Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Keep Forgetting which Rak’at You’re in

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of maintaining positive emotions after a stressful experience and not forgetting to record the emotions. They suggest that breaking down into different records can cause feelings of anxiety and stress. The goal is to prevent feelings of anxiety and stress from reoccurring.
AI: Transcript ©
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While reading a lot, I sometimes forget what records I'm on and how

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many I have read. This also happens after my second surgery,

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what should I do? Remember generally mentioned here that, if

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that's how, you know, if you had that kind of

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in decisiveness, then what you do is if it's the first time it's

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happened to you, you break yourself out. And you start again,

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if you just cannot decide which one you're on, and you don't even

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have any dominant opinion about which record you're in, you just

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break yourself up and start again. But if it's happening often to

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you, then you just base it on the least. So if it's between two and

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three, it just pretend it to right. And then and then sit in

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every record afterwards, because you have to make sure that your

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last record your last sitting is in the actual fourth record, or

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actual third record that if it's Maghrib, right, so in order for

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that to happen, you have to sit in every subsequent record after that

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to make sure that just in case that was the one

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