Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Simplified Zakat Guidance Company Partnerships

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of partnership in businesses, including cotton businesses and garden partnerships. The liability of assets in the partnership is the responsibility of the shareholders, and the maximum amount of liability is the current date of death of the person responsible. The speaker advises the caller to make sure they pay enough in the current date to avoid future liability.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, the issue about zakat I want to cover

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in this session is the curtain partnerships. Essentially, the

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only difference of a partnership is just like a partnership would

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be a partnership in a business, I'm assuming. So everything

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relevant to the cotton businesses is going to relate to the garden

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partnership, the only difference is going to be that whatever the

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proportionate share of each partner is, they will be liable

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for that amount of assets within the company, whatever is the

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cuttable of that proportion, they will be liable for that. So so the

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way some companies work is that they may be limited companies, and

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which in the legal terms be considered a independent entity,

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right. And even though it's got to, to owners, and so on to

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directors and so on and so forth. However, in essence, if that is to

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be dissolved, then obviously that money will go to those

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shareholders and to those partners anyway. So the liability of the

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assets in our for the show is are basically do belong to the

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shareholders as mean, they are liable for this account in that.

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So what happens is just say that somebody's paying their their

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personal zakat in Ramadan. So they're going to incorporate in

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there any dividend that they may have received. So if Ramadan is

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in, in May, and they got a dividend in April, right. So

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basically, that means they've already got that before the date

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of death occurred, that means they're going to include that in

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there, if they've still got any money left from that, however, any

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monies which are left inside and any other equitable assets that

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are inside the business, who takes care of that. So really, what

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happens then is, the way you should do this is that you should

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basically decide whose is what you will know that from the

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shareholding and then that would be divided and the value of that

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will be ascertained. Whatever is accountable, and what it is not

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the garden. So whatever is accountable, even though you're

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not pulling it out as a dividend, right, you've got stock inventory,

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or other things which are accountable or other cash that

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you've just kept in there. Right? That is going to be divided among

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the shareholders. And they will then pay that out on the on the

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record date as well. So I got a question recently that there's a

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partnership in a company to people or partners 5050, let's just say,

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and their company accounts are made six months after Ramadan. So

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do they have to wait until six months later and then pay zakat on

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that day on behalf of the company separately. So as I mentioned, the

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company is not due to pay any Zagato on its own. There's no

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liability on a company because we don't see companies as independent

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entities, they belong to the owners. So really, what you should

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be doing is, you should get them to make a calculation of the

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multiple assets around the time that you are paying zakat. So on

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the day, that is yours, the current date that you fixed,

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right, and whatever's in there at that time is what you will pay

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zakat on. Right. That is what's important. You don't wait until

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the company has to do its own accounts. Of course, when the

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company does its accounts, then sometimes there's certain things

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which become more clear in terms of what's owed and what you know

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what the holding and so on, then you can actually go back then and

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just check if you've paid sufficiently, right. So you can

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use that to correct any wrong. And if you've paid more from before,

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well, that's fine, it becomes sadaqa, right? And if you've paid

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less than you'd have to pay that much. But otherwise, you generally

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don't wait until the company's accounts become due. And you don't

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have to pay on behalf of the company. Yes, if somebody wants if

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there's two partners, and on the day that there's a god's do, they

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can actually pay whatever the assets are in the business that as

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a collateral, they can just pay on those assets without distributing

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them among them, that's completely fine. Because the maximum that

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that will that will cause is that maybe somebody will pay more than

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they're supposed to, and that's fine. In that case, you hardly

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will ever pay less than what's due. So you can do it like that as

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well on the day that the individuals zakat are due. So

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hopefully that's clear inshallah.

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