Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Keys to all Righteousness

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of achieving success in life, including having a nice key and being patient with questions. They emphasize the need to balance these factors and increase one's interest in life. The speakers also touch on the history of Islam, including the importance of the d union and the need to be mindful of one's words to avoid causing harm. The title of Mercy of Allah is also mentioned, and the need to be mindful of one's words to avoid causing harm.
AI: Transcript ©
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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Allah subhanho wa Taala

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have mentioned

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the keys to many, many things that are important for us. So this is a

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list of all of the keys that have been mentioned, from Allah

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subhanaw taala and the messengers to things that we would like to

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attain for ourselves. It's a very unique list, so I'm going to go

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over it.

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Allah subhanaw taala for every objective of the deen has kept a

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particular key. So for example, the objective one of our

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objectives is Salaat. The key of Salah is the whole as Allah the

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Prophet sallallahu sallam said Mr. Who salotti the whole which means

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purity, your will do and your purity. That is the key for solid.

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What is the miftah of hajj what is the key for Hajj is haram is that

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haram? Maybe people take it in significantly. But it is very

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important to have a nice key in this regard.

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Because the entry is a lot more smoother.

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When you look at it from the worldly perspective, as long as my

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key works, I'm okay. But when it comes to the hereafter, it has a

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much bigger impact than just opening the door. Because it

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provides additional things inside the better your key is. That's the

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same That's That's why it says here that miftah * Ali haram,

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Mr. Hill bearer of piety, the general piety of pious demeanor of

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an individual and behavior, the key for that is a Sikh

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is truthfulness. The key to Jana is a towhead La ilaha illAllah.

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The key to knowledge. The key to sacred knowledge or any kind of

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knowledge that a person seeks is her snow soil where her snow is

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raw, which means to ask good questions. And the only way you

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can ask a good question is if you've listened carefully, and now

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you're asking about the part which is missing, if you ask the same

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question that the story of use of Ali Salaam and Zuleika has been

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told the entire night, and in the morning you say so which one was

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Zuleika and which one is use of then you're in trouble. This is

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about really understand that's why hustle is law, which means to

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listen attentively and carefully with full reflection. Then after

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asking the right question of the part that is missing for you, that

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is what you call her some soil, which the professor Lawson said is

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Nicola l

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miftah. Who Nasri will offer a sub. The key to victory and

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assistance from Allah is patience with Allah to have your hope in

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Allah, not to lose hope and become despondent. This patience means

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that you have hope in Allah you do what you can but you have hope in

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Allah, that he will assist with the whole moseyed

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the key to abundance the key to abundance is a sugar. Allah says

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that in the Quran,

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the in chakra formula as Eden, you do sugar you will be grateful. And

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I will increase you Mr. Hulu Wilayat you will muhabba the key

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to friendship with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and love

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is remembrance is his remembrance the more you remember him Allah

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subhanaw taala values that we have to hold further.

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And if you want the key to success, the key to success is a

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Docker is God fearing pneus that gives you all success. lifter who

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autofeed if you're asking for divine enablement, that are Allah

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make this easy for me facilitate this for me, I don't just, I don't

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get the vibe to do this, I don't get the encouragement to do this.

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Give me the Tofig a rubber rubber is to create interest and create

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fear. And the way you do that is by listening to Hadith that

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promise like what we're doing right now in the agenda. This is

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creating rubber towards paradise and interest and an encouragement

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to paradise. And robber is fear, fear from Jahannam and so on, you

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need to balance both of these things that creates an indication

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that we need to get it the more you get, then the world

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understands this. That's why you constantly get the promotions.

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companies spend a certain number, certain amount of funds on

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producing something, then they spend a huge amount, a good

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percentage on promotion, you produce something very, very

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beneficial. Very good, very useful. But nobody knows about it.

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What's the point of it, that's why they splash it everywhere. That's

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why we all end when the more we read about these things, we get

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more curious than we get interested. And then we want it

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the desire increases. Likewise, even if you know you're going to

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gender but you've never read about gender only in passing when

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somebody has mentioned it. You know, the speaker mentions in the

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passing that's the only news we have of gender. We've never done

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an ideal study. If you're buying a house in another area. You're

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going to do a study of Zoopla and all of these things and see the

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And you know what everything is going for. And then you start

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looking and then you start getting interested in that area. And we

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know we're going to Jana, that's our abode. But where is our

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research agenda? So in sha Allah, this is what we're doing right

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now. So a rock by Rob, Rob, Rob, when we started a job,

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the key to Allah's response, Allah answering your call is to call

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unto him. You can't expect Allah to give you something you don't

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keep asking him da, Mr. Harada Fila Hera to create the key to

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this interest and encouragement towards the hero is a zoonotic

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dunya, it will help you by Just dis detachment to the world,

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meaning the heart becomes detached. And

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just on that, I think I want to mention a very interesting point.

