Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Sciences in 30 Days Part 30 Names Mentioned and Therapeutic Benefits of the Qur’an
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The transcript discusses various topics related to the Quran, including recitation, research, and personalities. The title of the Quran is J.I. H afraid H afraid, and the use of J.I. H afraid and the use of J.I. H afraid in reference to the name J servica. The speakers also discuss the importance of learning about the title for personal purposes, including practicing the title and reciting it. They mention a new edition of the Quran and encourage listeners to subscribe to a local law. The segment also touches on the use of the title for various services, including learning about a new edition of the Quran and using it for various services.
AI: Summary ©
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh what a journey it has
been welcome back to this series on the sciences of the Quran. And
I can remember the anticipation and the stress right at the
beginning. Because to give you an idea, it would have been much
easier for me to have done a Tafseer of different aspects of
the Quran, similar to last year where we did a comprehensive
summary, it would have been easier for me to take some prominent
verses, some specific verses, some specific sources or whatever. And
then that would have been much easier. And but I decided that
let's take this a notch higher because people don't get to
discuss the various different sciences of the Quran all the
time. I mean, yes, scholars have to study it, generally they study
it, but otherwise other people don't get to study it as often.
Now, I knew that I'm probably going to have less people
interested in that because it's much more of an academic kind of
study. So Allah subhanaw taala bless you all for your interest.
And may Allah bless us all with that. hamdulillah now, after
discussing that we've, we've covered quite a few topics
Alhamdulillah Allah give tofi But obviously, in 45 minutes, per
topic, some topics we had to do over two, three days. It doesn't
always exhaustively cover everything. Obviously, there's a
lot more discussion Imams. So UT has a book of about 3000 pages on
this subject. And it's extremely detailed, extremely detailed. So
alhamdulillah you know what? hamdulillah Allah has allowed us
to reach the 30th day of this series and Allah subhanho wa Taala
bless everybody and who say to this and listen to this and
everything, and may Allah be blessed, and may his words Be
blessed as well. So let us start off with some
recitation. I'm going to read from the beginning of Surah to Bani
Israel because of the relevance of what's going on right there. Now
in Palestine, merci. lochsa are all human a che Blondie Ragini
Bismillah hir rahman Rahim. Subhana Allah the SRB arriba de la
isla Mina al Masjid Al haram, Al Masjid Al ACOSS, Allah, the lacuna
how Allah Who Nordea whom in Tina, in who who was semi Earl will see.
Dana Musa kita but what Jana who then leave any is or either Allah
alerta tahu mu Duni Joaquina Zuri yet I'm in Hamilton. I know, in
hookah and shakoora will call the INA. Bernie is all in a field kita
Bina to FSI don't fill out will be more rotini while at Loon Rulu one
can be your for either
do la Houma RNA calm or EBA the lynah Bernardo eco Mareeba the
learner only batsu Shadie do for Josue hayleigh. The
work can work them Rula some rather than como colorata RNA him
come VMware new Bernina John come AXA en Fe euro in access to access
to in access to access to me fusi comm WE'RE IN TUNE Florida for
one dual Euro Taenia su Uju Hi como Alia the whole Mesquida
Canada Hello hola Mara Gama de Hulu who Awana Marathi when you
tap Bo now I know that be
RSL bukem A hammer calm we're in Doom Odin. What are Jehan never
any feed ina how Senora so that Allahu La theme that hamdu Lillahi
Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam o Allah and mobile Ruthie Ramadan
Lila either. Meanwhile, the he was so happy with oracabessa limit the
Sleeman Kathira en el Iommi been a member I have chosen two topics
for today, two short short topics, although they're quite lengthy,
but I'm just going to introduce you to these two topics. A bit
more lighthearted, not light hearted, exactly but a bit more
later less academic.
It's all academic at the end of the day, but not as intense today
what I want to discuss first, the two things I want to discuss first
is I want to discuss some of the personalities and the names that I
mentioned in the Quran, right. You know, various different people who
are mentioned in the Quran and you will know why they mentioned the
Quran and then I want to discuss some of the very particular
specific they call Havasu Quran specific benefits of the Quran
Allah subhanho wa Taala has promised the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam as promised. And then I've got a few questions left
at the end to answer as well. Let us start off. So those who studied
the Illumina Quran, those who have researched or lwml Quran written
books on the subject, they generally include the names of not
all the books, but some of them include the names of the people
who mentioned the Quran, and they kind of provide a bit of details.
There's actually books that are written separately on that subject
Imams, God has an entire book on that subject, which he recommends
that until his time, he was first the first person to write such a
comprehensive book on that subject. So anyway, I'm going to
kind of miss out the names of the prophets, because most people will
know about that. I'm going to start from some of the other names
afterwards. So
let's see.
