Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Sadaqat alFitr What, Why and When

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The concept of "Southern cattle operation" is discussed, which is a small amount given in compensation for helping individuals through small issues. The idea is to compensate for small issues and is discussed in relation to giving sada Required to poor people on the same day. The speaker suggests giving grain or dates to help people, and suggests giving grain or dates to help people with wealth to give more money to the poor.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim as we're ending the month of Ramadan,

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generally every year people will be accustomed to giving what they

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call the cattle feta or sada cattle feta. And what exactly is

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Southern cattle feta mean, from as far back as I remember, this is

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something that we've been doing parents have been doing it, but

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what is the significance behind it, the importance of it, and how

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should it be done? So that's kind of what I want to quickly mention

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just so we understand the significance of what we're doing.

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So firstly, the Hadith that I'm going to quote gives us the

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significance of it. It's related by Imam Abu Dowd. In there, the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Zeca told Fitri to

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hurt only saw him in a love we were Rafa. We're taught Mattoon

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automaton little Moroccan man, a DA cobbler solidarity for here

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Zeca to Nakula woman a da ba salotti for here, Sada Koto,

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Minnesota caught. So this is a very significant narration about

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Zika to fit the solder catheter. What the professor was saying is

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that he called it Zagato. And that's fine Zika to fit the South

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Dakota, you can call it both because they both charities,

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right, they both mean charity, it's a purification, it's a way of

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compensation of purification for the fasting person from lower and

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refer from basically, the futility that they were engaged in. During

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the fast, you know, maybe we said something, maybe we didn't do

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something perfectly, or whatever and rough, any, any other kind of

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obscene talk we may have done or something like that. So minor

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mistakes, small issues that may have come into our fasting, this

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is one way to compensate for that. It's a very small amount we give

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right, compensate. And number two, the other benefit it has Allah

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just uses these compensations don't matter nearly Moroccan, it's

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actually a food source and a supply for the poor people the

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profit and loss and then said when to give it whoever gives it before

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the salaat then it is an accepted zakat, an accepted sadaqa, an

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accepted charity for this purpose, meaning for the compensation and

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so on, whoever gives it after the salad, you still have to give it

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so obligatory, right? But after that, it's just like any other

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subject that you just give us otherwise, it won't be counted as

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a purification or compensation. But you still have to give it at

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least by a Buddha, because then gives you an understanding of why

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we give it now the what's important here is when should you

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give it I know a lot of people, right? And I may have been guilty

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of this myself because you think you have to give it on eBay,

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right? This was a common, this is a common understanding that you

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have to give a needy, so people bring the money, right. And

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actually, it was fine in more in many countries in the world. And

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still today, it's actually fine in many countries in the world to

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give it on eBay. Because the purpose of sadaqa defeater is not

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like other charity. This is actually for charity that poor

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people are sufficed on the day of Eid.

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So the poor person doesn't need to go and beg on the day of Eid.

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That's why the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said in the hadith of

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Daraa, cottony the other new home and in reality, we have a young

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basically suffice them from having to ask on this day, so they can

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spend their eat also in eating, from the hospitality of Allah.

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Right, so that they don't have to go and beg on this day as well.

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That's why the last time I was in Zambia, I noticed this, that when

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we used to go to the Eid, gah, there were a huge number of poor

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people standing on both sides of the street. So in many countries,

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even till today, probably in in her in the Haram in Makkah, Makara

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Medina as well, the poor people who stand around because they know

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this is the day when people are going to give sadaqa to fitter. In

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England though, we don't have this when you go to the masjid

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generally, on the way to eat, you don't see any poor people.

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So then you go and give it in the mosque, but the charity box in the

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masjid, they then then they is I'm assuming that many massage will

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find it very difficult to go and spend it. Give it over to poor

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people on the same day.

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Some people who are martial are very proactive, some relief

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organizations, right? Like OMA welfare trust, I remember, they

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used to send an advance amount to the various different places, you

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know how much they estimate estimated that would come in. So

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that even though people gave an E, they could actually offset that

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with what they already had there and disperse it on the

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disseminated on the day of eat. So that's why my encouragement this

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year is that we already you know, several days in advance, give it

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as early as possible. Of course, you can also be sure even given

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before Ramadan, but because the idea is to let the poor person

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benefit from it on the day of Eid, that's why it's best to give it a

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day or two in advance. Right. But obviously, if you're going to give

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it through a relief organization, then you can give it even earlier

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so that they can manage the funds and make sure they get it to the

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right place. Of course if you know your own local people, then you

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can give it directly and that will probably be even better. Right for

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You to do that directly.

