Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections Sadaqa Best Side Business

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses various verses and examples of people claiming to have the potential to increase their chances of success in the future, including successful businesses, successful personalities, and even successful individuals. They emphasize the importance of giving back to the Muslim community and offer advice on how to do so. The speaker also emphasizes the benefits of sada 49% in helping individuals achieve wealth and success, including helping them to reap the benefits of working in the future. The importance of spending time in the path of Islam to see potential for one's success is also emphasized. Finally, the speaker offers a free trial for a course on Islam, emphasizing the importance of giving in return for everything as a natural rhythm.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

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Ramadan Mubarak to everybody we start this with some verses of the

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and I will double him in a shameful and you'll Raji maybe

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim muda Lovey okarito Law Oregon has for you bar

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if a hula who?

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Kathy Walla who Jacobi Do I ever so we're in a total Geralyn

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another verse methadone Lavina you feel unwell to whom FISA beat and

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he come with any hot button and that's been

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gamma 30 hot button but it's a barren Santa Fe equally zoom Bula

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team me to have the wala who you are you for me?

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Well love was zero 90. So we started with these verses. And

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these are just two verses from a range of verses. There's some

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sutras which some of you could probably say one of the most

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prominent themes in the is the sadaqa theme, these verses about

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sadaqa. And the reason for the relevance of this today, because

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Ramadan is the time of great generosity. Allah subhanho wa

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Taala seems to be at his Most Generous during the month of

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Ramadan. This is the most generous time it seems Allah subhanho wa

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Taala has opened the doors of paradise closed up the doors of

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hellfire and raised every fourth prayer 70 times and every Knuffle

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prayer to afford and then the abundance that you feel in the

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world at this time. Probably the most spending that takes place for

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the Muslim community is probably in Ramadan, there there is

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probably 1000s

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millions that are basically been given to the poor being fed

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to the hungry, and people are donating. And that's what's going

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on right now. That's the Muslim community. That's who we are. And

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I'm here to tell you, I'm assuming that everybody enjoys a side

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business, a lot of people need to have a side business in which they

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hope to make a bit of extra income. It's kind of everybody's

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So what should you do as a side business? I think, how about Uber?

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Right? Uber, a lot of people that's kind of an easy one, you

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just sign up and you make sure your cars kind of decent. And they

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probably check it out. And then after that you get a bit of a

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license. And maybe you have to, I'm not sure if you have to about

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what kind of license, but a lot of people like to do Uber. But

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believe me, I'm telling you, I've never done Uber in my life. Right?

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There's another side business, which is so much easier.

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But it's one that kind of defies belief. And it's not within you

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can say the normal scientific

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realm of things. It's more the spiritual side of things, but it's

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tried and tested.

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Right? It's tried and tested until you don't do it, you won't be able

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to find out. This is the difficulty here. There are

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numerous stories about this numerous anecdotes, numerous

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experiences. And there's no doubt about this at all. Because Allah

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subhanaw taala promises this in the Quran. And that side business

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is sadaqa. If you want more, if you really want to benefit, it

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doesn't matter how poor or wealthy you are, this will make a

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difference to you. Because Allah subhanaw taala promises it. The

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first verse that I quoted, which is from Surah Baqarah, verse 245,

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Allah says that who is the who is it that's willing to give Allah

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subhanho wa Taala a goodly loan. So the sadaqa that we give is

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actually seen as a loan by Allah subhanaw taala, that you're

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lending that money. And when you lend a decent person, a dignified

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individual money, you expect to get it back. In fact, that's

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probably who you want to lend your money to, so that you can actually

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get it back. And they give you back. Well, in South Africa, we're

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told that when you give back sadaqa, make sure you do personal

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other, which basically means that you give back in a good way. So

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for example, if somebody if I owe somebody a loan, and it's come due

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now, I should not then say, You know what, come next week, come in

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the middle of the night, coming some awkward time, or go and get

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it from that guy, or go and get it from him. And just make it

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difficult, because this is a natural thing in human beings to

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then dilly dally and delay in which in Arabic is called Marshall

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McLuhan, you don't. That's what the statement is. It's a hadith

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that the delaying of a person who has meaning who's considered

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wealthy enough to repay the loan, if he delays for no reason, then

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that's an oppression. That's considered an oppression. So when

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you expect to get when you give something to Allah subhanaw taala

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you expect to return and you expect a very, very good return.

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And Allah actually tells you that what he is going to give you back.