There are in the Quran, there's obviously names of angels that are
mentioned there. So you've got Gibreel Ali Salam, and you've got
mica eel. alayhi salam mentioned that generally in the Quran, the
way we read it, it's mica either mica isla. And it's, we read it as
Gabriella. Right? That is the way to say the angel Alehissalaam his
name. However, there are several ways to read Gibreel Alehissalaam
to read the word Djibouti because it's a foreign term, it's a
foreign name rather. And it's interesting why the names of the
angels were actually kept in in Hebrew. It's a really interesting
idea that is right, not looked into why. But that's just
something that question popped into my mind right now. So Jibreel
can be read as Jibreel and those who read the seven care or they
know the different versions. The another way to read it is Jibreel,
Jibreel, Jibreel and Jabrill. Right, then the third one is
giubbe ra e yield, right jab raw yield. The next one is jab raw
yield, instead of Jabra eel with an A or a Hamza, it's a double ya
Jabara yield yield. Right. And then there is also jab, right eel
jump, Ra E L, right without the LF, and this also, Jabra, l Jabra
L with a shutdown on the lam all of these have been recited in the
different karate looks like right. Now, if you notice in here, the
most the one of the most common ways that people generally say it
which is jib raw eel is not mentioned. So that's why in our
copy of our addition rather oval, his will album, because all the
manuscripts had Jabara eel, that raw eel version, we had to use
that and in that version, there is no jib raw eel as commonly people
say, so Gibran it seems to be incorrect way to say it. So the
two prominent ways to say it is either Gibreel as the Quran has
it. And the other one is that if you wanted the long, elongated
one, then it's with a Fatah with a Fatah on the Jeem there's no
longer one with a Khasra on it, so it's Jabara eel, Jabra yield
Jabra, l Jabra, and Jabra il right Jabra L as well. So that's why
you'll see it in a lot of people. Sometimes they ask that is this a
mistake? It's actually not a mistake, it's actually the correct
way of saying it. So if you want to say with a customer then it's
Gibreel otherwise, if you want to say rah eel then it has to be a
job or a with a Fatah.
So that's, that's the that name is obviously been mentioned in the
Quran. And what Allahu Allah according to IGNOU, Ginny, right,
who is considered to be
one of the lexicographers and philologist of the Arabic
language. He said this originally came from Cooley Cooley, but in
its Arab Association, it's been changed or it's been changed
because of its lengthy usage in this way. Well, Allahu Alem.
Likewise, you have mica eel, and mica yield, which is Michael
That's what they call it. Michael. Mica yield and mica eel, both of
those and there's also mica, IL. There's there's also that version
as well. I know there's actually me Carl, sorry Mica. So there's
three ways saying that mica eel mica yield and mica Allah.
Actually, it's in the Quran mica is actually mentioned in the Quran
as well. So, I think Mikael is Yeah, mica is used in the Quran as
well. To say it as Mica. Mica yield is only in in one of the
shadow garat, it's in one of the none. Well known Pirot
that because the majority of the gym holder the majority, they've
the majority
The car is ready as mica eel okay, but there is also enough and Abuja
first Kira, and one of combos ways.
One of the cars it's rich is as mica as well. And he I don't want
to bore you with all the different garage right now I mean that's not
going to be helpful. But this is just so that if you do hear it in
a different karate, you understand that these are the various ways of
saying it because remember, the original word is from Hebrew, it's
been transferred into Arabic. So there could be differences in the
way that's being said. Now, what does it mean? These words Gibreel
Mikael, etc. So according to ignore JD who's related this from
academia from Abner Bursa, the ALLAH and he says Gibreel Abdullah
or mica, Obaidullah. Gibreel is Abdullah, the servant of Allah and
mica is the smaller servant, the younger seven, the smaller servant
of Allah. In fact, then he says what is being fee for Who am I but
don't Lilla any name in which the eel comes, then that is something
that you worship Allah subhanaw taala with meaning is to show the
one who worships Allah subhanho wa Taala is just just like we say,
Abdullah Abdul Jabbar and so on and so forth. So it's, it's in
that direction that's what it means. It means the servant of
Allah subhanahu wa Tada. That's what I believe that hadith he says
that eel is the name for Allah. In in Hebrew.
There's another opinion regarding Gibreel that it means her the
mullah, the servant of Allah, which He is obviously he's a
messenger of Allah, servant of Allah.
Okay, let's move on her route and my route. Many of you will have
come across the inserter Bacara. These were the two angels specific
angels, right? Then you will there's the sort of two right is
mentioned right? Is there's a hadith Which Imam Timothy has
related right? From Abner bursa the Allahu Anhu that the who they
asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell us about
this right? So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said Melaka
mineral Mala Iike Mohr coulomb be sahab it's one of the angels. He
is one of the angels who is responsible for the clouds. And
according to ignore the hurting from a crema, he is related that
arrived the mother can you sub be the rod angel is an angel who
glorifies Allah subhanaw taala
because Allah says that in the Quran in surah two right, verse
13, where you said, Behold, right do be handy. And the right Angel
glorifies Allah with his praise. Then we have al Burke, your
curdled barcoo, Yom Tov Tov Abba Surah, whom, which we generally
refer to as both of these are referred to as lightning and
thunder, right, that's where this comes, the discussion comes there.
But bark can also a says that bulk of bark is also an angel according
to ignore behind him. But bark is also an angel. And, yeah, there's
lots of other discussion there, which I'm not going to do. Then
you have the concept of Malik discovered in the Quran that that
discussed in the Quran that's quite clear, he's the
the guardian of hellfire. Then you have sigil sigil, Lil Kutub Sijil.
Right. According to ignobly Hatem transmission, the sigil is also an
angel. And how Ruth and Ruth were of his assistance. Now this is all
in the case where these words they could actually mean a literal
meaning a verb or something like that. But in the case where
they're taken as names I'm just describing in that sense for you.
