Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – This is Superior to Paradise

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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One of the scholars who said that fit dunya Jana, there is a gender

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in this world like this part of gender in this world paradise.

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What is that? Mandala Harlem Yasha illegitimately lockira. Wow is a

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part of paradise in this world. He says that if you get that any

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experience that paradise you won't want the paradise of the Hereafter

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La ilaha illallah wa ala che you won't need anything you won't want

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anything after that if you get that well I'm you're still fresh

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other than you will never feel strange and alone or without

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assistance. Cleaver mA here what is it that you're talking about

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Colin Marisa to Allah once you know Allah then you just have that

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always comforted feeling that you're being looked after? Doesn't

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matter where you are. Yes, you will undergo troubles and

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difficulties but you will be fine. May Allah grant us mad if America

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is superior to the agenda of the Hereafter because once you know

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Allah you're with Allah Yoda with the creator of gender. You don't

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care about gender. Anyone will of course give it to you

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