Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Super Imam

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
Speaker discusses the Prophet salallahu and how he is dealing with various events in a single day. He describes him as the superona, the Muslim leader, and the man who is able to fulfill all requests. He also mentions the benefits of knowing more about him, such as being able to meet demands from others and be the face of all Muslims.
AI: Transcript ©
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You will see in the life of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi

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wasallam, that he is dealing with many different events in a single

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day in a single moment. And then the wonderful thing is that he's

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actually able to fulfill all of those demands, whether they be

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sentimental, emotional demands, or whether they be demands from other

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people. He is the super Imam, that everybody is looking for the Imam,

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the leader, the Muslim leader, that supposed to be able to do

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this and and this and that and everything and be able to meet all

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the demands. That's who the Prophet salallahu Salam was. So

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while we may not be able to become the super Imam and the super

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leader that he was, we can definitely at some level or the

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other benefit from him in our in our own lives in whatever way

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shape or possible and for that, obviously, we need to know more

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about him

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