Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A The Correct Way of Spending Child Benefits and Tax Credits

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the benefits of child credit, including a tax system that doesn't require a separate account for it. The child credit is for the whole family to spend on it, not just for the children. The speaker explains that child benefits are for everyone to spend on it, not just for the children.
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The money we get as child credit do we have to make sure it's only

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spent on them Do we have to make a separate account for it? From my

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understanding of child credit, child credit is not only to be

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spent on the children, child credit is essentially a top up for

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families who are not making this particular amount of threshold

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that the government has in mind. So the there's obviously tax,

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there could be tax that's taken off, or sometimes if you're making

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below the threshold, no tax will be taken off. But then you get

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topped up money, which is to spend as a family. So it doesn't belong

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to the husband, or the wife or the children in particular, it belongs

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to the family as a whole to spend on them. So they can decide how to

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spend on it. In general, it doesn't have to be restricted only

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for the children. Child Benefit is a slightly different, but child

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credit. Child credit is definitely for the whole family to spend, you

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know, for what could be rent, it could be food, it could be

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clothing for anybody, of course, it would be abused for just one

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person to spend it on themselves, and not on anybody else, or just

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to save it for themselves or send their because sometimes what you

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have here a wide, what I've seen as questions coming through is

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that a person will say that my husband is taking all the money

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and sending it to his family, you know, in another country, or the

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wife is keeping it or whatever the case is, it's for that family to

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spend and to basically live their life with when it comes to child

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benefits. Child Benefit is more specifically for the children. But

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again, do you have to save it and only spend it on the children? It

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depends. If the only money you spend on your children is from

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child benefits, then of course, all that child benefit has to go

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to them, because you're not spending anything else on them. So

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all of their food, their clothing, the they're part of the bills of

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the house, you know, you're so particular that you spent

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everything from the child benefit on them, then that is obviously

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the case. But if you're spending on them with your own money

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anyway, which means that you're spending with your salary or with

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the money of the household, your spending on their clothes, or

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anything else like that. And generally speaking, it's up to the

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amount of what you receive, the cost that you incur, in bringing

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up your children is similar to the child benefit that you're getting,

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then you can use that child benefit because you've already

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spent, you know, 100 pounds, you're getting 100 pounds of child

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benefit for so many children or whatever it may be, you've spent

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100 pounds on your on your children anyway, then then that's

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fine. So that's the way to look at these things. It's not kind of

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like money that's given specifically to the children. It's

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money given to spend on the children. It's not an investment

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for them. It's not money that you should keep aside for investment,

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if you can, if you want to. That's entirely up to you, but just you

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don't have to investments are a different thing altogether. This

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is not what the government from my understanding is giving Child

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Benefit for. That was the fun that was the child fund that they had

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where, which worked for several years where whenever you had a new

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child, then they put a certain amount in a particular fund for

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them. That was a different issue of investment. This is not an

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