Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Simplified Zakat Guidance Zakat to Family Members

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker explains that given a card, one can be given in any direction, but it is not possible to give it to anyone above them. The decision is made by the individual, not by the group. Any individuals who give it to others, they are allowed to give it to them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa

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Salatu was Salam ala CD Mursaleen. While early he was so heavy as

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Marine. So the important point about zakat today is those who can

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give zakat to and those who can't. So the simple way to understand

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this is that you cannot give zakat up and down. But you can give the

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cut right and left or in any diagonal direction. That's just so

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that you can have some kind of visual understanding of what to

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do. What it means by you cannot give the card up and down is you

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can't give it to your parents, or your grandparents, and your great

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great grandparents and anybody above. So no forefathers, you

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can't give it to your mother or your father, or your grandparents

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from either side and up. Likewise, you're not also allowed to give it

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to your children, right, your your real children, or your

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grandchildren, or your great great grandchildren, and so on. So

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that's up and down. The reason is that wealth is generally shared

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between such people or there's responsibility. So you can offset

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that by giving your records like others to be given to others who

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you don't have that responsibility for generally, but you can give

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right and left, right and left means your brothers and sisters.

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So that's right and left, right. And you can also give diagonally,

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which basically means you can give to uncles and aunts. Right. So

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they're connected that way through your parents, so your uncles and

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aunts, and great uncles and aunts, grandparents, brothers and sisters

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are fine because they're not your direct grandparents. Likewise, you

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can give to nieces and nephews which is diagonally down. And of

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course, anybody else for that matter. You can give the car to

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any other stranger that you can give the car to. Obviously all of

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this is zakat in Islam has to be given to a Muslim. So this is when

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we say it's allowed in every other direction except up and down. It

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means as long as they're Muslim, then zakat would be validly

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discharged if you gave it to them.

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