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So how much is Southern counterfeiter in the Hadith, etc,

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it just mentioned it's a saw a saw is a was a container in a time of

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you can actually buy them

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these days a salt container. So it was a sort of wheat, or barley, or

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dates, or some some, some other food products. So essentially,

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that is how much you would give them. So really, what's mentioned

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in the books is to actually give grain or dates or something like

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that food. Nowadays, again, in England, that's difficult, because

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if you went and gave somebody, a cup of wheat, a bag of wheat, a

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kilo or whatever,

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they're going to be a bit surprised, right? Eventually, you

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might have too much wheat stored or barley or whatever. So that's

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why what we generally do is that we find the price of a song of

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dates, generally people go according to wheat, right? So the

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cheapest of that is generally the wheat. As far as I understand,

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that's why you generally have the southern cattle feed ranging from

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about three to four pounds, sometimes goes down to about two

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pounds in America is about five to $10, depending right, so the idea

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of is that they can go and use that.

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Again, if you go according to dates, it'll be more expensive

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sort of dates are probably going to be more expensive than a sort

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of wheat. So that's why when the Mercy tells you that it's three

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pounds or two pounds, if you actually have wealth, you've got

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money, mashallah then you should actually give a higher number,

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generally, from the last time that we checked, according to the date

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price, it was more around the eight to 10 pound mark,

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and the wheat and that price was the was the two three pound mark.

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So if you have more money you have enough, then you should actually

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give the higher because it can be done with all of those. And I

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think the reason for that is different people can give because

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generally the idea was to give it in the product itself. So if I had

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dates, I would give dates, if I had wheat, I would have given

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wheat or barley, and so on. So for yourself, the cattle fitter this

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year to determine the price, unless you want to work this out

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for yourself, right? You want to give extra that's fine, your best

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bet is to ask one of your local institutions, you know, your

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masjid or others to find out where it is some people are saying it's

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three pounds, some people have calculate, calculated at five

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pounds, some at 10 pounds. Again, as I mentioned that this is all

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based on what they've used to calculate, always, the higher

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amount is better as far as far so to give the highest amount that

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you can give, don't try to look for the cheapest one. So that's

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the idea of all of this, try to give it as soon as possible. And

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who has to give it basically in the Hanafi school, it's the

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father, he has to give it an all of his dependents, the wife has to

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give her own because she can tell the husband to give it give it on

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her behalf from his wealth or if he agrees or give it to him to

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give or she can donate directly, but the Father is in also

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responsible for all of his dependents. Anybody who's

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basically alive that morning, right? Because that's kind of the

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obligation time the morning of eat, he has to give him on behalf

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of all the children and who has to give it not poor people because

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poor people will receiving is basically anybody who has any sub

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the quantum which is minimal. Like for example today, it would be if

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you have about 250 to 300 pounds about three $400 over and beyond

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your essential needs. If you have that much in assets, then so the

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counterfeiter is necessary on you. Right. So try to give it a bit

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earlier. And now you can actually give it with an understanding and

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this idea that Insha Allah, some poor people will be helped by

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that. And that is the way Allah subhanaw taala is balancing out

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that we assist the poor, right we have this relationship with them,

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because the real way was to actually go and do it is just like

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the real ways to actually gone in the middle of how to do qurbani

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itself yourself. But unfortunately, nowadays, we just

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give it to relief organizations and they do it in place where we

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never see it before. So we're losing the significance of it

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because we never see anything. It's just a payment payment

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payment. Oh, it's another payment, it's another payment is another

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bill I have to pay, right? It's not another bill you have to pay.

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There's a significance of that. Right? And that's why when we give

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it on the day of Eid, the eighth day is then called yo Majah is is

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the day when you get an award for the whole of Ramadan's, you know

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the the worship of Ramadan. So inshallah if we've given this

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expiation, right, it helps the poor people, it helps us to purify

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us as well. And then we get our reward from Allah subhanho wa

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Taala May Allah subhanaw taala accept it from all of us working

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with that one on it. Hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen

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