Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Best Hajj and Umrah Ihram Demonstration 4 Ways

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker explains the benefits of foldable clothing, including the ability to be flexible and allow movement, and provides tips on how to fold and keep a hedge. They stress the importance of avoiding touching the hedge and keeping it warmer, while also emphasizing the benefits of a certain type of material for the hedge, such as keeping it warmer and preventing damage to the hedge. The speaker emphasizes the importance of keeping the hedge in the proper place and avoiding touching it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu

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was Salam ala CL Mursaleen. While early he was a big mine my birth.

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So just want to do a haram a demonstration today

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using an Iran that actually fits me and having a different purpose,

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the war this color so that you can actually see the difference

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because Iran need to be white. Preferably you want to get an arm

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that's actually long enough for you that you can actually fold it

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well, you don't want to get something small. And there is

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actually not a single, there's not just one single way that you can

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tie in a haram. If you know how to tie a lunghi, then basically tying

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it around from you shouldn't be very difficult. But for a lot of

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people who actually don't wear these lower absolute Gizo sir

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sarongs, they actually get quite paranoid about how it's going to

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be and whether it's going to fall off whether they're going to

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reveal some part of themselves. So let's just quickly give you a

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demonstration a few is, as I said, there's no one particular way to

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do this. It's whatever works for you. So I'm going to give you some

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ideas that I have used and I've heard from others, and inshallah

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you will find one of them to be useful. So firstly, you want to

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start off by extending your legs. And the benefit of that is that

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when you actually tell you around, then you will tight in a way that

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while it'd be very tight at the top, it will have enough room at

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the bottom for you to walk in comfortably. Because if you tight

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like this, and then you will not be able to walk properly, because

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it's going to be too restricted. So you want to start off by

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standing, feet apart. And now there's few different ways. So

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firstly, you can you can take this, as you can see that this is

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actually large enough for me. So you can either take this, and

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firstly, suppress your stomach, if you've got one, right suppress

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your stomach, whether you got one or not actually. So you can either

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start from here, and then you just put it down like this. And then

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after that you start folding it in like this in small folds by

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holding this like this. And then the last for like this, the

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benefit of folding it in the front is that it just creates more,

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it just creates more of a fold. They're in bulk at the at the

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front, so it's actually more concealing, and then basically you

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just keep your stomach in, and you start folding it over, right, you

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start folding it over from all around. Now, once you fold it over

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once or twice, tightly, then you release your stomach, you can move

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around very easily, you can move around

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this, if some if I told somebody to come and pull this, I don't

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think they'll be able to pull it off, if you've tightened it

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properly. Now this might be actually easy to pull up because

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it's cloth and cloth. But if this was on your skin directly, then

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you probably wouldn't be able to pull it off. Because there it's

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quite hot anyway. So you're probably going to have a bit of

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sweat and you know moisture on your body, you're not going to be

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able to pull it off, of course, everyday, once a day or something,

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you will go and retire it. Now if you've got a money belt or

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something, but you need a belt to have your money in, then you can

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actually even put that over here. And then you can actually fold

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this over the money belt. And that would even add additional security

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during there's a bit of a dislike in using a belt just to keep it

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up. Right, there's a bit of a dislike in that. But if it's for

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the sake of putting your money in or whatever, then it's fine. Or if

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you're really paranoid than using the belt, there will be a slight

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dislike in it, but it wouldn't go against lambda. That's one way.

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The other way to do this, which I prefer actually, rather than this

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way is that you you again, get both sides together. And you start

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off from the site. Right and this I like actually better. So you go

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at the site, again, you clinch it here, right, you clinch it here,

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put your stomach in, and then you hold it here, and you bring it

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forward. And then after that you fold the other half like that. And

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then you again, put this, you turn this around and have your stomach

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in as much as possible. You put this around here. And

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the main thing is that her arm must cover around your belly

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button, keep it covered. And number two, it must be at least

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halfway beyond your knees. But you should not cover your ankles

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either it should be above that. Now, if you want you to come and

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try to pull it off, please try to put it

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so even though that's on cloth, I mean put it hard. I mean she's

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So it's nothing's happening, even though that's on cloth, and you

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can comfortably walk in it. So that's the second way. And so

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there's multiple ways, but I really like this way. And the

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third way is

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you essentially do not put the two sides together. You keep that side

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longer. This side is the one you put here and you tuck that in

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here. Right? And then you've got a lot of this to play with. You put

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that over and then you put that over again. And then you put it

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over again. So you just fold it and then try to make it as nice as

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possible. And then you just keeping your stomach inside you

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again you just start folding it in, right.

