Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections The Key Keeper of the Ka’ba
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The speaker discusses two versions of the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam being the one in charge of protecting the keys to the Prophet's laws. They also mention the history of the legal system and its importance in learning the subjects of Islam.
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So, this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, I mean, there's two
big messages here. And then there's Allah subhanaw taala
telling us something else. Allah commands you to deliver trusts to
those worthy of them. Essentially Allah subhanahu wa taala commands
that you fulfill the trust to those who you owe it, who you owe
them to. And number two, when you judge between people to judge with
justice, then Allah says Excellent. In admonition excellent
is the admonition that Allah provides you and Allah gives you,
Allah is all hearing and all seeing
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala
Sayyidina Muhammad were either early he was Safi or Baraka was
seldom at the Sleeman Kathira on Ilario Medina, a member of Salam
Alikum, everybody, I hope you guys are doing very, very well. Today
we're looking at one of the prominent verses of the Quran I'm
sure some of you, many of you may have heard it. It's from Surah,
Nisa, and 58 of Salton Nisa, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, our older
Wilhemina shaytani R rajim Bismillah R. Rahman r Rahim in
Allah here moral dilemma naughty.
Neha, what either How come to buy in
go movie lad in Allah honey, Yanni LUCAM be in a law Hakuna semi, I'm
busting your
so this is what Allah subhanaw taala says, I mean, there's two
big messages here. And then there's Allah subhanaw taala
telling us something else. Allah commands you to deliver trusts to
those worthy of them. Essentially Allah subhanahu wa Tada commands
that you fulfill the trust to those who you owe it, who you owe
them to. And number two, when you judge between people to judge with
justice, then Allah says Excellent. In admonition excellent
is the admonition that Allah provides you and Allah gives you,
Allah is all hearing and all seeing. So that's a very powerful
set of verses here that we have. And essentially, if these can be
fulfilled, then many of the world issues and crisis and
interpersonal problems and conflicts could be resolved. What
we're going to do for the this session today is we're just going
to look at that first part. And then after that, for the next
session, we will look at the second part in sha Allah. Firstly,
let us start with the background of this verse that's always very
informative. While this verse is not restricted to the background,
it definitely gives us an understanding of it definitely
gives us an understanding of what this verse relates to. However,
it's much broader than that. So there's a hadith, there's actually
multiple Hadith about this about this particular event. And that's
the event of the keys of the kava after the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam opened up Mocha, mocha Rama and rode in
victoriously. And then after that, the key was in somebody's
responsibility, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam took the key,
and then after that, who did he give? The key to? That was very,
very, very interesting. So there's multiple versions of this incident
that give you slightly different and more details or less details,
I'm going to relate to you the two that have been related by Imam
Razi and transmitted in his Tafseer by Imam Razi, right,
there's two version they give slightly, you know, different sets
of information which are beneficial for us to understand.
So what happened is that when the Prophet salallahu Salam rolled
into McCampbell, Corona during that, that event, after having
been persecuted after having had to migrate, and then eventually
come back, Ma sha, Allah, bro sauce and comes in victoriously,
so Earthman IGNOU palha Ibni Abdi dar Earthman, son of Baja son of
Abu Dharr, he was the one in charge of the kava they had the
key so in the kava in the Haram at the time, they were different
responsibilities that had been historically
taken up by different different clans, you can say. So the
ambassador the Allahu anhu, he had responsibility for the watering of
the pilgrims and so on. And the sea Donna, the Sudan, that was the
sockeye ibis, and had the sidecar. The Sedona was in the hands of
Earth, native Nepal, while they were in charge of that means the
protection so that means the keys of the Kaaba, very, very important
position, right to have the keys. You can allow who you want inside
and you know, you can stop whoever whomever you want, and you're in
charge of that. So what he did was as soon as he heard that the
prophets of Allah had come into Makkah, he claimed he locked the
door of the Kaaba and he climbed on top, he climbed onto the roof
of the Kaaba refused to give the keys to the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam
saying that if I knew you to be the messenger of Allah then I
would not have prevented you from taking the keys over it or the
Allah or somehow took the keys from him. And he opened the door.
And then eventually the Prophet sallallahu sallam was brought in,
he entered, and the Prophet said was performed to rockets inside.