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So he says when I give you the return is going to be for you die

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for hula

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I often Kathira I'm going to multiply it multiple times, many

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times it's going to be multiplied Allah subhanaw taala in the next

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verse, verse 261, assorted Bacara Allah says that those who spend

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their wealth in the path of Allah is gamma 30 habit, it's like a

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seed that you are planting, even a pound, like let's just say simply

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a pound. And then you can multiply that by the pounds that you may

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want to give, if you give seven spikes, or whichever organization

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you're giving that to, it's like a seed. That seed has its DNA and

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everything to grow into whatever it's been designed for. And in

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this case, it's been designed, it's come with the rehab button

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under the sub escena bill. Right, it will grow seven years of corn,

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seven years, and that's not it. Now, each I don't know if you've

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ever I mean, you've seen a corn on a cob and you may have seen the

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way it grows on its plant. So when you uncover it and you take out

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the corn on its cob, it says every one of them has to have has now

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100 seeds so that's 700 there from one seed from what you're one

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pound or for however much you want to give and you can multiply that

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that's what Allah subhanaw taala is promising

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thereafter that in order to mana Africa and Allah says that if this

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is a really interesting verse, Allah says, What philippou rasa

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Corbally the ahead como to fire cool firepower without Bella hula,

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her attorney in a genuine Caribbean for Assad, the kava Mina

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saw you mean really interesting when you look at this, what is the

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one thing that that people would like to have come back to the

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world for so that they can do more of so they can reap the benefits

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of it in the Hereafter. This is in hindsight, by the way, in

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retrospect, this is not while they're in the world, after

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they've departed this world they've gone finished the time and

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this one is up, they go to the hereafter and Subhan Allah, Allah

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is saying spend of that which We have provided you

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before that before death comes to one of you. And then he says, you

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could give me some time. So at death, they're saying, Give me

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some more time give me some respite.

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So that I can give sadaqa and I can be of the righteous ones, out

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of everything else. Like I can go and pray more, I can fast more I

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can go more hedge, I want to do more sadaqa they notice at that

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time they figure it out at this time what the benefit is, of how

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potential this is. So we have we're explaining this from the

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perspective of worldly gain that you are giving a loan to Allah you

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get it back multiple returns, but also from the hereafter, that

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there's a huge benefit there in the hereafter. Allah subhanaw

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taala in certain Hadith, verse 18 says, You will die for the home

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what a home as you carry every multiply for them and they get a

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huge reward a noble reward for it. In fact, if you look at certain

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Hadith, much of it is about spending in the path of Allah Lama

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Allah Comilla tune in if you submit Allah, what's wrong with

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you? Why is it that you can't spend in the path of Allah, Allah

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literally chides people, like why don't you spend in the path of

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Allah. And there's a number of other verses in our short time we

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don't have what I want to mention, is based on this, there's a hadith

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which says mana kasama Dohmen sadaqa Torani has related wealth

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can never decrease by giving in sadaqa that's such a unscientific

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so called unscientific thing to say that I'm literally decreasing

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my wealth by giving this money, I'm not seeing any return for it

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straight away, maybe, right. And you're saying that wealth does not

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decrease by sadaqa?

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How does that make sense, but you see, we are people Alladhina Umino

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want to believe we are people who believe in the unseen, we believe

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in this kind of a system of Allah subhanho wa taala. And there's

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numerous examples of this. I just give you one example. A friend of

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mine, he's a doctor in America, and in America, doctors make a

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decent amount of money. And this guy Ma sha Allah He spends a lot

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of money in the path of Allah, that Ramadan, he paid for a

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sponsorship at white thread Institute, the Institute we run

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for to sponsor a move the students this was to Ramadan Zico, if I

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remember correctly,

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he did this either on one of the odd nights, or maybe it was the

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27th tonight. He had also and I didn't know this, he had also

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spent in some local local charities there in America in

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Chicago, right. And he then sends me a message and him and I still

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got that WhatsApp message. A few days later, maybe two days later,

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he sends me a message. And he said Sheikh I just want to share

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something with you. I literally depleted my balance. By giving

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away so much money in charity in Ramadan, I depleted

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My balance, right? This wasn't I just gave 10% or 5% begrudgingly,

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I depleted I didn't have much money left.

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And I got worried. Because, you know, you need a bit of balance.

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And he says, I got worried. I said Tolkien, Allah, Allah did this for

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Allah is that literally either that same day or the next day, I

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can't remember now I'd have to consult. He said, I got a call.

