Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Du’as for Protection Against Evil Eye and Harm

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses various doors in Islam that may harm one, but also protect others. They mention specific names like Imranranran and Rima H har har. The speaker also discusses a tray that will do and stay pure, but emphasizes the importance of reading them carefully.
AI: Transcript ©
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How'd you protect yourself from the evil eye especially from

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certain family members who may feel jealous of you and what you

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have aspired to without breaking ties of kinship, practical tips

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and specific doors do as you read

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the Kulu Allah who had sort of lost a little fella

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conservativeness cloud bearable fella colada Verbena business you

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read the morning and evening. Then you read the protection doors and

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there's a number of them in the Hadith. One of them is Bismillah

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Hillery ly Adorama asked me he shot on film or the will of his

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sunnah it was Samuel it will be Callamard Allah hit multiman shall

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Rima hudec. So these two doors are very powerful, you have to read

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them a lot of a class and a lot of firm Yaqeen and belief in them. It

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means in the name of Allah Bismillah Hilah the Allah do Roma

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SP in the Name of Allah, taking whose name or with his name or

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through his name. Nothing. Lo Domantas means shape and follow

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the will of someone nothing in the heavens of the Earth can harm

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because harm can only come if Allah permits it. So if we're

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taking and seeking refuge in Allah, hopefully inshallah He will

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protect us. The other one is our will be collimated light multiman

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Shalimar Hala, which means that I seek refuge in Allah in the in the

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great words of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the complete Words of

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Allah subhanaw taala from every evil that he's created, so every

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evil that is out there, this is a very comprehensive door. There's

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also a number of other doors as well. Right there's there's a

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number of other doors as well that are related about this. If you

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read the morning and evening inshallah nothing should should

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touch you. If you feel that you're going somewhere and they might do

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something to you or you have suspicion then just read this door

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before you drink whatever is being offered to you or eat whatever is

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being offered to you. But you need to strike a balance of being

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paranoid and you know you need to be cautious reading these doors

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are good regardless of the situation, right for every one of

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us to read this. The other thing is this tray stain will do and

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pure as much as possible unless you're obviously on your menses

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right to stay pure as much as possible.

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