Now when he came out, remember a bursary Allah who is in charge of
one of the other responsibilities? Right? And it's an honor, they see
this as an honor, obviously, to feed the pilgrims to water the
pilgrims. He asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to
give him the key, so that he could be and his family could be
responsible, and he's the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
salam, he's still in Makkah, though he's a Muslim, but he's in
he's still in Makkah. He hasn't migrated yet, right? So give me
the key so I can have both of these responsibilities. The So
according to this version, it says that this verse came down here,
right? You have to give your Amana and your trust back to whom, you
know who deserves it? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam told that it Radi Allahu Anhu to give it back to Earth man
to give it back to this earth man ignore Tala
and even apologize to him. Right of maybe the way he taken off him
or whatever the reason he was there, right? So then that is when
Earth man, Radi Allahu Anhu now says to add to the Allah one, and
this is not the famous earthmate I'm not a fan. This is the fourth
amendment of Tala. He says a shadow Allah, Allah illallah wa
and Mohammad Rasool Allah, I bear witness that there is no God
except Allah and Mohammed Salah is that means Allah is Allah's
Messenger, and Subhanallah so he becomes a Muslim when seeing this
honesty. So gpdo Ali Salam comes down and tells the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that's when Gbit Salam comes and
tells the price Allah is and that this responsibility of the key
this honor, is it is going to remain in the family of Earth man
forever. Right is gonna remain with one's family forever. That's
one version. The other version is slightly different. The profit or
loss I'm settled with man, give me the key. So he said, okay, here,
take it. Be amanatullah Herky haka be amanatullah Harca be
amanatullah Take it, but with the trust of Allah, He added that
condition with the trust of Allah. Right? I guess that that condition
was understood in those days that I'm giving you as a trust, right?
So then the prophets also tried to take it from him. But he moved his
hand away, he refused to give it he closed his hand, he wouldn't
give it. Professor awesome again, asked him the second time, he said
the same thing, right.
In fact, the person last time is telling him now that if you
believe in Allah and the Last Day, because maybe the person he was
showing himself out to be a Muslim, if you believe in Allah
and the Last Day, then give me the key. So he again said, take it,
but with the amount of Allah. So again, the Prophet saw some second
time trying to take it from him, but he closes his hands clenches
his fist wouldn't give it to him. The third time, eventually he said
the same thing. And then he gave it to the most awesome he was very
scared, you could see he was probably very frightened that he's
going to lose it. That's probably was his, the threat in front of
him, that if I give this is not coming back anymore, right? That's
why he tried to do probably what he did. The Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam got up and
to make the off, he made the tawaf. He's got the key with him,
right? Wait, he's making the off. And then after that, he did intend
to give it to us or the Allahu Anhu. It says, Acquainted his
version. And then he said with man,
take the key.
But with the condition that Abbas Radi Allahu Anhu will also have a
share in this so here's your partner with this now. That's when
Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed the verse. So then the Prophet
sallallahu sallam said to Earth man, as soon as the verse was
revealed, Harker, highly the tune leader tune
take this now and this is basically take this forever. Take
this forever take this forever. Lion zero ha Minka in law violin.
Nobody can now steal this from you pinch it from you * it from
you take it away from you in whatever word you want to use,
right, except an oppressor. So essentially, the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam has decreed that anybody who tries to take it off
you is going to be an oppressor. That's why
nobody's tried to take it from them, because they're going to be
considered an oppressor by the Prophet sallallahu. It is already
what an amazing way to secure it. What an amazing way to fulfill a
trust, right? In a way that he knew that there may be a
possibility that somebody tries to take it in the future. And he knew
from Allah subhanaw taala it had to stay with them. So that's what
he stated. Now interestingly, what happened is that eventually this
Earth man, even though Tala, he migrated,
he migrated to Madina Munawwara right. So he left the key
with his brother, whose name was Schaber until today, and I've
heard this so many times until today, the family
that has the key now is Shavers family. It's his descendants, the
blue shaver, they call them. So they have the family until today.
I mean, the king of Saudi Arabia, you know, he might suggest that
the ministry might suggest that somebody be allowed in or
whatever. At the end of the day, they're the ones who have the key.
So they have to do the honors, right. And somebody and I'm
assuming somebody can talk to the beneficiary by themselves and get
in as well that way. But yeah, it's in their responsibility. And
this is a historical, you know, this is a historical document, you
can say, in that sense. So yeah, that's an amazing thing that just
shows us the profit or loss on trustworthiness that Yep, you
know, he gave it to him, he could have given it to his family
members, but he didn't do that. The point of a lecture is to
encourage people to act to get further an inspiration, and
encouragement, persuasion. The next step is to actually start
learning seriously, to read books to take on a subject of Islam and
to understand all the subjects of Islam at least at the basic level,
so that we can become more aware of what our deen wants from us.
And that's why we started Rayyan courses, so that you can actually
take organize lectures on demand whenever you have free time,
especially for example, the Islamic essentials course that we
have on there, the Islamic essentials certificate, which you
take 20 Short modules, and at the end of that inshallah you will
have gotten the basics of most of the most important topics in Islam
and you will feel a lot more confident. You don't have to leave
lectures behind you can continue to live, you know, to listen to
lectures, but you need to have this more sustained study as well
as local law here and Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa