Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Engagement Period

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker is discussing the engagement period and how it works. They mention a Hadith about wanting someone to buy or sell something, but it is unclear what that is. The conversation is difficult to follow and the speaker suggests that people should consider a certain person before committing to anything.
AI: Transcript ©
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Just to cover the engagement period, when people get engaged, I

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just want to clarify that that is not a Nikka that is not a marriage

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engagement just means okay. You have been fixed up with this

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person. There is a Hadith which mentions that when somebody has

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already is in advanced discussions with somebody else to get married,

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or to buy something or sell something, a business deal or

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something that nobody else should come in and try to sway this or

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remove it, yes, if it's just initial discussion, I'm looking,

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okay, I'm gonna go and see such a person, then it's okay for

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somebody else to come and say, Oh, but have you considered this

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person? But once you have advanced discussions, and it's like you're

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going to commit because you have to have a discussion. So after

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that, you can't until it falls through. If it falls through

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