Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Does Exposure of Body Parts Nullify the Prayer

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of protecting individuals from exposed portions of their body, such as the palms and feet, in a conservative Christian school. They suggest that if a part is uncovered, it is considered a small portion, and that protecting the arm and leg is crucial. The speaker also mentions the importance of praying for protecting one's eyes and ear from exposure.
AI: Transcript ©
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If parts of the hour become exposed on accident in the solid

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is it invalid,

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if any part that has to be covered, so for women, it's the

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whole body except the face, the palms, and the feet in the Hanafi

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school in Shafi School of feet have to be covered as well. If any

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part other than these three become uncovered, just for a short while,

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like a quick uncover, then then it doesn't harm the prayer.

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It's my crew, if it happens, often you're not covered properly, and

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you you if something keeps exposing, you have to keep putting

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it on, that's my crew, it's undesirable, it takes away the

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reward. But what will what will be invalid is if a part remains

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for the duration of three Subhanallah, as for example,

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that's about four or five seconds Subhan, Allah Subhan, Allah Subhan

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Allah, the shorter Sorokin of the pressure, which is integral of the

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prayer. So if something remains uncovered, and that the amount of

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amount uncovered is 1/4 of the limb, so not just a small portion,

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but 1/4 of the arm, for example, remains uncovered, or 1/4 of the

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year. And that's the smaller the limit, the more dangerous that

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uncovering is obviously.

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So then that would invalidate the prayer if 1/4

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of any limb, large or small, became uncovered for the duration

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of three SubhanAllah. US for example, then it would be

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inherited anything less than that is mcru.

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To do so, so the Why would something be uncovered? If you

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didn't cover properly? People pray every day, right? So they know

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what is covered and what's you know, how to keep themselves

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covered? Another question is, what about if something shows the

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figure of my body it doesn't uncover it, but it's close

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fitting, so it shows the form of the body. That doesn't break the

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prayer, but that's mcru. Regardless, let's mcru to pray in.

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For example, in tight sleeves, or in leggings, or something of that

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nature that doesn't have something. If you've got leggings

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on and

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long skirt over it or a robe over it, then that's different, you

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know, because it's not being exposed to the outside.

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Eye used to pray to her in school in my school uniform, which

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reveals my leg, my leg shape. Two years ago, do I have to repay,

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repay all of those dollars? That's the question. Right, so you don't

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have to you just make Toba because it's not invalid, but it is highly

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disliked. But you don't have to repeat those prayers after the

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