That's why even armor they also said a CG Lu Malecon is an angel.
And sigil according to suit the is the angel that is responsible for
the record the book of deeds
thereafter that you have carried carried, right, this apparently is
the name of the one who writes the evil deeds of a person.
Right, so carried is the one that writes the names of the so this is
in surah, two calf you have this. So there's at least 11 or 12
angels that are mentioned in the Quran, yo maya como Rue, who will
Mala eager to suffer, insert another verse 38 rule is obviously
this is one of the greatest of the angels. I think some have even
said that this refers to Gibreel or Islam, but this is Malecon min
alpha in melodica HALCON. This is the angel from the greatest of the
angels in terms of size.
That's what they've said. Then there's one other word in the US
in the Quran, which according to Psalm is also an angel. But as I
said, this will be a good example for you to understand that we
generally taken in the meaning its literal meaning who will lead the
zealous Seki netafim Kulu ballymote meaning so
Rifat verse four, right? Sakina and in Sakina, the word is used
about five or six times in the Quran Sakina they saying it's also
a, an angel, who comes to comfort the hearts of the believers.
And to to comfort them. That's what this angel is.
Right? In terms of Sahaba the only Sahabi I think, who is mentioned
by name in the Quran, this is almost like a Trivium turning
right, you know, the only Sahabi who is actually mentioned by name
in the Quran is they didn't know how to refer for the Mikado, Jose
de minha. What are on the wedge NACA?
I don't think there's any there's other Sahaba who are referenced
they numerous our reference there, but not with name there after
that, we've got some other names. So let's look at some of the
earlier names this Imran Obul Meriam. Yes, the father on my name
is Imran then we've got her brother whose name was Harun
there's Harun who is the brother of Musa Assam there's also the
Haroon, the brother of Medina which is considered to be a
separate separate Harun right. Then you've got Jose as mentioned
in the Ezra, then there's tuba como to back to back, essentially
generally talks about that. This This, according to Imam Hakim
generation, he was a righteous person of the past. Then of
course, you've got Lookman Ali salaam was mentioned there who,
according to some minority views, he was a prophet but according to
the majority, he was not a prophet. He was a very, very
righteous man. That's why there's a hadith narrated by ignobly how
to assess Ghana Laquan Abdon Habashi and Ajarn Luqman Radi
Allahu Anhu was a servant of Allah. He was Abyssinian. And he
was in a jar, which means he was a carpenter.
Then use of now of course, we've got use of Alayhis Salam story
that's the Prophet use of Ali Salam. However, in surah Taha
said, there's a mention of there's a mention of use of there as well.
I forget what I forget the verse right now but in sort of after the
use of mentioned there is supposedly somebody else that he
is use of Ifrah him in the use of ethnography is a grandson of use
of varicella right thereafter that there is also
a Yaqoob that's mentioned in surah. 2 million at the beginning
of surah. 2 million. And that one also seems to be this is Yaqoob.
No mathan, as opposed to Yaqoob is haka. According to another opinion
Allah knows best, but these are not necessarily very strong
opinions right at all. Thereafter, in short, to medium it says in the
Uber Rafa Neiman in Kuta, tepee.
Actually, you know, we don't have just mentioned the famous ones to
you, right now. women's names in the Quran. There is only one woman
named in the Quran by name. Okay, and that is Maria, Maria, Sara,
nobody else has been mentioned by name. Yes. Many other women have
been referenced like the wives of new hottie salaam Luna, Allah is
the wife of Pharaoh. Right? whose name was zulay. Her and
us? Yeah, sorry. CSRD asiyah. Yeah, Asya, and several others
that are mentioned there, but no others mentioned his name. And
there's a number of narrations about why no women were mentioned
by name is because traditionally speaking, I think it's changed
now, right? In many cultures does change even in many Muslim
cultures, but before and it's still like that in some Muslim
cultures, right? In like in the subcontinent, some cultures still
like that. And in some Arab cultures, it's still like that.
And this was the culture that any free woman were considered to be
dignified, and you did not take their name. Right? You did not
take their name, it would actually be seen as disrespectful to take
the name of a, you know, somebody's wife or their name,
they will they will actually say words like a whole, my family, you
know, or the mother of so and so something like that. That's still
a big tradition in the in the Arab world, right? Where they still use
OMO Khalifa and on memoriam and, and monument, all the rest of it.
But the reason that Maria Marie salaams name was mentioned, is
because the the
I think the hood had slandered her right, about certain things about
who she was and what so that's why the Quran had to clearly stated
that she was pure, that she is the tool she is absolutely chaste, and
she's pure and she did not commit Zina and everything else. So
that's why it was important to mention her by name to just clear
the record. That's why the other mentioned the only Marie Muslims
may otherwise shy by the Sons Daughters, their names are not
mentioned. Right. And and all the others are not mentioned either.
Nowadays, obviously
in the time of Facebook and Twitter, not only names I
mentioned, but there's a lot more that goes out there, mail
Allah subhanaw taala protect and provide us all chastity right now
what is Maria mean? Somebody who is a Hebrew word it means her them
according to. This is according to Yeah, according to Imams ut
Merriam refers to her them, servant. Right. That's what he
means. And there are also other meanings that are mentioned as
There is one other opinion that were in sort of soft to verse 125.
