Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Simplified Zakat Guidance Who Pays the Zakat of a Loan
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The speaker discusses the confusion surrounding debts and debts related to a friend's loan. They explain that people may not pay the loan if they have already spent it, and that it is incorrect to say that a loan is a liability. They also mention that people may not pay back loans if they have already paid it back, and that it is a sign of oppression.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. The second issue I want to cover today
is regarding debts. So there's a lot of confusion about debts if I
have borrowed money from my friend, so I am in debt to my
friends. So if I borrowed 1000 pounds, $2,000, whatever, now I
owe that much. So clearly, I'm not going to pay zakat on this. So if
I've already spent the money, then I can actually deduct this from
any money that I still hold. But if I've still got this money, I
don't pay this ticket. But the person who lent me this money,
they will pay the Zakat on it. Now I know that sound for some people,
they say that, if I'm going to lend you 10,000 pounds for five
years, right, I still have to pay zakat on 10,000 pounds every year.
Right, which is, there's it's 200, it's 25 pound per 1000, which
means it's 250 pounds of zakat, every year that I must pay. And
I've lent you, I've learned to 10,000 pounds. So some people say
that I'm going to some people try to do this, that I will lend you
the money, but you must take the liability of the Zakat. And that
is actually incorrect. That is actually incorrect, that will
actually amount to interest. Because the card is a worship,
this is my money at the end of the day, when you might say, well,
it's a liability, I'm letting him use it. And I'm paying the ticket
every 250 pounds, right of 10,000 pounds, well, I'm getting a
reward. That's why they say that in some cases, a loan is actually
more rewarding than a sadaqa. Because when you give sadaqa,
you're probably going to give less, and you're going to forget
about it's what you can tolerate you will give and you'll forget
about it, you don't expect to get it back, you just expect the
reward. When it comes to a when it comes to alone. There's a lot more
aggravation in that. Because you're generally going to give a
larger amount than you will giving sadaqa generally speaking
proportionately, and then after that, you'd be constantly
concerned that am I going to get this money back? When am I going
to get it back. And then a lot of the time, a lot of the time what
happens is that when the time comes due to that you've promised
not to ask them for although you can technically asked for your
loan money back at any time, right? Because it's an act of
goodwill, and you can ask for it back anytime. But if you've
promised that you can use it for 10 years or five years, then you
should generally go by that. But at the end of it even when those
five years are up or two years or up or whatever the time period
A lot of the time people will say I don't have it yet. Please give
me some more time. Please give me some more time. That's why the
prophets also mentioned many virtues for giving some giving
people time to repay. But that's why he also told the person who
has the money who doesn't repay because there's a lot of people
they get comfortable with somebody else's money, anything Well, I can
move it around in the markets and make some profit for it. Oh, he
can wait, he can read he's got enough money. He doesn't need the
money. So that the Prophet saw some termed as oppression that if
I if I owe someone money, and I've got the money to give back, right,
and I really I have it, and I can get it. I can get it. But they're
saying I don't want to sell my stocks right now waiting for it to
get a bit higher, I can make a bigger profit right now. When the
person wants it back. You should give it back otherwise the box
Lawson says more to lose money you Holman. Right. Which basically
means that the dilly dallying the delay of repay repayment, of a
person who has money, I called him a wealthy person, if he's got the
money, he's a wealthy person, right to repay the debt. That's an
oppression. It's his money. It's not your money. It's her money.
It's not your money. So why aren't you giving it back? Right? So
that's why
you're going to going back to the scar tissue. Yes, if I've lent you
money, then I will have to pay this back out of it. Right. But
that's because I'm also getting the reward of it. And this is
according to the Hanafi school that only one party pays as part
of a loan. There may be other views out there in other schools
in which it says that both parties pay the loan, but that is not the
view of the Hanafi school. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to assist
us in this regard, and to allow us to pay off the gods correctly,
just like allow Hyrum