Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Unavoidable Power of Culture in Marriage Embrace, Modify, and Thrive

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how culture is often the most powerful factor in people's lives and how modifying one's culture can lead to changes in one's life. They suggest that adjusting one's culture would be the most important thing to avoid falls in love with something.
AI: Transcript ©
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Remember that culture is going to be the most powerful.

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Usually, for the majority of people, culture is the most

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powerful factor in your life.

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Even if you consider yourself to be not cultural, all that means

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is, I'm probably not part of my father's culture or my mother's

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culture. I've just developed another culture. Right? You can

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never escape culture. That's why what you can do though, is you can

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take the best of any culture, and modify your culture and free

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yourself from debilitating aspects of your culture. So that's a very,

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very important discussion and culture as a massive, really,

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really, really big influence on a marriage, you can't escape it.

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Also, a lot of people think that marriage is just between me and my

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spouse. And that's a major fallacy.

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