Allah subhana does attend their own a battle and whether the Runa
accidental Halloween do you call out to bail? Bail is the name of
the idol, right that they used to call out to stylizing Jukola and
you miss out Allah subhanaw taala so that the idol represented a
woman, according to one opinion, right? So if that's the case, then
that's the only other name of a woman mentioned there, right?
Otherwise, there's there's only my device I mentioned there
thereafter in terms of disbelieving people's names, you
have people like karoun, right, who was actually the cousin
brother of Musashi salaam he was his paternal uncle, his dad's
brother's son or something like that. According to Bursa, the hola
Juan then of course, you've got John Lutz right now John Ruth is
Goliath, Dawood Ali Salam killed him. Here's the big giant, then
you have Harmon. Harmon was the was the year of Pharaoh who used
to do all of his dirty work for him as a bad he was, and you're
not sometimes if you're if it's your,
if it's a minister. Now generally ministers they're under your
command. So you know, you generally don't blame them. But in
this case, Allah subhanaw taala singles him out by name Pharaoh
and Herman because he was even in himself, and he used to give a lot
of bad ideas to Pharaoh himself as well. In fact, it seems like
sometimes Pharaoh, you know, seems to be like, trying to get a bit
positive and her man seems to cause him, you know, take him
Yeah, insert use of it says, Yeah, Boo Shahada. Hola, right. Oh,
Bushra. So
according to some that means something else. It doesn't
necessarily mean just glad tidings. It could be the name of
an idol or something like that. According to some. Then of course,
you have Azur who's mentioned. Right as he was the set to be the
father Ibrahim Ali Salam. They say that his name was Tara, Tara. And
as it was actually his title, right.
That's why even even though I busted the Allah Juan was has from
from even ibis, it's been mentioned that the father of
Ibrahim, his name was actually not as his name was actually Tara.
There is another opinion, there is also another opinion that as there
was somebody else completely, he was not his father at all.
Then there's another version of indeterminacy Uzziah, that and
Phil Cofer. They say Nessie which generally we talk about
postponement of mumps and changing the mumps and everything, right,
which was a JD practice that needs to do. But according to one
opinion, Nessie is actually the name of a person as well, right
from the Benaki Nana, who used to do this the first time around, who
was the first one or who used to change Muharram and suffer around
to be able to take the booty of people and things like that.
That's why he was that's why that whole practice became
namelessness, Allah subhanaw taala knows best. Now, let us move into
names of Jin right I thought some of you will find this kind of
useful, right. So I said the scholars have discussed all of
these things in great detail. So the father of the gene is
mentioned in the Quran, and the father of the jinn is a bliss. And
a bliss is actually his title. So his real name apparently was as
zeal as zeal that's, again, a Hebrew name.
ignobly Hatem has transmitted this from Ignite Abba, the Allahu anhu,
can a bliss is smooth as zeal, a bliss his name was as zeal.
According to another version his name was hearth. hearth
essentially means the caretaker, The Guardian, right, and that's
apparently what z means as well in Hebrew Allahu Adam. Even though
God though he has another transmission from Abner Ibis it
alone who said that a bliss was called a bliss though. So why was
as as Ill whatever quality bliss is because Allah subhanaw taala
made him hopeless of receiving any goodness despondent from receiving
all goodness. So that's why it's called the bliss, herbalist,
eblasts. All also remain, has the meaning of despondency and
hopelessness so because he's been made in that way, the he's been
made hopeless from ever receiving mercy. That's why he's called a
bliss. But another opinion is that he's also the one who causes
hopelessness in people and that's why he's called a bliss as well.
That could be another opinion as well. Of course, then you've got
other disbelieving people mentioned in the as yet Jewish
module which is Gog and Magog. Then you've got the ad you've got
the ThermoWood you've got
The people of Meridian, you've got the Quraysh you've got the room
mentioned. Right? In terms of people, peoples, then you've got
COVID We know convolute COVID
Right. Como Ebrahim and US herbal acre. Now us herbal acre which is
mentioned in the Quran, that refers to us herbal medicine that
area was called acre as well. Then you've got us herbal rhus as
herbal russi with a mood as herbal rough as harbor Ross, where the
remnants of the people of the mood there the US herbal rhus
That's What even are busted the Allahu Anhu said Others say that
no as Howard Ross or the as hobble ya seen that those people who were
mentioned sort of the scene
and I said that no, this actually refers to the Como Shipe. So
there's quite a difference of opinion as to who was harbor Ross
refers to some even saying that it's referred to as herbal Oh,
dude. Right.
In terms of the names of idols that are mentioned in the Quran,
there's quite a few. There's what? Sewer, your Huth, your oak,
Nasser, and all of these are mentioned, these are all from
these Subhanallah these these were all the ones that were there in
the time of new holiday Salaam. And most of these are mentioned in
the story of new heart Islam in surah. To know, then, you've got
the later ones, which were by, you know, which were the ones that the
people of Makkah used to worship. That's the lat Riza and Manat. Let
Erza and Manat. They the US now of the Quraysh. Some say that what
rouge is a failure in Sorrento McDuffie. The rajas is also was
also one of the idols but otherwise it just means filth.
Then you have well jibed what the hood, right?
Some say that both of these were also idols. Right. And there's
other meanings for gypped and Tahu, as well.