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I was reading Seidel, Hardy, recently of YBNL, Josie and a

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jeep, the his perspective, his perspective is amazing. The kind

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of points he comes up with, he says that there's a lot of people

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today they listen to this hadith, a hadith and so on about Zuid,

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about abstinence from the world, detachment from the world and

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focus on the hereafter. So what they do is, slowly, slowly, they

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give everything away. They spend everything, because they end up

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moment of zeal, and they get rid of everything. And then after

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that, they basically

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finish their business off, they destroy the entire

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system. And they're okay for a month or two months or three

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months, maybe six months. And then after because they're not used to

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the system. They're self rebels. Then after that, they become

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miserable. And eventually, they end up worse than they initially

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were. That's why what he says is, rather than that, do what you have

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to do, do what you have to do. And just focus yourself on Allah

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subhanaw taala. So detach your heart rather than have to detach

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your hands. If you're not able to deal with it. It gives a number of

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examples of number of Prophets, Ibrahim Ali, salaam luta, Ali

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salaam, and how they were very wealthy. I mean, he misses out the

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Prophet salallahu Salam because the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam

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was obviously always muscular. He always asked for, for factor not

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for factor but for my scanner for which you got to just sufficient

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just enough, just enough, but that was a different situation. So that

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is today people are so used to the dunya. And it's all around us,

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it's very difficult to have a small amount of means. So at least

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start May Allah give us the trophy for more but at least start with

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the detachment of the heart first. This is something that was

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bothering me, compound, confounding me for a very long

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time about how to reconcile this and liminal Josie, the scholar of

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the sixth or seventh century from Baghdad is answering my question.

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And of course Baghdad was an amazing city with all its pomp and

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glory at the time, that was the, the peak of the Abbasids as you

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know, so

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to move on. He says miftah will Iman either the key to Iman is de

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facto FEMA that Allahu Akbar, they will have difficulty fee to ponder

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over those things that Allah subhanaw taala has invited the

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people to ponder over the Quran and so on. That's how you you

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increase and enhance your iman. We start with the Houllier Allah

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Allah How can you enter upon Allah is Islam and culpa Salama to hula

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who was a philosopher who can help you elbow they will tell you a

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talk. This is for the heart to be submitted and to be completely

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sound for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala to be totally

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sincere in your love for Allah subhanaw taala in your love for

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people for the sake of Allah, in hating people only for the sake of

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Allah not for personal reasons, and to do something or to abandon

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something only for the sake of Allah. That is how you become

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close to Allah subhanho wa Taala Mr Hayat and called How do you

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enliven the hearts enliven the heart that the brutal Quran

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reflecting over the Quran that enlivens the heart because it's a

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nourishment for the hearts what Tada Robles har. And number two is

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to humbly and treat Allah subhanho wa taala. Submit to him and speak

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to him in in the last portions of the night. We'll talk with Zoom

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and to abandon sins, when we start her who solely Rama and the key to

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gaining or attaining to Mercy is a certain fee a bar that will harder

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was Saturday if you never eat RBD which is to beautify your worship

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of the Creator, to do it excellently, which is the status

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of Ehsaan and Assange which is to expend all your efforts to benefit

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others benefit the servants of Allah subhanaw taala that opens up

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the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala the famous Hadith Rahim on your

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hand Mohammed Rahmani Raheem women fill out their Henkelman visa

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similar nurettin

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Narration similar idea in that narration, Mr. Hill risk, the key

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to sustenance, livelihoods, a set you morale is the far what Taqwa

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to make an effort, at the same time do is take far from your sins

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and be God fearing and you'll get bargaining that with the holidays

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is this is the key to honor Dr. Atala he was obedient, obedient to

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Allah and His messenger. When we start holy stare at the hero, and

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the key to preparation for the hero is special ruler ml, which is

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to not have too many high hopes of for the dunya. To shorten your

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hopes for the dunya, while Mr. Hokulea higher, and the key to

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every goodness is a robber to philosophy,

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what that is,

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which is to have this great zeal and drive for Allah and to the

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hero to the abode of the hero, when we start a coalition and if

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you want the key to every evil, it is Herbert duniya. What tool Amel,

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it is the love of the dunya and having high hopes of the dunya.

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He even though he mentioned that had a bubble now the moment and

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very avoidable, he says this is a very, very important subject, very

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important categorization here of knowing the most beneficial doors

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for knowledge. Right which is to know that my 31 Heidi was sharp

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law your faculty man and if it here you are, Marathi, Ilam and

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alguma, who whatever you call, it says the only person that will

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gain an understanding of this Gayndah Tofik for its

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understanding, and then to be able to act upon it, and to be mindful

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of it is the one whose

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portion of the Akira has been made great by Allah subhanaw taala

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and Tofik.

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For in Allah subhanho wa Taala Jalil equally Hayden was shared in

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Mr. Anwar bourbon youth Holman who la Allah subhanho wa Taala has

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made in every good in bed, there to be a door and a key by which

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you can enter upon Allah subhanaw taala. So now the opposite of

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this, he mentions is that

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if you're heedless of the remembrance of Allah, and you're

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not fulfilling the rights of Allah, that is the key to jahannam

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that is the key to jahannam just as intoxication, wine, drugs, etc,

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are the key to every sin.

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He made also, singing and music is the key to Zina. That's just the

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language pneus of it. It creates the sensual feeling in a person

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and thus Zina takes place very easily afterwards and

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releasing your gaze in different forms of the dunya. What you would

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consider to be attractive forms is basically the key to amorous

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unlawful desire,

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unlawful love, amorous love

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and for a person to be lazy, and to just be relaxed all the time,

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is miftah. Will Hi Betty will Herman

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is the key to all loss and being deprived and deprivation?

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Marcy and sins are the key to covering eventually relates to

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gopher and sinfulness sorry.

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falsehood is the key to hypocrisy. The ending is hypocrisy. And

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absolute greed and avarice is Mr. Holbrook and Evocati at Iran,

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right at the at the right time, which means it is the key to

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miserliness. And severing the ties of kinship. That's what these land

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grab problems are in our communities.

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And taking wealth without it being lawful

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is and to avoid and to ignore what Allah subhanaw taala what the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has brought for us is the

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key to all forms of innovation and

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He says these are the keys Allah subhanaw taala is behind giving

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the trophy for them so we asked for Allah Sophia clonmel Koala

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will hamdulillah nema 12 Federal law you said one if I were home

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use alone

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