Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Kissing the Qur’an

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the issue of kissing the Quran and how it's allowed to happen. They argue that kissing is not a problem, but it's a sign of respect and a way to avoid getting recognized. The speaker also suggests that people should respect the etiquette of kissing the Quran, but it's not something that needs to be legislated.
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When I was young in madrasa and anyone dropped the absolute color

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in the Quran by accident, they would quickly pick it up and kiss

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it. Some people also had a habit of kissing the Quran on the front

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cover. When they finished praying, I've noticed this habit continuing

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adults, when they finished praying, they kiss the cover and

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put the Quran away. where it's come from. And is this allowed?

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Absolutely. It's allowed. It's the it's the book of Allah subhanaw

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taala. So when you if it's allowed to kiss somebody else, like you're

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allowed to kiss friends on their forehead, for example, are you

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allowed to kiss your spouse, you're allowed to kiss your

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mother, your father, children, then why is it allowed to kiss the

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Quran? As simple as that, you know, like, what's wrong with

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kissing something? Right? There's nothing wrong with it. We do it

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out of respect. It's not an A but it's not a bad so there's no

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better here. It'd be better if you say if you do it, then you get

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this many rewards or something new make up some kind of worship

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aspect of it. So kissing the Quran is not an issue at all. It's like

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I've got so much love for this Quran has given me so much

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guidance, the words of my Lord, I can't kiss my Lord, I want to kiss

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his Quran. So there's nothing wrong with that. However, to

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insist that people must kiss the Quran is a problem because it's

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not something that has been legislated that you must use the

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Quran. So you can't tell others to do it. You can't insist but if

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you've got a feeling you want to kiss the Quran is completely fine.

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Right? People you know, they when they get their first cell phone,

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you get the new iPhone or whatever, which this is not 100 is

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just like, you know, they they, they kiss the iPhone, they kiss

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whatever they get. It's just an expression. There's nothing wrong

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with it.

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