Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Wedding Anniversaries

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The customer is discussing the idea of celebrating wedding anniversaries, but the agent suggests that it's not necessary to restrict it to a particular day or type of gift. The agent also reassures the customer that it's not a requirement for their particular tradition and that they can celebrate together on any day.
AI: Transcript ©
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What is really ruining of on celebrating wedding anniversaries?

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I mean, again, it just depends on why you're doing it if a husband

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and wife want to celebrate, you know, nicely and they want to go

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out for dinner, or they want to just, you know, give each other a

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gift or something of that nature, not in any way done by anybody

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else, for that matter to you know, so you're not falling. So I'm

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going to tradition, then there's nothing wrong with that, you know,

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there's nothing wrong with husband and wives being happy together,

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right on a particular day, but you don't have to restrict it to it

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has to be on this day with that, then they drop everything for

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that. It could be at any random time. You know, oh, we've been

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together five years call us, you know, let's, let's just celebrate

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and have a good time have time, some quality time together,

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something of that nature. So it's not done for our particular

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tradition, and there's nothing wrong with it.

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