Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Simplified Zakat Guidance Zakat on Children’s Assets

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of children being held on the side of gifts or assets for their benefit. They explain that children have the option to use these assets for themselves or their parents, and that it is important to consider the benefits of using them for children. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not spending too much money on children for their own sake.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim today with regard to the cart, I want to

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speak about assets that are kept on the side for children. So

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number one, if they are the children's assets in the sense

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that they were given gifts, or eat or other times, or it's an

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inheritance that the child has received and too young, to manage

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it for themselves, and we as parents, or uncle's or whoever it

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is looking after those assets, then remember, there is no circuit

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and children for the cat to be wajib, an obligatory a person must

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be seen, and they must be also adult past maturity. So for

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children, they could be millionaires, they do not have to

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pay any circuit. That's quite clear. However, there's always

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some other money sometimes which or, for example, somebody

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contacted me recently that they've got some jewelry from their mother

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that they would actually don't want for themselves, they want to

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dedicate it to their daughter, and keep it for them, or they've got

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some money that they want to save up for the children to be only

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used by the children. So now this is where it gets a bit

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complicated. As a as a father, the father is the generally the

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representative of the child to take ownership of any money for

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the child's benefit, and then basically keep the money for the

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child. So now if you do have a separate pot pot, a separate bank

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account in which the child's wished, money or assets, whatever

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they may be, whether that be gold or silver, whether that be

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something else is kept for the child is not something that you

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dip in whenever you want. And also consider that you can just use it

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whenever you want. It's something which is purely dedicated for the

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children. And if you do take from there, then you pay back. And you

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know that this is definitely for the children, then there will be

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no zakat on that money. Because it's the child has become the

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child's right. So while it was yours, and you dedicate to the

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child, it's like the father who's taken the money dedicated to the

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child, it's like he's taken ownership as the child, right? So

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that way it becomes for the children, then there's no zakat on

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that. But remember, if it's for dual purpose, where you hope it's

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for the children, but then you're going to tap into it whenever you

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want without paying it back, then in that case, you will have to pay

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zakat because it means that you have not really given it and

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dedicated to the children. Now, when the child becomes mature, he

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doesn't have to base the guard on it straightaway, when he becomes

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mature, then he will have to wait a year. And if after a year, he

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still has over the nisab amount of wealth that he started with,

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at least in his hobby started with, then he will pay a year

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afterwards. But that will be discussed later. Now, specifically

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for the UK, and any other country where they provide children with

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welfare, with benefits. Or you can say Child Benefit, or whatever

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other benefits that are provided to children like the child trust

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fund or something like that. And whatever that is called in

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different parts of the world. So generally, what happens is that

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the government provides a certain amounts of money to go to spending

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on the children. So there's a difference in terms of the

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different things that different governments may provide, if it's

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money, and funds, which the government provides for the

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children to be saved for the children. And that's very clear,

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like there was a, there was a scheme called the child, the child

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Trust Fund scheme, where there were certain amounts of money that

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a child would get at birth and then at a certain age, and that

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was not to be spent by anybody else, it was supposed to be

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actually invested for the child to maybe pay for schooling fees or

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whatever later on, then that is the child's money, there's going

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to be no zakat on that. However,

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if it's child benefit in the UK, or any other benefit of that

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nature, that's actually given to the parents to be used for the

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children. And parents, if they're doing their job, right, they're

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already going to be spending on their children, they're providing

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the home, the child is using the home, they're providing heating,

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they're providing food, they're providing clothing, where is that

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money coming from? Now that if the parent says that the child,

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there's a lot of parents who actually feel and who think that

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child benefits is only for the children, it can't be used

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otherwise, it's true, it's given by provided by the government to

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all families, as far as I understand, right for the

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children. But what I'm saying is that, if you're already spending

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from your own funds, to the upkeep, the feeding, and clothing,

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and diapers and everything else of the child, Then aren't you already

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spending that amount that is provided by the going to child

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benefit. So that's why it's not necessary to keep the child's

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benefit separately, and leave it for the child because the child

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still has to survive, and that you're spending on them. So you

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can actually take it from there and consider that to be part of

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that. The only time that this would be otherwise is if a parent

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is deprived or parent guardian where it's depriving the child and

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making them suffer, they don't have the food to eat or whatever

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and this money they're using on themselves, then that is where

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that would be wrong. But otherwise, if you're using that

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amount of money on the child, then that's been spent for anyway so

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that's, that's why they're

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Money is actually part of the family pot to be spent on the

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children and, and so on. However, if somebody wants, if they feel

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that I'm spending my own money on the child,

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and I should keep this separately, that will go back to what I

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initially said earlier that if they dedicate that to the child

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fully, not to tap into it themselves, then that will become

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the child's exclusively and that means whatever you spend, that

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would be your, you know, your gift to the child, which is fine. So, I

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hope this, there is absolutely no harm. And I want to make this

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clear because some people feel guilty that they using the child

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benefit. As they said, if you're spending that much or more on the

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child anyway, you should absolutely not feel guilty that

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this money is not being kept aside because that's not the purpose of

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it is not to save up. That's not the purpose of it. It's to

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actually help with the upkeep of that child.

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