Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Simplified Zakat Guidance Who Pays the Zakat of a Loan

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The speaker discusses the confusion surrounding debts and debts related to a friend's loan. They explain that people may not pay the loan if they have already spent it, and that it is incorrect to say that a loan is a liability. They also mention that people may not pay back loans if they have already paid it back, and that it is a sign of oppression.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. The second issue I want to cover today

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is regarding debts. So there's a lot of confusion about debts if I

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have borrowed money from my friend, so I am in debt to my

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friends. So if I borrowed 1000 pounds, $2,000, whatever, now I

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owe that much. So clearly, I'm not going to pay zakat on this. So if

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I've already spent the money, then I can actually deduct this from

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any money that I still hold. But if I've still got this money, I

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don't pay this ticket. But the person who lent me this money,

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they will pay the Zakat on it. Now I know that sound for some people,

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they say that, if I'm going to lend you 10,000 pounds for five

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years, right, I still have to pay zakat on 10,000 pounds every year.

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Right, which is, there's it's 200, it's 25 pound per 1000, which

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means it's 250 pounds of zakat, every year that I must pay. And

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I've lent you, I've learned to 10,000 pounds. So some people say

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that I'm going to some people try to do this, that I will lend you

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the money, but you must take the liability of the Zakat. And that

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is actually incorrect. That is actually incorrect, that will

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actually amount to interest. Because the card is a worship,

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this is my money at the end of the day, when you might say, well,

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it's a liability, I'm letting him use it. And I'm paying the ticket

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every 250 pounds, right of 10,000 pounds, well, I'm getting a

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reward. That's why they say that in some cases, a loan is actually

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more rewarding than a sadaqa. Because when you give sadaqa,

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you're probably going to give less, and you're going to forget

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about it's what you can tolerate you will give and you'll forget

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about it, you don't expect to get it back, you just expect the

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reward. When it comes to a when it comes to alone. There's a lot more

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aggravation in that. Because you're generally going to give a

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larger amount than you will giving sadaqa generally speaking

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proportionately, and then after that, you'd be constantly

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concerned that am I going to get this money back? When am I going

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to get it back. And then a lot of the time, a lot of the time what

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happens is that when the time comes due to that you've promised

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not to ask them for although you can technically asked for your

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loan money back at any time, right? Because it's an act of

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goodwill, and you can ask for it back anytime. But if you've

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promised that you can use it for 10 years or five years, then you

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should generally go by that. But at the end of it even when those

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five years are up or two years or up or whatever the time period

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A lot of the time people will say I don't have it yet. Please give

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me some more time. Please give me some more time. That's why the

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prophets also mentioned many virtues for giving some giving

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people time to repay. But that's why he also told the person who

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has the money who doesn't repay because there's a lot of people

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they get comfortable with somebody else's money, anything Well, I can

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move it around in the markets and make some profit for it. Oh, he

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can wait, he can read he's got enough money. He doesn't need the

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money. So that the Prophet saw some termed as oppression that if

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I if I owe someone money, and I've got the money to give back, right,

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and I really I have it, and I can get it. I can get it. But they're

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saying I don't want to sell my stocks right now waiting for it to

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get a bit higher, I can make a bigger profit right now. When the

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person wants it back. You should give it back otherwise the box

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Lawson says more to lose money you Holman. Right. Which basically

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means that the dilly dallying the delay of repay repayment, of a

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person who has money, I called him a wealthy person, if he's got the

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money, he's a wealthy person, right to repay the debt. That's an

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oppression. It's his money. It's not your money. It's her money.

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It's not your money. So why aren't you giving it back? Right? So

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that's why

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you're going to going back to the scar tissue. Yes, if I've lent you

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money, then I will have to pay this back out of it. Right. But

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that's because I'm also getting the reward of it. And this is

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according to the Hanafi school that only one party pays as part

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of a loan. There may be other views out there in other schools

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in which it says that both parties pay the loan, but that is not the

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view of the Hanafi school. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to assist

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us in this regard, and to allow us to pay off the gods correctly,

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just like allow Hyrum

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