Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Du’as for Protection Against Evil Eye and Harm
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The speaker discusses various doors in Islam that may harm one, but also protect others. They mention specific names like Imranranran and Rima H har har. The speaker also discusses a tray that will do and stay pure, but emphasizes the importance of reading them carefully.
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How'd you protect yourself from the evil eye especially from
certain family members who may feel jealous of you and what you
have aspired to without breaking ties of kinship, practical tips
and specific doors do as you read
the Kulu Allah who had sort of lost a little fella
conservativeness cloud bearable fella colada Verbena business you
read the morning and evening. Then you read the protection doors and
there's a number of them in the Hadith. One of them is Bismillah
Hillery ly Adorama asked me he shot on film or the will of his
sunnah it was Samuel it will be Callamard Allah hit multiman shall
Rima hudec. So these two doors are very powerful, you have to read
them a lot of a class and a lot of firm Yaqeen and belief in them. It
means in the name of Allah Bismillah Hilah the Allah do Roma
SP in the Name of Allah, taking whose name or with his name or
through his name. Nothing. Lo Domantas means shape and follow
the will of someone nothing in the heavens of the Earth can harm
because harm can only come if Allah permits it. So if we're
taking and seeking refuge in Allah, hopefully inshallah He will
protect us. The other one is our will be collimated light multiman
Shalimar Hala, which means that I seek refuge in Allah in the in the
great words of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the complete Words of
Allah subhanaw taala from every evil that he's created, so every
evil that is out there, this is a very comprehensive door. There's
also a number of other doors as well. Right there's there's a
number of other doors as well that are related about this. If you
read the morning and evening inshallah nothing should should
touch you. If you feel that you're going somewhere and they might do
something to you or you have suspicion then just read this door
before you drink whatever is being offered to you or eat whatever is
being offered to you. But you need to strike a balance of being
paranoid and you know you need to be cautious reading these doors
are good regardless of the situation, right for every one of
us to read this. The other thing is this tray stain will do and
pure as much as possible unless you're obviously on your menses
right to stay pure as much as possible.