Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Simplified Zakat Guidance You Must Intend for Zakat to be Valid

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the issue of giving money to charity and how it is not allowed to be given to individuals. They suggest giving money to individuals as a means of protection and avoiding giving money to individuals as a means of liability. The speaker also mentions a problem with giving money to charity in a different way.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. The issue of zakat I want to cover

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today is regarding intention. When you give zakat to differentiate it

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from any other giving, you have to have the Express intention that

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it's for the cat and not for something else because the cat is

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a worship. And there are other worships in terms of giving money.

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So you can give optional charity, the God is an obligatory charity.

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And that's the way that's why I call it sadaqa. Why Jeeva as well,

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the wajib sadaqa. So the word sadaqa itself just means a

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charity. And Zakat is a type of charity. So where there's an

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optional charity, and there's a wedge of charity, sometimes you

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have to make a distinction because the recipients of the obligatory

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charity are generally the poor. That's why the intention has to be

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made. So let's just say that I gave somebody a loan a poor person

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alone. I can't just then say, okay, that's zakat that I can't

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turn that into zakat, right. I if I wanted it to be zakat, I should

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have made that intention when giving it to him that teaches us

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something else, that when giving zakat, the recipient doesn't have

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to be told it Sukkot it can be given in the guise of sadaqa. It

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can be given in the case of a loan, right but your intention is

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zakat. And then after that once they take it as a loan, then you

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say you don't have to pay me back, forget it. But they don't have to

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know zakat as it will be a valid zakat. It will be a valid zakat

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payment as long as they are

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entitled to zakat. So you can give it to him as a gift, as a charity

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or as a loan. You don't have to tell them I know there's some

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people very particularly say like we're not going to accept zakat

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money. So maybe just for that sensitivity, you don't give it to

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such people. But otherwise, you don't have to tell somebody, all

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your all you have to worry about is that they are genuinely

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entitled to zakat, right. And number two, that you make an

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intention for God, you can't turn a loan into as a god afterwards,

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there is a way to do that, where if you've already given somebody a

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loan, they can't pay you back. The way to turn that into as a god

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payment is that you actually give them an additional amount of money

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and say, this is zakat to you. That's the Zakat, then they use

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that money to pay you back. So let's just say somebody owes you

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100 pounds, or $100, right? So what you do is you give them $100

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As your socket. So now it's gone to a poor person, he was like God

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is done. So then he will give you that 100 pounds as the repayment

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of his loan and the debt that he had on him. So they can do that.

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So there are other ways to to get that done. But you can't just say

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I forgive you a loan, and I intend that as a god, that's not allowed,

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you would have had to have intended it as a safeguard from

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before. Even if you call it as a guide, then that would be okay.

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So, some people what they do is they calculate there's a God if

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they've got cash money, they calculate, there's a God or even

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if they got money in accounts, and they say, Okay, right now 2.5%,

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I'm going to separate it right and put it into another account, or

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I'm going to separate the cash and put it into a pot or something or

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an envelope or whatever. So they made an intention that this is my

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zakat, they had an intention when separating it from the rest of

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their wealth. Now, when the poor or when there's a donation drive

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or there's

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a request in the masjid. This year, it's very different. But in

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England, pretty much after every prayer in the masjid, there's

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somebody collecting. So what you do is you just dip into this bag

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or this envelope and you just give them now because you've already

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separated this out as zakat with an intention, you no longer have

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to have an individual intention of zakat each time. So you could just

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then be giving, giving giving as long as he's going to the right,

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entitled people that would still be your second payment. So when we

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say intention is necessarily for zakat, it should be done at the

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time of paying. But in the case where you've already separated

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your zakat money out and you've only got exclusive zakat funds

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separately, like in a bank account, and then you're just

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transferring from there, you don't then have to have a separate

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intention again, for that to happen.

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And likewise, there is a nother kind of

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issue mentioned here that if I give somebody an offer, let's just

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say that somebody wanted some money. And I just without thinking

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of zakat, I just pulled out 50 pounds, and I gave it to them. And

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they're walking down and I think well, I should have just given

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that as my zakat. I should have counted that as my zakat Can I do

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that, according to many Allamah, as long as that money has not been

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spent, so that person is walking down with it, I can tell he's not

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spent a year as long as he's still got it, I can change my intention,

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just the same as I could call him back and say, give me that money

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back. It's bad to do that. But I could technically do that. So I

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could change my intention until they haven't spent it according to

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many Alama they agree with that as well. Right? That's just if you've

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ever have to use this way you've given and then if still got the

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money, they haven't spent it and you say hey, I should have just

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counted it as my zakat, rather than an optional charity. Then you

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can do so you can change that

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intention, intention to that, but you just can't do it where you've

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given somebody a loan, which is in there, basically it's their

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liability. You can't turn that into as a god except, as I said by

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doing it in a different way. So hopefully that's clear for you as

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salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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