioning now how can you
compete with them?
How can you compete with them? But there is another narration that we
found which is a bit weak and said that with only 70,000 will be
another 70,000
which means 49 billion. Now that seems a bit more possible. Then
you've got 49 billion, then there's a possibility.
Okay, another thing
he also says lo UK he also says well Mikela me Aidan in bed that
the rotten menial Karami will jute al haka till musi Erbil Marcin.
And then he carries on he says that, if just one
from the creation of Allah subhanaw taala
is received by a person.
Right, but it comes from Allah subhanaw taala through his
benevolence and his generosity that has so much power, that it
can take the worst person and make him the best person.
You just need that one blondes from Allah subhanaw taala of
benevolence, but the way to get that is to ask ALLAH SubhanA wa
Taala that when will that shift come? When will that moment of
Come to me I've been trying for such a long time. Oh Allah make
that decree for me. It's easy for you to do so. He also said Minal
Malema Allah Tala Ali Hill half hour.
Among the deeds. He's saying among the deeds that a person does, he
says which even the recording angels don't know about. They're
supposed to know everything that he said there are certain deeds
which not even the recording angels know. And what are they? He
said, basically, that is the vicar of Allah subhanaw taala
in the heart, the Corolla he will come, it's not done. Outwardly,
it's not uttered. It's done in the heart. And also warmer Toby Italia
hit dama criminal Hey Betty without leaving Allah wa tema
didn't hope you will learn what what is learned our MIDI he went
our he and everything else that you keep in your heart that you
basically preserve in your heart of the order that you have Allah,
the reverence that you have followed in your heart, even
though outwardly you're not expressing it.
And the fear,
fear and reverence for His commands and His prohibitions.
Then he said something else he said, fo dosa saw an article for
in the hazard, grow your Roger, make sure you really make sure you
really take advantage
of your moments. Basically, make sure that you preserve your
moments, make sure you look after every moment of yours.
We hope that the moments we spend here are useful. We could be doing
so many other things at this time.
It would have been probably so much easier to just watch a few
YouTube videos it would have passed your time very fast.
So he's saying make sure that you spend every moment of yours
preserve every moment of yours because they're gonna go by and
they're never going to come back obviously. And
what son Lou, our other comm make sure you perform your daily
have a daily litany and make sure you do it. I'm going to read this
much Quran I'm going to read this much as God I'm going to sit and
contemplate Allah subhanho wa Taala for this many moments, have
a daily litany and make sure you follow it through. He says was so
low rather than TG do not have he died in a coma, you will actually
find its benefit you will find its benefits experience its benefit in
your abode of residence. And he says Well, I usually do Command li
Kalita dunya make sure that a small amount of the dunya
watching a YouTube video, watching something funny and so on. Make
sure that does not distract you. Because that's just Collegium in a
dunya because even after you watch it you feel like I wasted my time
anyway. It sounded nice when you did it. But I was like man, I
wasted my time I wasted my time. Let's Khudiram in a dunya that's
insignificant parts of the world.
Let that not deter you from Allah distract you from Allah for enough
Karela usual and Cathedral are here because you can say the value
of it in terms of the hereafter. It's a small amount here which you
realize is small afterwards but that will take you away from so
much great benefit and abundant profit that you could have earned
in the hereafter
sow the strain of it, the burden of it, the cost of it and say the
economic cost of the Hereafter is too much for that
there's a cost associated to every time that we waste in this world
it's an opportunity cost ecological you call an opportunity
cost opportunity to do something better, but the opportunity is so
much greater you can make so much more if you just did some earth
car instead. These are so easy things to say but so difficult to
do. So then what was his overall what was his daily litany? Now his
day listen, he was working I mean already he Roberto Roberto meet at
urocortin Coolio 400 records every day
400 record that means 202 twos
I mean if we can get an even to four mashallah, you know, aside
from our 514 100 Maybe one day in sha Allah, don't don't think this
is impossible to do. We can't do it today. We're busy. We got to
earn money. We got no time. And if you live in London, then that's an
additional additional thing.
People in London don't have time.
Right? I mean, I just had a 10 day travel to some other countries and
In the amount of time people gave to me to take you around though
they're working and so on. I was telling them Look, just stay just
relaxed I can take I can just do my work today you don't have to
take me out you don't have to be with me. And it's not just one
person is the old five people or they're nearly all the time.
And I was shocked that and then I told him I said look, if you come
to London and we will do this for you, we just don't have time in
Is an Al Hamdulillah. We have a lot of time here.
So I don't know whether they they have more Baraka we have Mobarak
God knows.
You don't have time for people. Even picking somebody up from the
airport is a hassle get a taxi, get an Uber send Uber and willing
to spend 50 pounds send an Uber vi can come pick you up.
So that was his what kind of saw him a Darla used to you know, most
of the time he fasted. The only time he wouldn't fast was amazing.
