Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Intentionally Breaking Fasts in Ramadan

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The speaker discusses the importance of keeping a thorough diet to prevent future injuries. They suggest estimating the number of fires broken at a man's level as a proxy for his likelihood of occurring. The goal is to prevent harm by achieving a balance between fasting and rest, with a photo as a reminder.
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Bismillah when you're a man you're walking

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I have many fires broken intentionally

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What can I do to make up for it so you have to first estimate how

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many fires you've broken like that. So give a good estimate you

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know 2050 100 Whatever it is, you have to make all of those up

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individually right 1111 The fact that you've broken us

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intentionally in Ramadan in Ramadan, right Ramadan fast, then

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that means that you have to keep a thorough but you only have to keep

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one ghafar You only have to pay one penalty, one expiation and

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that is 60 days of consecutive fasts, right, which are not

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disturbed in between by our eat or something like that. Right?

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menstruation is fine, that doesn't disturb it. But 60 days continuous

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fasting, right,

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have to be made up for all the fats that you have missed, along

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with the color of those individual fast. Now if you made up your

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gefallen and you missed it, then you're broken. Otherwise, you have

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to do two photos, but you don't have to do a one photo for each of

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the first. You do want a photo for all of us, along with their

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collaborators along with their colors.

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