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He's a doctor. He said, I got a call from from a particular

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company that wanted me for consultation. I got a

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consultation, a side business side business is not his main job. He's

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got his main occupation. So as a side business, that consultation,

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and they were going to give me much more than what I have given

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pretty immediate, pretty immediate. There's numerous

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stories to this now, what is it that would stop us from spending?

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I think it's a number of things. Number one, we're just naturally

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miserly. And that's absolutely possible. I was like that. I think

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I'm still like that, right? Natural miserliness, you just

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don't feel like you can give because you don't see the benefit.

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You're not getting anything in return. We're selfish.

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We don't understand why. You know, when you're selfish, when you want

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a return for everything, you find it very difficult to spend,

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because what are you getting in return? You don't see it straight

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away. But you do see it once you start giving it but you have to

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give it first. It's a weird one, where you have to spend first,

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then you'll see the blessing, then you will want to give what then is

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easy to give. Now, the reason is that, you know, it's a natural

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stinginess that runs in the family. There's a there's a guy he

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says in the olden times, he says that he was in the desert. It was

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really hungry. There's nothing there, no hotels, and finally

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comes up with one a 10th of some Bedouin. And it's just the woman

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who was there. Right? So he said, Do you have anything? He said,

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this isn't a she said, This is not a hotel. Right? We're not here to

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pass away, we just about surviving, etcetera, etcetera. And

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she didn't give him anything. So he sat down, he just had no

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strength to carry on.

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Some hours later, the husband comes back from work. He's 40,

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wherever he was, and he saw him, he says, What are you doing? He

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said, Well, you know, I don't have any money. He went into his, he

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went and slaughtered a goat for this guy. And he said to his wife,

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why didn't you do that? He said, we're not here. This is not a

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hotel and everything. And then he fed him.

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Some days later, again, he's in a similar situation. And there is

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another tent. And

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the woman saw him, the wife saw him and she said, Oh, you're your

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traveller. Let me feed you. And without saying anything, she fed

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Some hours later, the husband comes home. And he got very angry.

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He said, whose meat is this? Where did you get this meat from? And

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he's told his wife off, why are you feeding him?

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He's a guest. So now this man says that, you know what, a few days

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ago, I had a similar experience. Where was the total opposite? Such

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in such a place? He said, Yes.

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The woman from the first case is the sister of the guy in this

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case, and he's married to the sister on the other side, right?

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So it runs in the family sometimes.

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And the only way to get out of it is to give and then you will see

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that you will get back. And it's not just for us in this world to

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get back. That's not I'm just that's a selfish idea. But

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Hamdulillah we can have that. It's the best side business you want to

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survive. That's what you do, and you need to start giving and

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Ramadan is the best time to give because the rewards are even

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further multiplied. Allah is so generous. Can you imagine Can you

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imagine the amount of people that are being fed during this month

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and being given and we're not taking part in this, and we're not

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talking about just as a card here. That's your obligation which you

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need to give anyway. That's the dirt of the wealth. Zakat is the

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wasI who unworldliness the dirt of the wealth of people. We just need

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to separate that 2.5% Anyway, that's a that's a major issue if

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you don't do that, but we need to get beyond that. Right? I can't

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believe that if somebody has 1000 pounds of zakat to give which

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means that they owe that their assets are how much how much they

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got that's 40,000 pounds. That's the assets can you not give

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another 2000 pounds and then get it back by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada

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We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to make this easy for us to show us

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the benefits remove our stinginess and our miserliness. And may Allah

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subhanaw taala accept it from us, and thus we get the benefits of

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what Allah subhanaw taala promises in the Quran. Welcome to Darwin

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annual hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen May Allah subhanho wa

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Taala bless our Ramadan system, our Eco Morocco. The point of a

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lecture is to encourage people to act to get further an inspiration

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and encouragement, persuasion. The next step is to actually start

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learning seriously to read books to take on a subject of Islam and

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to understand all the subjects of Islam at least at the basic level,

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so that we can become more aware of what our Dean wants from us.

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And that's why we started Rayyan courses. So that you can actually

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take organize lectures on demand whenever you have free time at

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especially for example, the Islamic essentials course that we

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have on the Islamic essentials certificate which you take 20

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Short modules and at the end of that inshallah you will have

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gotten the basics of most of the most important topics in Islam and

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you'll feel a lot more confident. You don't have to leave lectures

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behind you can continue to, you know, to listen to lectures, but

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you need to have this more sustained study as well as local

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law here and Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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