Right now this guy's priorities right? The only time he wouldn't
fast is when his friends came to visit him or when somebody came to
visit him, then he would eat with them.
You would break his fast, otherwise he was fasting.
Because to eat with somebody makes him feel good. I mean, somebody
comes to your house you put food on you don't eat, makes it sound a
bit awkward. So he would eat with them.
But he would remain silent for most of the time. Well, Allahu
Allah. I mean, there are some other stories related about him,
I'm going to mention them to you.
They may sound a bit strange to some people, but he says once a
bliss came to him in the form of a normal person, right to help him
out to try to mislead him. He says, I want to I want to be at
your service, I want to just help you out.
I want to help you out.
So he says I'd like to help you out and be at your service and I
don't want any money. I'm just willing to help you out. So he
says okay, that's fine. 10 years, he kept making him do things.
Meaning Junaid Al Baghdadi took himself okay, do this, do that,
you know, wash this, clean that whatever, for 10 years.
And not even for a moment that his was his heart distracted from
Allah subhanaw taala shaytaan was trying in the form of human being.
And only after about 10 years, she said, Can I leave now? I don't
want to I don't want to be at your service anymore. And Amy bliss. So
Janelle Baghdadi said I recognize you from the time you came in.
From the time that you came in over him at the HUD runtime you
entered to ask me this, I recognize you anyway. But I just
took all of this service from you and made you do all of this work
to punish you.
Began you don't get any reward in the deeds that you did in the
Now you think she'd done doesn't come to us? Right? You think this
is unbelievable? Because she doesn't have the we don't know
shit? I mean, how do you know that shaitan doesn't come to you.
Really, an in a very influential individually tells me that he's
been in many high profile meetings, at some very high
levels. And he said things will be going very well. And as somebody
that comes and just switches switches it away, come up with a
you know, with a curveball with a twist in the tail with something
else. And like, oh, okay, let's do that. And just takes it away from
the hawk. I mean, we know this from the time of the Prophet
salallahu Salam during the battles. There were people that
shaytaan used to come in the form of an old nudge the old man from
nudged right? So how'd you know? Now don't go around, like
questioning everybody you see now, tomorrow because it doesn't have
to be a gin or shaytaan. In this case, you got many humans who are
shaytans mineral gin, that the oneness, you got people who are
influenced and who will just take people away, right that is that
anyway. That's why it's always a good idea when you have even a
meeting for anything that you do some do our beforehand you read
our older bIllahi min ash shaytaan regime, and you ask ALLAH SubhanA
wa Taala for the acceptance of it. And you just don't do it like
that, because any gathering wish the name of Allah subhanaw taala
is not taken, then shaytaan can have an influence on it. But if
you take the name of Allah and you do salawat and the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then you can be protected. Even if you
want bollock in your business, and you have business meetings, work
meetings, then you know if you got none most of you don't have to say
it openly. But do a dua dua dua, because we believe in this, it's
important to have a holistic approach. We live in a modern
world, which is a godless world. It's very difficult to bring
religion into it. They tolerate religion, but they will tell you
to leave it at the doorstep. As Muslims we've got this. Muslims
are disproportionately more practicing on their faith than any
other religion throughout the world, whether you're looking in
France when they look in England or America in terms of
You've got Christians, you've got Jews, you've got Muslims, you've
got Buddhists. But in terms of practice, Muslims are
disproportionately the majority of those who practice. And that's why
they're seen as a threat. Right? A lot of the time, they're seen as a
threat. Because globalization is taken away traditions and lots of
things that people were used to. They're part of the globalization.
And they, they're writing the globalization, they're driving the
globalization, but at the same time, for some reason, they don't
enjoy it, they're losing something out, but they don't realize that's
where the problem is. And then they think it's Islam that's
causing the problem because Islam is very manifest. People like to
take time off for prayer, they like to go for Hajj. So it's in
your face type of thing, you know, they can't a lot of Muslims, you
just can't leave Islam at the door of your work, you're gonna have to
pray when answer is at three o'clock.
So this is the challenge now, but we need to still benefit from it
and not give it up. So that's why if you're in a meeting your own
meeting your own kind of you know, business or whatever, as well,
then we need to benefit from this insha Allah.
