Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Six of the Most Powerful Prayers

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses seven car-related problems that can be solved by individuals, including physical and mental health. They also mention a person named Jesus who gives blessings to people when they don't do anything wrong. The importance of removing impurity from one's body to achieve optimal health and health benefits is emphasized. The speaker lists six different deeds that bring happiness and bounties to people, including La ilahainking, La ilaha, La ilaha, La ilaha, and La Hawla.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi wa salatu salam ala

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UL Mursaleen. While earlier he was so happy he Germaine

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recently, I learnt about a scholar who looked through the Hadith in

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the Quran, to try to figure out the best forms of car, the best

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forms of remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala the most powerful

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of them, and there's so many, but he has reduced it to six things,

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which are very important, I want to go through them quickly in sha

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Allah, because if we come to follow these seven car we will

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find in it the solution to most of our sorrows, griefs and general

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problems that we go through the general issue is that you know,

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whether it be physical or spiritual ailments, Inshallah,

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these will be your weapon, again, the against the onslaught of all

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of these kinds of problems and these issues. Number one is

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Salawat, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So

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Levana Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if a person is

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continuously doing a regimen of Salawat, you know, doing maybe 100

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to 300 a day, in his free time in their free time they're doing

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something for the entire day, you will see the blessings of this

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come down upon you. Because the Prophet sallallahu sallam said

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that whoever sends one blessing upon me, Allah sends 10 blessings

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on that person. So if you're doing this, today, you're going to just

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be invoking the blessings. I mean, it's a no brainer. Number two is

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still far, I would actually put a stick first to be honest, because

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it's take for means that we are removing the impurity from our

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hearts. And then thus the blessings from the from the from

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the Salawat and judiciary have come come to us. So just whenever

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you can stop for Allah, if you have a regimen of 100 in the

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morning, 100 In the evening, that would be the best. And this is you

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will feel the forgiveness, you will feel that you're lighter, you

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will feel more to wanting to do good deeds, because when we're

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forgiven, and many of our misdeeds have been been removed, and this

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is what you feel you feel like doing something, something more of

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the good deeds. Number three is something which is quite forgotten

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despite the fact that the Prophet sallallahu some really encouraged

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it. And it is to invoke Allah subhanaw taala with two of his

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very great names, which is to say yeah, that a Jelani when he Crom

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yovel Jewelry well Crom Oh, which basically seems to be a forgotten

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one, but it basically means Oh, they'll Jellal Oh, one of majesty

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or one of might Oh, possessor of might have greatness

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and it kromm benevolence, generosity, kindness, you're

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basically calling on Allah subhanho wa Taala by saying that,

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Oh, great one Oh, majestic one, and a one who gives so much he's

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so generous and benevolence. So what is Allah gonna give you and

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he has that from us. And that's why it's mentioned that the

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Prophet sallallahu sallam said, a little blue will be her which

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means that seek refuge with that, use that, take that as a, take

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that as something that you call Unto Allah subhanaw taala with,

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And subhanAllah if you start calling Unto Allah, and you just

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make that, that it's something that you say, many times whenever

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things are going wrong, or just when you need something or just

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when you're feeling the need to call Unto Allah subhana wa Taala

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Yeah, well generally, when it comes to his names, then inshallah

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you will see the benefits of this, that he will be giving you,

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because you have given him you have given him this great

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attribute of greatness, which he which he has, and thus greatness

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will come to you, and the kindness will be shown to you. Number four,

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most of us would know about this is La Hawla, wala Quwata illa

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biLlah. This is an expression of the human to say that I can't do

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any good deeds, and I can't stay away from bad deeds except with

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Allah subhanaw taala as assistance and power, essentially, there's no

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way out it's consigning all power to Allah subhanaw taala. That's

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why the Prophet salallahu Salam again, called these consuming

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colonial agenda that these are treasures from the treasures of

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gender, these are very powerful words, and inshallah if a person

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continues to start doing this, he will feel the power of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala he will, he will receive the bounties of Allah

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subhanho wa taala, on the mercy of Allah he will see that, that this

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will be of benefit. And number five is La ilaha illa, Allah

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Subhana Allah in new consuming of body mean, La ilaha illa and

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Subhana Allah in economy of La the mean, which means that there is no

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God except you, glorify that you I was of the oppressors. It's like a

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self confession. And at the same time, it's also glorification of

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Allah subhanaw taala. And this is the daughter of Eunice Ali salaam,

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which got him out of the stomach of the whale. And from this, you

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can understand that if you're in depression, you can't be in a

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worse depression than being in a stomach of the whale where you

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can't get out. I mean, there's no cure for that. Essentially, once

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you go in there, you start, you start working on your butt. This

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was used by Eunice Ali salaam

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And he comes out of that. So you think any depression any problem

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you have, you can come out of it and exit from it with this door it

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will bring you great happiness if you start reading this as well.

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And number six is what we would generally call a third Kadima,

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which is Subhan Allah who will hamdu Lillahi wa ala ilaha IL

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Allah Who Allahu Akbar, what are however Quwata illa biLlah This

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includes the Subhan Allah de Al Hamdulillah, the Allahu Akbar de

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la ilaha illallah en la hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah includes all

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the great ADKAR there are the most profound of the earth garden

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remembrances and from this again, every time you read one of these

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got a tree will also be planted for you and your calling into

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Allah subhanho wa Taala with that, these six things I'm just going to

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quickly repeat them salawat and the Prophet salallahu Salam Durood

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Sharif number two is still far number three years old Jalali will

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Ekrem number four La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah number five La

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Ilaha illa Allah Subhana Allah in the consuming of vitamin A number

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six Subhan Allah Al Hamdulillah wala ilaha illallah wa Allahu

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Akbar, repeat these reflect on their wording, reflect on their

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wording and call on to Allah subhanho wa Taala with them and

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you will feel His love, you will feel his acceptance, you will gain

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Chifa and you will gain protection as well. May Allah subhanaw taala

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allow us to bring these into our lives and granted the tobiko

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actually read that one and then hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen

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