Then you've got the word bail. bail was apparently the idol of
the people of Ilya Saudi is that um, that's what's mentioned in
there. There's a hadith in Bukhari from Abner bacilli Allahu Anhu.
That what sewer your who's your oak Nasser? Were actually
originally the names of righteous people from the people of New
Hadassah when they died.
Right they when they perished, ALLAH SubhanA sorry, the shaytaan
came in whispered and started this idea among them that you need to
put up some memories, some reminders, some memorials for them
in the place that they used to stay. Right and then they call
them by that name as well. That's how idol worship creeps in. But
you start putting up the statues and everything like that. So they
did that, but then used to worship then it was just a memorial
towards them. However, when these people went as well, eventually,
as they started getting further away, people liked to do these
weird celebrations and they like to celebrate weird things and
everything. So they started to be worshipped and that's how it crept
in. Allah subhanaw taala knows best.
Thereafter that we've got the names of several places which are
mentioned the Quran for example, there's Bucha, which is mentioned,
which is actually just the old name of Makkah. Then there's
Madina, Munawwara, which was also called Yathrib. In the Quran, but
we don't like the word Yathrib to be used, right? Because the
Prophet saw some changed the name obviously. He doesn't like the
word yesterday, yesterday, was actually called yesterday because
it's named after a person called Yathrib Ignatova. Ill who was from
the Benu Aram iblue Sam Ibni know from one of the grandchildren of
new hottie salami had to be obviously so that's how he was the
first person to apparently establish himself or establish
himself in this area which then became yesterday. However, the
province or lesson was prohibited from using that name. And the the
reason is that the word yesterday comes from the concept of third
and third means facade and corruption. So you don't want to
call place a corrupt place you know with that name, right.
But there is mentioned in the Quran or Hadith mentioned the
Quran Her name is mentioned in the Quran Gemma was mentioned that
mashallah Haram is most deadly for then there's Mr Vyas there's
berbil acre and so on Ackoff hedger to resigner do the tour. We
don't have time to go into this I want to mention the other part of
the other section before because I think that's very relevant. Now, I
want to move on to the next section.
Anyway, if you wanted more information about the various
different names and everything you will find it in the edcon of suity
and the other books on the other deeper books on oil Quran as well.
Now let us move into a few few things about the household Quran.
Okay, the household Quran that means a very special
specific properties and characteristics and effects of the
Again, there are Imam Ghazali has written a book on this subject.
Tamimi has written a book on the subject Yeah, theory and so on.
Right? That certain benefits from the Quran. If you read this this
many times this will happen if you read this, that those our whole
house will grant the specific benefits of the Quran, the secrets
that they found, most of it is, there's some Hadith about it,
which I'm going to quote you, but a lot of the other stuff that you
will hear that if you read this verse this many times, you know,
you get prosperity. If you read this verse, then you get a male
offspring. If you read this, you get a female offspring. If you
read this, you you know there's ease in your labor. If you do
this, your difficulties go away. If you read these verses, then you
get tranquillity. For example, it's related from iblue, Tamia
Rahima hula, his his students have no claim relates from him, that
whenever he was in some kind of what they say perish journey,
right when he had some kind of anxiety about something he would
recite the five or six verses in the Quran that contain the word
Sakina and that would give him tranquility that would give him
comfort and ease and it would make him relax. So if somebody is found
some benefit because the Quran is a she thought we've got the
general Hadith regarding that, you can't call that a bit. And only
time will be called a bit is that if you're insisting that this is
from the Quran and Sunnah like directly that the person has said
this, but otherwise even people like him who Tamia who a lot of
Bedarf bangers right who constantly call everything bit you
know, refer and revere even he used to do that he wasn't even
restricted as this kind of stuff that people today just very
blindly say things like this. So let's move on. Firstly, the Hadith
that IGNOU manager has reported from Abdullah and also that the
Allah one, he said on a combi Shiva
you should you should use the two cures, you should hold on to the
two cures and I said well, Quran, honey, and the Quran itself, so
don't just use honey but use the Quran. Right? And we'll clarify
that a bit more.
In a minute is also transmitted from earlier the Allahu Anhu Hydra
Dawa el Quran one of the best medicines is the Quran right
especially for spiritual issues especially for anxiety issues. The
Quran is there for that and it works right. Then abort obeyed has
related from tal hybridomas serif, that
it used to be said before this was people's experience that if the
Quran was recited by a sick person who's like in some, a lot of pain,
difficulty, then he would actually feel his pain would be
would be relaxed for him. He might be happy then has related in the
short I will Iman from wealthy Lebanon Scott are the Allahu Anhu
that a person complained to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam about a sore throat about pain in his throat. And the pros
are some said it can be clearer to Quran go and recite the Quran for
a softer and not for I'm not saying it's a softer, there is a
pain in his sword, whatever kind of pain that was he said recite
the Quran ignore most of the way or ignore dunya right as related
from Abu Seidel who deliver the Allahu Anhu that a man came to the
peninsula and said I've got a pain in my chest. You said recite the
Quran because Allah subhanaw taala says the Quran is in short Eunice
verse 57 Schiefer only Murphy sudo the Quran is a cure for that which
is in the hearts now generally that's taken as you know, the the
ears in the hearts and everything like that. But of course if you've
got another pain in the heart, you know, why not use the Quran to
benefit from
Imam be happy as related. He's from Abdullah Abdul Jabbar that in
the 30 had to look it up, right which is certain Fatiha Shiva from
every kind of every kind of sickness has to be read with some
kind of conviction. Jabil if not, Abdullah relates
that 30 Her is the shifa of everything except death. Right.
