Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Only NonRisk Investment Perpetual Charity (Sadaqa Jariya)

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of having a perpetual sadaqa, which is a way of knowledge and benefit from the aftermath of death. They emphasize that having this knowledge is a lifeline for the family, as long as they stay for 10 years after their death, they will continue to receive rewards. The speaker also mentions that having this knowledge is a lifeline for individuals, as long as they stay for 10 years, they will continue to receive rewards.
AI: Transcript ©
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They must have heard the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam it says that either matter ignore them, When the Son of them

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when any child of them passes away in Qatar, I'm Allah who is deed

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stop, they, your deeds Stop it, they you don't get the rewards

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from them in lamb in Salah unless it's of three sources, three types

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of deeds. One is

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sadaqa jariya, which is very important, a perpetual sadaqa

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something that you begin, you start, you initiate, and you

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establish, which then continues to run. And it postdates you, it

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continues to run after your death as well. So as long as that stays

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where they cease for 10 years after your death, or 100 or 1000

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years after your death, you will continue to get the reward

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accordingly. That's what you call a perpetual sadaqa. And then

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there's an element you interpret will be knowledge through which

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benefit is derived after you leave a book, you leave a wonderful

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website, you leave I mean, I'm talking modern terms, right? You

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you live a madrasah you live you you educate several good teachers,

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right, you pay for their education, these are all ideas,

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right? You pay for several smart students, you get them, you pay

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for the good sacred education. And then after that everybody that

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they teach, and then everybody that's inspired by them, and then

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from them and them and them and it will just magnify, and there is no

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risk to this business, you have to remember there's no risk to this

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business. There's no possibility of this commodity of knowledge.

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And if we say it's a commodity of knowledge that or inspiration or

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tarbiyah, or spirituality that's going to be spread from these

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individuals or from the madrasa you establish or whatever it is,

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that is never never going to disappear, because Sacred

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Knowledge will always be needed. And it's a lifeline for us. So you

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have to remember that this is a massive investment. So that's El

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Nino interfaith will be a winner don't Solihull near the ruler who

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or you live a beautiful child that will pray for you, that will pray

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for you that has the understanding to pray for you. We may leave many

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beautiful children we may leave them very successful, we may leave

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them to be mashallah, you know, wonderful doctors making lots of

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money or engineers or whatever the case is, but will they pray for us

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is the question. Will they pray for us? If we can leave our

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children to pray for us. That is the most wonderful thing that we

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can do.

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