And of course, if you're in a religious environment, teaching,
Mother Teresa, whatever it is, then of course, you need that. You
have to we believe in it. We believe that there's the
assistance of Allah subhanaw taala, always with us. And then
the shaytaan said something to him to try to shaytaan tried to give
him that last curveball. And he said, to try to get him to try to
make him think that he had succeeded through these 10 years
because of his own knowledge and practice. So when he made such a
statement to him to give him a bit of narcissism, right.
generel birthday, he said, Look, now you get out. You're the
accursed one. Are you trying to read and to Kilala yell, Elijah be
enough? See, are you now trying to make me narcissistic, make me self
conceited? Is that what you're trying to do? So then he left and
he knew that it wasted 10 years but by this time
anyway, the four leader of Geneva birthday this is just a brief
biography of his many that there are many other things about him in
his biography, but we'll we'll keep it to that. So Imam sawI says
that his excellent is like the sun. In at noontime everybody
knows a little about Daddy. Right? Nobody should be should be
oblivious of his life. And may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to
follow in such people's footsteps. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala
grant us Baraka
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen next time we'll be looking at referring
and de Su Qi and some of the others insha Allah
allotment Suriname because Sudan Tibet what they are they're
generally when economic Allahumma salli wa salam ala Sayidina
Muhammad while you say you dinner Mohamed Anwar Burdick wa salam
yeah Allah Muhammad Rahim in our most Merciful of the merciful ones
we need your mercy or Allah turned to us with Your mercy. Almost
forgiving one Oh ALLAH almost forgiven one. We want your
forgiveness Oh Allah grant us your forgiveness of Allah grant us your
blessing. Oh Allah, Oh Generous One of Allah We need your
generosity we need your attention of Allah do not let any of us here
be deprived. Oh Allah, those who are here those who are listening
Oh Allah, whatever permissible needs we have. Oh Allah we ask
that you accept them. Oh Allah, whatever ventures that are halal
that we're doing then keep them Halal Oh ALLAH and grant us baraka
and blessing. or Allah purify our hearts that we don't even incline
towards the wrong of Allah keeps the shaytaan away from us in
whatever forms he may come of Allah grant us the guidance to do
that which is right oh Allah protect us and our children. And
our Allah grant us great successes in both worlds of Allah grant
successes in this world grand successes for us in the hereafter
of Allah make us satisfied with your faith of Allah make us
satisfied with your faith of Allah make your obedience pleasing to
us. Oh Allah make it beneficial for us. Oh Allah bless us in it.
Oh Allah we find it so difficult to Allah. of Allah We ask that you
protect us from wrongs you protect us from shortcomings and
weaknesses of Allah we make Toba sometimes in the morning but by
the evening our our resolve has weakened and sometimes we break it
or Allah we make it sometimes in the evening but by the morning it
is broken. Oh Allah, these of God that we do this litany that we
have of Allah We ask that you keep us permanent on on the on this
litany and you make us of those who frequently and abundantly
remember you and those who frequently and abundantly thank
you and are grateful to you of Allah. There is no shortcoming in
what you've given us of Allah you have given us so much more than so
many others on this earth of Allah, but we do
Don't know how to thank you. And sometimes we are ungrateful by
using the very same wealth that you have given us very same bounty
that you have given us very same security that you have provided us
of Allah, we start using it in the wrong way. We start using it to
disobey you of Allah it is only your clemency and your forbearance
and your patience, that we have not been struck. And we have not
been seized by this. Oh Allah we ask that you cover us that you
allow us to think correctly that you show us the truth as the truth
and allow us to follow it. And they you show us the wrong is the
wrong and allow us to abstain from it. Oh Allah, there is so much
confusion out there. There is so much emptiness out there. of Allah
there is just so much emptiness out there so much darkness out
there. of Allah fill our hearts, our eyes, our ears, our tongues,
our minds with your light. Oh Allah guide us with your light. Oh
Allah surround us with your light. Oh Allah. Oh Allah make your light
the torch bearing light that we need in this world and illuminate
our path for us. Oh Allah keep us from the darkness of this world.
Oh Allah. Oh Allah remove the discontent of Allah remove the
problem and the emptiness that people are feeling and grant us
fulfillment in your worship. Turn us to your worship of Allah allow
us to see through the clouds and obscurity. And Allah allow us to
see the truth as the truth and allow us to follow it over Allah
grant us the Cunnamulla Illa Illa Allah make every subsequent year
and day for us better than the previous one. Make the final part
of our life the best part of our life. And Allah grant us the Quran
in our hearts make it easy for us to understand it to memorize it.
Oh Allah, we are so distracted. There are so many distractions
that are out there in front of us. Allow us to get a grip on
ourselves. Oh Allah allow us to get a grip on ourselves. Oh Allah
send Your abundant blessings on our messenger Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, and grant a goodly reward and illuminate the
graves of all of these great people who pass before us and
whose works we still benefit from and whose words that were still
inspired by Allah allow us to follow in their footsteps and make
us also accepted the way you accepted them. Oh Allah grant us
the ability to come to your heart domain of Allah removed the
problems as around that are happening in the world, and our
law remove the oppression from our brothers and sisters in the world,
wherever they may be wherever they may be subjugated, and Allah help
us in this country in all other countries. To establish ourselves
and establish our faith and allow our practice our faith to be
practiced. of Allah fulfill all of our permissible needs of Allah
except our dua O Allah accept our door and shower us with you shower
us with your generosity. So why not become a Buddha is that the
IOC Funan Salam and I said you know, we'll handle