Then Imam Buhari has also transmitted that once we were
traveling, right once we were on a journey, and we stopped at a place
and there was this young girl that came along, right from the close
by area maybe. And she said, this tribe here, you know, you're
camped outside this tribe, the person there, he's been bitten.
Right? He's in a lot of pain. Do any of you know how to do rakia?
No, these, these chance to read something. So one of the one of
the one of our group, he went with us and he read through the data,
and naturally became better. So the Prophet sallallahu Elisa, when
they told him about he said, omocha nutria. Now how did he know
that that's a rakia right?
In fact, there's a narration in taba Ronnie
from Siberia XID who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
sought protection for me with sortal Fatiha Teflon which I'm
assuming means by
lightly blowing and spitting like you read the fact that like that,
and that is related from the mountaintop Irani then you have
Imam bazars generation from UNASUR, the Allahu Anhu that
when you place your side upon your bed and you recite the 30 had to
look it up. So when you get to bed and you go on your side first you
always start with your right hand side and then you read certain
Fatiha, then you record who Allahu Ahad you will be protected from
every evil from everything except death. Imam Muslim has an Orisha
now this sign aerations from Abu Huraira, the Allahu Anhu that the
house in which sort of Bukhara is recited, shaytaan cannot enter it.
Now, the easiest way to I mean, it's quite a daunting task to
recite Surah Baqarah every day, right? But the idea is that if you
just if if people can just read 10 verses of Surah Baqarah every day,
as a regular thing, like one person in the house, read at least
10 verses that insha Allah will remain protected. Now there's a
more a longer narration in which Abdullah Abdullah Ahmed, has
retransmitted in this in the agenda of the Mossad Musa Mohammed
from obey vocabulary Allahu Anhu. He says that once we were the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and a desert Arab came
along a Bedouin, and he said, Oh prophet of Allah, I've got a
brother and he's got a lot of pain. So said, what is his pain?
So he says that he's it looks like he's Bewitched, right? He's got
another or he's got one of those kinds of, you can say, those kinds
of psychological issues that are you know, come about because of
these things. So the post awesome said, Okay, bring him along. So he
brought him along, we put him in front of him. So the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you can say blue on him, made a dua
for him, right with the following the Fatiha the four verses of the
beginning of Surah Al Baqarah. And then what Allah Who Camila Hua,
had that verse, and I told Corsi, then the last three verses of
Surah Baqarah, and the first verse and the verse of cert Ali Imran
Shahidullah, Shahid Allahu anhu, La ilaha illa, which is verse 18.
And then sort of in verse 54, interrupter como la hula, the
Holocaust and that one, then the last verse of shorter, more
meaningful to Allah Allah Hoon, medical verse 116, the a verse
from surgeon which is one the hooter, Allah Jad, Rabina Maha the
Sahaba wonder whether the verse 310 verses from the beginning of
Surah, two sofort three verses
from the end of sortal, Hashem and then Kulu Allahu Ahad colada Bravo
kalaburagi further cut out a bit of bitterness, and the guy got up
and it was as if he had no problem anymore. Right? So this is very
bad thing. This is what they call the minzu. Right, which is found
if you do a search online you'll probably find all of this
thereafter that we've got the Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari that a
gin told abou her the hola Juan that when you get to your bed at
night, then recite Dieter Corsi, if you recite it, then you will
have a protection for you. Right? Remaining constantly with you.
From Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah will provide a protector from you
and shaytaan will not be able to get close to you until you enter
the morning. So the prophets Allah and even confirmed that and he
said, Yes, he's told you the truth, but he's Elias it was the
shaytaan autonom. Now shaytan will obviously know because she knows
when he can't go in when it of course he is being recited, or has
been recited.
In fact, there's another Hadith which I found really, really
inspiring from Abdullah Masuda the Allahu Anhu a person said to the
Prophet sallallahu yardas will Allah teach me something that I
can benefit from so the products are awesome said recite AYATUL
kursi it will protect you and your progeny. And it will protect your
In fact, not just your home but also the homes around your home.
We need people to recite Atul corsi constantly. According to
another version I'm not sure how strong this narration is though.
Think it might be weak, but it's an interesting narration. whoever
decides AYATUL kursi at a difficulty Allah subhanho wa Taala
will relieve them. Now there are numerous other narrations Imam,
I'll just mention one or one or two more we don't. I just wanted
to introduce you to this discussion. Amanda Remi has a
narration from Mahira Ignacio Bay, who's one of the companions of
Abdullah Abdullah Masuda the Allah he says that whoever recites 10
verses of Surah Baqarah when going to sleep, he will never forget the
which four verses of Surah sorry, which 10 verses of Surah Baqarah.