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The more in Knox the breath out of you the better that means you

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and then as I said if you have to use a belt for money or something,

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you can leave the folds up

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put the belt on and then fold over the belt. If you've got a money

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belt, again, this, this isn't going anywhere, right? This isn't

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going anywhere. So as I said, there is no one way to do it. But

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again, few things, make sure you keep your feet apart. Because if

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you do it this way,

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right, if you do it all the way around,

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some people do that, actually,

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I don't like that, because that provides more restriction, right,

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and you don't get the bulk in the front. So it's best to flip it

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around and fold it in the front.

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Another thing that I've got today that I'll show you, is the tubular

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Iran, these actually work very, very well, especially for those

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are worried about. So this one you actually put yourself into, you

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get them with different cloths. So there's no opening here, then it's

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just about keeping it up.

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So one of the ways would be to obviously, do that, and tie it up.

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But these are a bit more tricky to tie up,

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depending on the cloth they made off. But you can use one of these,

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and you just have to find a way to tie it. Some people may even tie a

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knot, actually, not sure how useful that is. But some people

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will actually tie a knot here. And then they will put the other one

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over. So there's various ways of doing it. In terms of finally, in

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terms of the top cloth, your best bet is to actually get

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the toning material. Because the benefit of that it's a bit more

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concealing, I would definitely use a totaling or a thicker material

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for the bottom. But for the top, especially nowadays, when hedge is

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in August, it's very, very hot. To to use a toweling

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over the top is very, very hot, right? Because the way you should

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keep your firearm on all the time, or for most of the time when

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you're in public at least is like that.

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And while people are, when they first start walking around,

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they're like, I'm going to have to show some my somebody's going to

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see my chest, my hairy chest or whatever, or stomach or whatever.

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But once you get there, then you have to tell the people in the

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group, keep yourself covered because it's undesirable to expose

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yourself even in front of men. Generally, it's only in the top

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off that you have to do this, right where you pay your right

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shoulder. But after that it was covered again. But these are very

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hot, but it's good because it takes the sweating. So what I've

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invested in is I've invested in just pure cotton for this for this

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particular time. Yeah, if you're going ombre or something in

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December, then you use your toweling. Otherwise, just pure

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cotton. Beautiful, right cotton is although those holdings are also

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can be 100% Cotton, don't get a polyester mix, get a cotton 100%

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Egyptian cotton or something that but it will be thicker, so I use

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the thinner one. So for the top, it's okay. But for the bottom, I

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don't use it because it can be very see through sometimes, but

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for the top, it's okay. And again, as long as it goes down like that,

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and maybe come down a bit here so that it stays is probably the best

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cloth that you They say you can get better than even cotton is

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linen. Because linen is very, very breathable. And it takes a lot of

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it's I've actually checked out climate cooled material that would

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be actually not useful for what we're doing for hedge because

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climate cool is made of polyester or nylon kind of plastic petrolium

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totally unnatural. And the other problem with with that kind of

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material is that it's only beneficial to keep your cool if

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you're moving because what it does, it takes the sweat and it

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brings it to the outer surface of the material and if you're moving

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it dries if it's not, then it just really It smells very fast,

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whereas cotton and linen doesn't smell as much especially when

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you've got your hand for two and a half days minimum. Then your best

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bet is to take cotton or linen material so cotton is a lot of the

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even the thick tell you that it was made of cotton. So inshallah

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that was useful. Please keep us in your doors especially during your

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Hydra ombre and may Allah subhanaw taala accept from all of us.

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