Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Simplified Zakat Guidance Can it Be Given to Masjids or Da’wa Organisations

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the issue of the rule of law in modern times, including the concept of "offense" and the importance of giving money to non- Muslim countries. They also discuss the idea of "offense" and the potential for fraud in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. The second issue I want to cover in

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this session is, can you give zakat money to

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a masjid? For the upkeep for their functions for their programs to

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build the Masjid? Maybe? Can you give it to an institution? Right?

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For our purposes for education purposes? Can you give it to a

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school? Can you give it to a dour organization? Can you give it to a

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an organization which basically

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defends Muslim Rights in non Muslim countries, you know, for

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those kinds of purposes, because, to be honest, when you look

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online, you do see that there are people who are collecting zakat to

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build the Masjid. Right, they are collecting zakat for certain other

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activism projects. So is that allowed or not? So, just to give

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you a bit of a history, according to the classical scholars, right

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from the early stage down to this generation, right, our generation,

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there's pretty much an agreement across the board all four mothers

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etc, that

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that is not allowed. A Masjid is not a recipient of zakat, right. I

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mean, on the you know, the first thing which I we explained in

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another session, that was that you need to give constructive

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possession to an individual and a masjid is not a individual, as an

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entity in that sense. It's a walk, it's a separate entity can't take

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possession as such like that. Right. But the bigger issue is

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this. Right? The bigger issue is this, that this is pretty much the

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schema and understanding. I think one of the first people I think

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one of the first people, right, who said you can do and he has got

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a long article on it, in which he describes the classical view, the

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view over the generations. And then he argues right at the end,

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he argues slightly differently, to say that it is allowed, then I

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think the first person to do that, who I'm discussing is, Sheikh

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Yusuf al Qaradawi is quite a big scholar, I mean, is very

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knowledgeable Scott and everything. But the majority of

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Allamah disagree with this idea of his. I mean, he obviously said it

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in good faith and so on, but for several reasons. It's an issue.

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And one of the biggest reasons for this is that there's a hadith in

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Sahih Muslim which describes the nature of zakat. Right? And he

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basically describes it as what's the Who am well in us, that's the

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cat is the dirt of the wealth of people. And that's one of the

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reasons why you remove it, why you remove it from your wealth. That's

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one of the reasons of course, there's many other benefits and

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many other wisdoms behind by the gut. But remember, whenever Zakat

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is mentioned, the word itself is purification. Zakat means

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purification itself. And then Allah says herdsmen and while him

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sada cotton to Dahiru home, what is a key him? Right, again, the

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concept of purification comes down. And in the Sahih Muslim

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narration, it's very clear that it's a dirt of the wealth of

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people. And today, you know, the biggest issue that we have, is

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that because the God is so easy because everybody has to pay it

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and there's huge amounts of zakat that are there, they want to

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basically use it for everything, that means all other forms of

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charity, voluntary charity, other forms of assistance, and, and

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contribution, then that dies out, they went to literally do

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everything with regard which is supposed to sort out the the

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poverty, right that is primary function of zakat, I mean, there

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are the Amelie Natty, there is that discussion. But the primary

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focus of Zakat is the poor, right? That is the poor, the Muslim poor,

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that is what it's for. Maybe we can have a conversation once all

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the poor of the world has been, you know, maybe we can have that

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conversation. I'm not saying we will. But what I'm saying is that

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that is the mindset of it. And it it it helps the individual

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to purify their wealth to purify themselves of the sin and so on.

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But then it also helps others. That's why the seeds the family of

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam are not allowed to accept zakat, those

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kinds of charity, they're not even allowed to accept. So that's why

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do not give you a sucker to masjids. Give other money, we need

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to encourage we can't just put all the burden on the god and divert

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that money which is supposed to be for the poor, right? To the

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Masjid. Right, which is for everybody to use. So that's why

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let's focus on raising other funds that hamdulillah the Muslim

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community if they can pay so much circuit, that means the cost is

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only 2.5% of their entire wealth. If there's a billion pound of

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zakat coming out of the UK, I don't know what the figure is,

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then that means you can I mean, you can multiply that to show that

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US is 114. The assets then is going to be 40 times that amount,

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right? That's a huge amount of money and people can give that and

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there are people who do give and the whole OMA has been basically

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surviving with nuns that God funds for all of these other projects,

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right throughout the history. So it's it's an abuse of zakat to do

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that is completely wrong, it will be invalid zakat will not be paid,

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according to the vast majority of even contemporary scholars and

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definitely pretty much everybody from the earlier generations. So

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do not give yourself to a masjid or any other organization or it

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needs to go to a port in

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Individual right where they accept and that's what we have today

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Jazak Allahu Allah salamati kumara Tula

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