The first four verses
and if lamb Islam in vertical Kitab alive if you're dealing with
Dawkins on then AYATUL kursi. And then the two Iots, the two verses
after AYATUL kursi and the last three verses of Surah, Al Baqarah,
and, and so on. Right? Now, these are all the ones that are I mean,
there's so many more that are directly related in various
different Hadith, maybe some of these Hadith a week, or whatever
the case is, but they they mentioned, and then there's also
lots from experience, we don't have the time, but I just wanted
to show you the medical, or you can say the therapeutic aspect of
the Quran, I wanted to show you that as well. So I think that ends
the discourse for us, there's a few questions that I have, which I
want to I will try to take here, Inshallah, and then we
can Inshallah, call it a day. Firstly, there's a question about
the Quran. Now, these are quite complicated questions. And I
thought I had answered quite a few of these, but I'm going to clarify
them again, I don't, I'm not an expert yet, on the seven Pirot. So
maybe somebody can give a better answer. But this is what I have so
far. Right, without having had time to research it in depth,
because it's been quite busy. How is it possible for all Akira to be
incorporated into Earth manner the islands must have if the different
things are included emissions of words and even different words
altogether? Right. So I think I answered this one. And one of the,
you know, the way that's understood is that when he sent
this the several different mishaps out to the various different
places, it seemed like, you know, they were written by different
people. And that's why there's slight differences between them.
And it looks like one of the reasons for that is he
incorporated some of the karate in some and the others in the other.
So when we say that he wrote it in a way that or liquor out, that
said, what they say available, like dominantly speaking, however,
where it's another word, that's going to have to be replaced,
right, if it's the other word in the other character art right
from, but that could be in another master copy that he sent. And now
that we've, they will then transmitted down we have those
different and that's where you got the seven out of the Quran from as
well. Okay.
Now, a lot of these questions are actually related to whether the
seven roof relate to the seven key rods. Now, as I said, there are
one opinion, that's one opinion. And there's the other opinion, and
it's very difficult to give a satisfactory answer from both
sides. And that is probably what has led others to take the other
opinion when they can't reconcile it with this way. That's what
you're gonna get. So I don't know if I can give you a satisfactory
answer. But I'll try under the opinion that the seven killer out
and not the seven out of today supposed to be two separate
things. The device I was always competing ever discussed the seven
kilowatt, if now, it just seems far fetched the device OS and
would not have spoken about the seven Quran or that the Companions
would not have noticed and points out in between certain carotid
arteries. They did point it out, they heard it. And then when the
prophets, I mean, I mentioned several verses, I don't think they
sat and said, Okay, you can read it this way. And you can read this
when he didn't teach it like that to everybody. He he didn't want to
confuse people. That's what I think. So he didn't, he wouldn't
teach you one or two or three or four different ways and say, you
can read all of these ways, ways. But when he would speak to the
other tribes, he would teach it to them in in their way, then when
those people would compare notes or listen to one another, they
would have a confusion, then that is when Omar the alarm, for
example, and then obey vocab and others, they would bring them to
the voice on said, What's going on here. You told us it this way,
this is the Quran, we never knew it was another way. So it looks
like the Sahaba did not know that it was done in another way first,
that's why they they had this issue. Right? And it doesn't it
doesn't seem like there was it became such a popular idea at the
beginning either. Right? It seems like and this is just my
speculation. And that is why they would bring them in the process
and validate both say yes, that's right. And that's right. So that
would be a discussion you would say but not in the earliest sense
where he would be teaching them all in, you know, several
different karate or more than one karate at once only as a
validation of each of those karate. Okay, number three under a
pin that similar are the seven out of them. And that was money and
burn all the other copies to have one hour of the Quran then how
then how do we get effectively seven out of of the Quran
so the only thing we need to respond if we go by the opinion in
this case that the seven out of other seven Cara, then what did he
burn? Well, what he burnt was all
a nice, I think I explained this in detail. It was the way things
had been written. He could have
From what I recall from my record, but it's eluding me right now. It
Maybe not written in the way that he wanted it to be written in a
way that encouraged maybe it was written in one particular way.
Right, which wouldn't allow the other ways to be recited. Right,
that seems to be likely for me that that is what he did. I'll
have to check it up again, I noticed a bit of I didn't pay
attention fully because it was Ramadan, I didn't have the time to
go into in depth. But as I said, that would be one simple reason
for why that would be the case that they had all written it
according to their way of reading, and or smarter the alone according
to this committee, it decides do it according to this one way. And
he said, Just look, everybody removed this. As I mentioned, some
people, they burned their copies, some people dispose them in
different ways. Others, they amended them, right. And the
reason for that emendation is clear that now this is the way
let's write it this way. So incorporate all seven karats I
think that makes sense to me personally, that makes sense to
me, according to that view, if I held that view, and you mentioned
the Quran in certain ways according to the different Quran
written in different ways according to the different Quran,
how would you reconcile with the psychoanalyst preserved only one
script of the Quran?
