Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Simplified Zakat Guidance You need to Have One Fixed Zakat Date

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The speaker discusses the importance of fixing a date in crisis. They explain that the date needs to be based on the date of birth of the person who became owner of the ESOP, and that it's important to pay only what is owed. They also mention that fixing the date is necessary to avoid future issues.
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Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim. The issue that I want to clarify today

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regarding Zakat is constantly when we're getting questions about

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zakat, people say that oh, because it's Ramadan now, and I pay my

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zakat in Ramadan. So that's why I need to make my calculation now.

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So what I want to mention is that zakat Ramadan cannot be your date

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as in Ramadan in general cannot be your date, the way the cut works

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is that you are supposed to look at the day of your anniversary,

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from the time from the first day that you became owner of a nisab.

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That's a separate discussion, which you can check out. But the

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main thing is that you have to fix one day, there has to be one day

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that's fixed, which should be based on the day that you

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originally became owner of a nisab. For most people, they can't

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remember that day. So they've basically prorated to Ramadan. So

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if you can't remember the date, and that's understandable that

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you've got the day in Ramadan, but you can't have all of Ramadan,

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because it's possible that you may have maybe a lot of wealth assets

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on the second day of Ramadan. And then you have to spend it, right,

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you bought a lot of Eid gifts or whatever. And then you say, Well,

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I'm going to take the 29th day of Ramadan, look at my assets on that

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day. So you can't fluctuate like that there has to be a fixed date,

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which you look at every year. And that has to be an Islamic date. So

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if your second date is the first of the month of Ramadan, or the

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third or 10th, or whichever date it is right, then that needs to be

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your date every year, until a time comes when you go down to zero and

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your date resets. Alright, that's a different discussion. As I as I

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mentioned, you'd have to check that one out. But the point is

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that you can't just have a any arbitrary date in Ramadan, it has

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to be a fixed date. And it doesn't have to be in Ramadan, it could be

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any date. And again, the idea is that the date needs to be based on

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the first time that you actually became owner of an ESOP. So let's

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just say that you became owner of an ESOP three months prior to

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Ramadan. Now the next year, you would actually have to do your due

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of your assets on that same date. Now, you can maybe delay to pay

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until Ramadan if you can't find anybody to pay, but then it's

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better to always pay in advance. So remember, make sure that you

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your date, is the same every year, the Islamic date, and that's the

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day that you look at your value, because the way it works is the

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day before my date is due. So if today is my date of zakat, my

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and yesterday I inherited a large amount of money. Today, I would

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have to pay zakat on that money as well.

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Likewise, if I was to have lost or spent a good chunk of my money

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yesterday, then today,

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I would have to pay only zakat only on what I have today. So the

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date is very important. That's that that makes the difference. So

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remember, fix one date, have one date for your target and that

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should be your anniversary date every year for your second

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payment, just like Aloha

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