Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Transforming Lives Ramadan’s Impact Lasts Beyond 7 Months

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
A person (Speaker 2) describes a person who experienced something that made them feel worn out and gradually weakened their immune system. They later discovered that they were actually getting old and did not want to work again. They eventually found work hard and eventually became great before the next year.
AI: Transcript ©
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person about two years ago he mentioned he observed something.

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He said that month that year in Ramadan, he did a lot of good

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deeds. He Luigi made a lot of dua. He did a lot of reading. He was

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very careful and he made lots and lots of dua. And you know what he

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said? He said, It benefited him him personally for seven months.

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There were things that he was habituated to before that for

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seven months after Ramadan, he didn't even think about them. He

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didn't even have the urge to go and after seven months, he noticed

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that he got worn out and then he started getting back into them. So

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if we essentially what if we work very hard in the month of Ramadan?

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Hard enough to strengthen ourselves for the next 11 months?

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Then the next Ramadan comes up then we're great, right?

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