I think it's simple that he preserved one script of the Quran
that was incorporated everything. However, because there were some
where one word would be different, another Kirov he, he allowed that
to be written in one of the versions, we don't know for sure,
because we don't have the seven master copies or the eight master
copies in front of us to make that kind of that kind of research and
analysis on it. But this is what it seems to be that in order to
preserve all of them in some he incorporated some sense and the
others incorporated the other modes of recitation, right. But in
most of them, it was all of them that could be recited because I
said most of them, there is no change of word, right? Or the word
change is one that the skeletal form can accommodate. You know,
for a person, you know, with these questions, I would really, really
suggest that you read this book, because it is really really well
researched, and it will provide you a lot more answers. I've not
read the full book yet I just got this before Ramadan, not being
able to just read chapters of it, but it's very promising in terms
of Inshallah, it will help to answer a lot of the questions and
maybe in the future, I can
do a more detailed discussion on Sebata Ashraf Inshallah, in
particular, right, taking all of these additional but I think
inshallah for now that should be sufficient May Allah subhanaw
taala bless us with the Quran let's just make a quick dua to end
our discussion. Allahu manda Salam wa Minca Ceylon Tabarka generally
with the Quran Allah Houma yeah how you yaka Yun, Barak Madigan's,
the heath Allah who may have known him and then later and the Subhana
que no could nominal baloney mean Allahumma suddenly was any minor
See you then and Mohammed wider Ernie see the now Muhammad who are
vertical Salam yeah Allah have mercy upon us. Yeah Allah, keep us
with the Quran. Have mercy on this ummah. Oh Allah, Oh Allah have
mercy on this ummah have mercy on our places of worship, especially
on the messy Luxa mocha mocha Rama Madina, Munawwara masjid and nebo
a Masjid Al haram. Oh Allah bless and protect all of these places.
Oh Allah allow us to do what is beneficial and useful. And oh
Allah allow us to stay with the Quran to be blessed with the Quran
to live by the Quran. To be raised by the Quran to be honored by the
Quran allow us also to honor the Quran to respect the Quran to
revere the Quran. To understand the Quran of Allah teach us that
that read of the Quran Allah allow us to recite it correctly allow us
to be the best of people who always hold to the Quran and then
who studied the Quran who teach it Allah allow us to elevate
ourselves in the Hereafter with the Quran make us the nation of
the Quran, as we're supposed to be our Allah accept these classes, oh
Allah accept these sessions this series, except from all of those
who sat here and who encouraged this and who benefited from this,
oh Allah make us benefit from this and allow this just to be the
starting point of many, many, many services to the Quran and the
Quran. becoming part of our life of Allah allow us to do much more
for the Quran. Accept this and Forgive our mistakes or like
accept this and Forgive our mistakes make it a source of
guidance for us and blessing for us all of our life. Except How do
I Subhanallah be corroborated? Yeah, my Aussie Formosan Elena was
single hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen The main question as a
parting question that people had was what now? So firstly, I would
say a few things number one.
I spoke to somebody the other day, right? MashAllah decent Muslim
brother and everything. He says he's never completed a Quran yet
from cover to cover. Right? He had some bad experiences in a young
age and he's just and now he wants to do it my chalet sons are
becoming Hafiz of the Quran, right? But he's never come down.
So I would say pick up the Quran and start reading the Quran, even
if it's difficult for you to read it, find a teacher and inshallah
you'll get double reward if you make an extra effort. So you need
To learn how to recite the Quran, we need to improve our knowledge
read of the Quran read it correctly, then I think the next
level has to be that we need to start understanding the Quran,
right and just pick up a page and just read it, just just have a
translation, make sure you've got access to a translation, right,
make sure you've got access to a translation, and that you recite
that and that you reflect over it. And then, of course, there's the
level of memorizing more of the Quran than just a few of the
sutras memorizing more, I would suggest you go and you check the
30 day tafseer that we did, right, the links will be placed below in
sha Allah, and then you get your own tafsir and you read from the
Tafseer and you
thereafter that in any way, shape or form, if there's people who
don't have Quran straight to get a Quran, copy to them, encourage
people to read the Quran, make sure that we don't ignore the
Quran in our homes. If there's projects related to the Quran, you
know, donate to those projects, encourage those products assist in
those projects of distribution of the Quran, preparing Quran tafseer
or any books related to the Quran, right? Buying Quran and placing
them in places giving them to people that's a huge thing.
There's lots of people who want to convert to Islam or interested in
Islam they want you know again for them you can do that as well.
There's so many other things mashallah, there's so many other
things that you can do, please pray for us as well we actually
preparing our Asian subcontinent edition of the Quran but with the
medina script hamdulillah it's mostly ready and we aim to
inshallah publish that separately very soon. That script we've
already published it as part of the Noble Quran of Mufti Taqi with
minus translation which has been published and in two editions when
is the large Deluxe limited time edition is just a few 100 copies I
think left right from the 1000 or so that were published. And then
they're also mashallah published to wrath also published the
smaller version of it right? For very cheap, very low price and
mashallah, so the script people have really found it very elegant.
Inshallah, we hope to use a similar script to that in sha
Allah in this new edition. Inshallah, so please pray for us
as well. And we pray for all of those who are working on the
Quran, on different services of the Quran, that Allah bless them
and allow us to be of more service to the Quran as well, just
Sokoloff here until next time, you know in sha Allah and love your
ideas and suggestions for what to cover next Ramadan we can always
be prepared inshallah. I've got a few ideas but I'd love to hear
from you. And inshallah we'll see you again soon. Allah bless your
EADS bless your Ramadan and except from there and give you the
greatest reward for your worships in Ramadan, on persecuted and
under attack in different places as well as salam aleikum wa
rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh Jazak Allah here for listening May Allah
subhanho wa Taala bless you. And if you're finding this useful, you
as they say to that like button and subscribe button and forwarded
on to others to local law here and as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi