Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Remedy for Depression

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of reading a book or pinata Allah's teachings to understand his point. He suggests that understanding one's philosophy and the context of their own experiences is crucial to achieving success. He warns that understanding the teachings is only beneficial if one is confident in their own abilities and goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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A lot of people when people are depressed, they say you should do

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more thicker. Now thicker is always helpful, but I don't think

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that's always the remedy. You know what the real remedy is? You need

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to understand Allah

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then you'll thicker makes a lot more sense. And then you know why

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things are happening. If your philosophy is wrong, your vicar is

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going to have some benefit, but your whole mindset is wrong. I

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think the real what you should really be telling people is you

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need to read this book. You need to read a pinata Allah telling us

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what exactly Allah wants and how exactly to watch him and why he

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does. Why he withholds things why he gives things What does he want

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from our worship? When you get that mindset right, then it makes

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life much easier rather than just the vicar, vicar with the realm

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with knowledge. Proper understanding is what really gets

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you somewhere

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